Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 12, 1990, Page 2, Image 2

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Taking one last look
before party's over
W ith lHr benefit of two weeks' hindsight. let s Bike
another look .it flu* March it student police tear gas
showdown over parties
• We appreciated University President Myles Brand s
measured response to the 14lh Avenue disturhuni e
Brand was both linn and lair in his statement: lie ex
pressed Ins con. erns uIdle making it < leer that throw
ing bottles at cops is a stupid idea I urlhurmure. Brand
really demonstrated Ins appns iation ol student con
cerns in the mat ei linlike. sa\ his response to the
Ot toiler science; Building protest. Brand considered
student . omplaiiils and even went so tar as to criticize
some ot the polii e a. turns.
• Brand also met with student leaders in .. roundtable
luncheon to ask loi their ideas in ending the antago
nism Tins was an admirable step, hut one thing that is
becoming int leasinglv clear about the party confronta
tions is that they are mu. h more than a police-student
problem The situation is a community issue It's the
University's estimate that only one-third of those in
volved in the disturlianc.es are 1 hiiversily students 1 he
recent arrest lists bear this out: most of those taken in
have not been students .it the University
Fugene's cit\ council halted i raising on Willam
ette Street two years ago and I In* results «»r*' showing
up now Hon'd high sc hool students are c oming to the
campus area for their entertainment Solutions to the
student polic e' problem must involve input Irom the'
c itv counc il and from the local high sc hools
Along these lines, there's a need for some sort ol
mediation or citizens’ re view hoard to meet with the'
police ANUO President Andy Clark has expressed
sonic' interest in these steps, they're great ideas and lie:
should be encouraged to pursue them
• Most people don't blame Fugenes anti-cruising law
tor the new parly problems. They instead blame the
University s gieek system decision to go semi-dry and
there's Itc'C'ii a lot ol t.ilk about allow ing the fraternities
to pool house funds and host keg parties again Sm
prisingly. the* fraternities say they an* against this leu
reasons til image and liability.
The fraternities certainly have the right to manage
themselves, but it's our feeling that allowing kegs
wouldn’t be a bad idea f irst of all. it would mean a re
turn to larger private* parties at greek houses, where
high school students can't crash. Secondly, it would
mean fewer off-campus parties and the drunken driv
ing that arises from it. Thirdly the fraternities' current
policy of individual purchases means more hard alco
hol purchases, which may lead to higher rates of alco
holism within houses. Finally, and we re not being fa
cetious here, beer in plastic cups is safer than beer in
bottles you can't hurt somebody throwing a c up
Oregon I foil» _ _
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T he < V, ; :.1 [\t'. \ I 1 ■> ; A 5 W ,U, thn .. ;/ F». !.«,•
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Were really getting sh k at
watching .1 few mu.ompriiims
mg owl preservationists threat
ell tin* well bring ot .ill Orego
nians And mm wo havo a
to,tin ot In preservation biased
si lontists i ailing toi a logging
ban ol nearly H million ai res of
land m ordor to "save*" pot
haps 1.000 pans ot spotted
owls (that s over 2.500 aims
per pair of owls!)
We appret late these scien
tists com ern lor a tew owls
hot vie arc absolutely appalled
at their blatant disregard tor the
well tii mg ol at least till 000
human beings iplus their lami
lies) whose jobs are directly
threatened b\ then proposals
Hut the preservationists are
still not satisfied In them, ft
million ai res is not enough
W here w ill they stop? These
preservationists shrug olt thou
sands and thousands ol lost
timber jobs ruined list's as it
the people involved simply
don’t exist They argue that our
economy will ultimately re
bound But after how mam
wars and at what pri< t*v We
( an t afford to wait and see
Why i an t these few noisy
proserv at ion ist s see the big pit
tori' and exert isr some rational,
moderate thinking'’ Let s put a
ijiink end to the preservation
ists' hysteria Iw submitting the
spotted owl logging issue to a
vote of the people Let the mu
jority voice of the people from
till' 1’ai itic Northwest del life
our future not .1 few preser
valionisls 01 a team of 10 sc ion
lists Irom b.u k foist
Kob letlerson
And 10 cither signatories
I would like to warn people
of a threat to their health that
thev may be subjecting them
selves to I am talking about ttic*
prolonged use of oral antibiot
ic s as an .11 tie treatment
Several years ago 1 allowed a
dermatologist to persuade me
to use antibiotic s (tetrac yi line,
erythromycin. minocin) tor my
ac ne One or two months after I
started this treatment, I noticed
that I was having more trouble
i untrolling m\ emotions than
usual I i tied a lot anil ai ted
liupulsivels . often to ms regret
It took me at least a sear to
realize that these problems
svere no urnng mainly before
eai h menstrual period I loss do
antilnotli s cause premenstrual
ssndrome’ flies present the
body from properly utilizing
i .ih mm. even if i ah ium-rit h
foods are eaten regtilarls. and
i ah mill defii tern s leads to
I’MS Antibiotics also increase
the likelihood of osteoporosis,
(buttle bones], because tiles
present a young bods from at
i umulating the bone mass that
it will need later in life
It has been more than three
sears since I stopped taking the
antibiotit s t still have I'MS
and very sun sensitise eves and
skill another side etfei t
(fine I ssas nearly hit bs a < ai
because ms sun-sensitive eves
svere blinded bs an amount ot
sunshine that tormerls would
not bother me
Waking up and going to bed
.it the same time each das call
redui e acne without ruining
sour health And mas be people
that |udge you bs the texture ol
sou skm aren't good enough
for you
Alice Bern
Never in mv short historv of
dealing with the media have I
seen mv words so hlatantlv
misrepresented as tliev were in
Peter Cogswell s arid le 101)1
April ti) on the I At !t H s ap
proval oi l)r Richard Mar
roccos macaque resean h
I would like to suggest that
(aigswell familiarize himsell
with the difference between di
rei t < it.ition and paraphrase so
that ill the future he i an avoid
plat mg graimnatii alls and or
factuallv ini orrei t paraphrased
statements in quotations
M\ font erns about the
lACi t. decision include Mar
roccos questionable level of
training: however, that is set
oildarv to the belief lh.it ev
ploiting nun-human animals is
no less oppressive than exploit
ing Inimans, and that a healths
Ihiiversilv should not advor.ate
such forms of oppression I do
not feel Cogswell communii.at
ed this m his artii le. although I
believe I made it < lear in our
) 111 Ireidberg
We would like to thank the
Kugeue Police Department for
warning us that teal gas would
he used to disperse the crowd
• it tile Man li t 1 parts l fur nnlx
leipiest is lh.it in the future
the\ remove then gas masks so
that we nin\ hear sui h a uam
Matt Bender
Kent Dare \
I mi I luglies |( >1)1 A|ii il "i|.
you .in' mv kind nl man! Who
ever you ari', you ari* making a
brilliant |>oint! It is about linn'
Ini us students In stand up tor
our rights
Through the last century we
haye sum tIn* unions light over
life-threatening conditions, we
have heard environmentalists
moan over our heating of the
globe we have heard the poor
sii k and old i I \ out fin 111st K e
and we have seen people of col
01 light lor eipiulity and tail
treatment so. now il is really
time Ini us totally ignored s|u
dents to tight fin the right to
Kverybndy from l ake Oswe
go 111 the north In halo Mto in
the south the lime is now to
get milled Ue .10 piniid ol the
heritage and the old light tor
freedom ol assembly Deal
-0,1)01) oppressed and poor st 11
dents it's time to party'
T red ()\ en
_Letters Policy_
Letters to the editor must be limited to no more than
250 words legible, signed and the identification of
the writer must he verified when the letter is submit
ted .