Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 12, 1990, Page 6, Image 6

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EUGENE, OR 9740 5
54 5-7021
I toly I hursJav, April 1 2
p u. M » i ;tI* tii. u • •? tin fit tU. >11’ " --J h\ \ . ‘ i? tl-‘
\!l »r ,t| Isip. , until ttiniiu^ht l . »n!i • . 'IV- .ittu llu M r
( »ooJ I riJ.iN , April 1 \
12 iV Hi*Ml ThfVt h'Hir JcV.MiOtl tvfliAtH>n«« 'll thi I.S? m-\ i n vnn»i > *!
I- ■- u ith tnii'K mfiflu .il
J iV p !»> Station* ■ >? 11ii- C.'tvf.uinij; >t tin ‘ tm • ( !< I I tl>= :
; r ... J i. Hvn.in. i - I’.jfi ihrmg urn ivy !!.»*■ »tiJ * m. -n? * -t 1* m:ii. »
, i',1 P III 1 (<Uf\ •( fin W ;•! -'itl. fin .• tin. 1 \ . M !
.if t»Mt **l flu- t f .>■*-- aii.i Hi»lv ( unit* union t. • -r.f. • - us- • i; ! v
I l..l\ Saturday, \pril I 4
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I asti r \ i^il. Sunday, April 1 S
!< Blew.! ir f fin V . I ' V j \\ .II, ? {v.; t: • It ■? < I ! Vi !
K. i’pf >n of rht ( tin ini if. I m h.ir
t aster Sunday, April 14
M ■ ’ ‘ X. ! ' .V r. ’ x -• ,
1 lu New man Center Stall in\ ito \ i*u to hmh us in tin i h*i\ V\ irk %<-r\ u o
I hr ( '.itlnilu Parish serving the l HI O sun c /lJ/ >
I 'm da\ >ou ran charm' ><»ur classified ad either
In phone or in person!
Call 346-4343 dail> . X am to 5 pm
Room 300 Erb Memorial Union
ASUO candidates express goals
Call for reduced costs,
more campus diversity
B\ Alit e Thornton
f rnerald Reporter
With similar promises to in
i re.ise i .impus disersits .md re
din e costs to students, the
ASl () presidenti.il candidates
met Wednesday for the lust de
hate of the elei turn season
Candidates Steve Maples and
Diane Cushman and opponents
Kirk Halles and Sheila Stir.kel
disi ussed communication with
student groups and individu
Maples <imi (aishman said
they support .m open door poll
<\ with emphasis on outreach
.mil ay ailahilitv to students
Wo d 11Isi■ to .11 lively suck
stuciiuits out on i .intpus. Mu
pics said We don't want to
wait until students come to see
( Irishman said she and Ma
pies would keep students ill
formed through the puhliiation
ot ,i monthly ASl'l) newsletter
Student groups would have the
opportunity to submit state
ments .iIkiuI their ai tivities to
keep the student body in
Hailey and Sin kel empha
sized communication through
"outreach and empowerment.''
promising they will actively
pursue the needs ol student
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groups throughout the school
\ (Ml
I he ( .imp.Hijn lor Kirk anil I
is not going to end on election
d,i\ Stu kel s.inl We’re
comniitted to going to student
groups through the Year
"()ur heliet is that out rear h
rerpiires .1 personal approach.''
Hailey added " The outreai h
will he there
llailev and Stir.kel discussed
the problems ot the higher edit
cation budget and high student
lees Higher education funding
is the primary projet I of the
tii kel Hailey said
"We have a funding crisis 111
the state when it comes to high
ei education.'' Hailey said
"We want to make sure there's
money going to more < lasses
and professors
In relation to the issue of
higher education, Maples do
lined tear her accountability as
a goal of the Maples'Cushman
tiiket Requiring extended of
fice hours and insisting that
professors abide by those hours
is an important issue to stu
dents Maples said
"I would like to see an in
crease of emphasis on evalua
lion when it comes to merit
pay ' Maples said
Both In kets emphasized re
due iug bigotry and
homophobia on 1 umpus as well
as allowing student groups to
speak tor themselves and estab
11 sir their own agendas
Maples promised that no
group or person would he dis
1 1 miniated against for any rea
son though he admitted they
do not vet have all the answers
to solve discrimination Input
from student groups would
help solve these problems he
Halles said lilt'll lit kel Will
.tlsti fight in end discrimination
mi t ampus. adding lli<it In- .inti
Slit kel have a niultitullur.il
.uni diverse approai li to t .1111
pus issues
I'hf addition ul .1 lil.ii k Ir.iler
nit\ t mini il is supported by
Bailee ,uid SI 11 kel Hie new
1 uuncil would be separ.ite tiuni
the Interlrateinit\ I ouni il in
order In meet the ditferenl
needs ul I lie bl.11 k fraternities
knk and I delinilels sup
port the idea ol a separate lilat k
fraternity council." St it kel
saitl The\ operate differently
They ret|uire a separate (rater
lllt\ I.illllll il
Both til kels supported tilt
idea of adding voting booths to
the dormitory areas, although
the\ expressed concerns over
the issue of bias
In spite ot the possible bias
they agreed voter participation
is important to the elei tion
Pepsi Team Invitational
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For Tickets Call
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Major t redit t ards at t opted