newmoN C6NT6R ST. THOMAS MORE UNIVERSITY PARISH 1850 EMERALD ST EUGENE, OR 9740 5 54 5-7021 HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE I toly I hursJav, April 1 2 p u. M » i ;tI* tii. u • •? tin fit tU. >11’ " --J h\ \ . ‘ i? tl-‘ \!l »r ,t| Isip. , until ttiniiu^ht l . »n!i • . 'IV- .ittu llu M r ( »ooJ I riJ.iN , April 1 \ 12 iV Hi*Ml ThfVt h'Hir JcV.MiOtl tvfliAtH>n«« 'll thi I.S? m-\ i n vnn»i > *! I- ■- u ith tnii'K mfiflu .il J iV p !»> Station* ■ >? 11ii- C.'tvf.uinij; >t tin ‘ tm • ( !< I I tl>= : ; r ... J i. i - I’.jfi ihrmg urn ivy !!.»*■ »tiJ * m. -n? * -t 1* m:ii. » , i',1 P III 1 (■*-- aii.i Hi»lv ( unit* union t. • -r.f. • - us- • i; ! v I l..l\ Saturday, \pril I 4 ' • , M: . 'Mi. ■ ! Iv '.line ■ ,.| M ■ I asti r \ i^il. Sunday, April 1 S !< Blew.! ir f fin V . I ' V j \\ .II, ? {v.; t: • It ■? < I ! Vi ! K. i’pf >n of rht ( tin ini if. I m t aster Sunday, April 14 M ■ ’ ‘ X. ! ' .V r. ’ x -• , 1 lu New man Center Stall in\ ito \ i*u to hmh us in tin i h*i\ V\ irk %<-r\ u o I hr ( '.itlnilu Parish serving the l HI O sun c /lJ/ > ▼ TAKE CHARGE (VISA or MASTERCARD) I 'm da\ >ou ran charm' ><»ur classified ad either In phone or in person! Call 346-4343 dail> . X am to 5 pm Room 300 Erb Memorial Union University ASUO candidates express goals Call for reduced costs, more campus diversity B\ Alit e Thornton f rnerald Reporter With similar promises to in i re.ise i .impus disersits .md re din e costs to students, the ASl () candidates met Wednesday for the lust de hate of the elei turn season Candidates Steve Maples and Diane Cushman and opponents Kirk Halles and Sheila Stir.kel disi ussed communication with student groups and individu als Maples