.University Bailey has GALA support; greeks back Maples' bid By Dar.ilyn Truppe fmerald Contributor Tht: (* ft v and l.t:sbittn Alliance is endors lug Kirk Hailey and Sheila Stickel for A SI ’() president and vine president, while the Creek (•Indorsement Committee has de< ided to back the Steve Maples Diane Cushman ticket CKt to ditectnr Tim Huss said he fell that Maples arid Cush man an two very S a student group that * - - has felt threatened on this campus " Russ sani "But I do feel the committee had the interests of the student body in mind, and they weighed that just as heavily .is they would the interests of the greets After all, greets aie students. Ion Cl 1I is endorsing Mil haul Colson, Bart lay I.lnvtl Cravson and Kari Anderson for lie seats; anti Scott Dunlap. Mark Winger and Craig Namba for positions on the KMC Board of Direr tors Bethany Strasfiurg and Tom Oberhue have tpialtfied candidates with good expert elite "The endorse inent is coming from the CM.' endorsement for Associated Students President's Advisor) Council: k mil lor student groups anil make them mini' t'lfii ient ami mini' I'tliM Ini' (.ravsiiii's experietKe this \ isn as inter iretermtv ( aiunc il treasurer would help him e\ amine other orguiu/etion's budgets to determine where (iravson said In1 would like tti hold information sessions on budgeting for student groups and that lie would work with groups throughout the veui "I'm a motivator lie said I d he nil e and help them ahead ot budget season ( iravson is a sophomore pie business major ALL FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS... ARE NOT CREATED EQUAL Il vou believe ihat .ill linancial institutions arc the same, perhaps vou ha\e not looked into \om ('rvi.li! I nion \t ( I ane <>. business is not conducted as usii al We ollei a unique approach to financial semecs \s a cooperative, members have equal vote and sa> in the management ol the Credit t nion I he result is an al lordahle and responsible wav ol providing financial set v ices ^liile linancial institutions are not created equal, we happen to believe that all members are Come visit t l ane O and let us show vou the Credit l nion wav ol doing business Serv ing l ot () students and emplov ees. UQ NCUA CIRRUS ■ ■> :• ooi Emerald ODI 1 • ODE ODE i ODE : ODE