Editorial— Taking one last look before party's over W ith lHr benefit of two weeks' hindsight. let s Bike another look .it flu* March it student police tear gas showdown over parties • We appreciated University President Myles Brand s measured response to the 14lh Avenue disturhuni e Brand was both linn and lair in his statement: lie ex pressed Ins con. erns uIdle making it < leer that throw ing bottles at cops is a stupid idea I urlhurmure. Brand really demonstrated Ins appns iation ol student con cerns in the mat ei linlike. sa\ his response to the Ot toiler science; Building protest. Brand considered student . omplaiiils and even went so tar as to criticize some ot the polii e a. turns. • Brand also met with student leaders in .. roundtable luncheon to ask loi their ideas in ending the antago nism Tins was an admirable step, hut one thing that is becoming int leasinglv clear about the party confronta tions is that they are mu. h more than a police-student problem The situation is a community issue It's the University's estimate that only one-third of those in volved in the disturlianc.es are 1 hiiversily students 1 he recent arrest lists bear this out: most of those taken in have not been students .it the University Fugene's cit\ council halted i raising on Willam ette Street two years ago and I In* results «»r*' showing up now Hon'd high sc hool students are c oming to the campus area for their entertainment Solutions to the student polic e' problem must involve input Irom the' c itv counc il and from the local high sc hools Along these lines, there's a need for some sort ol mediation or citizens’ re view hoard to meet with the' police ANUO President Andy Clark has expressed sonic' interest in these steps, they're great ideas and lie: should be encouraged to pursue them • Most people don't blame Fugenes anti-cruising law tor the new parly problems. They instead blame the University s gieek system decision to go semi-dry and there's Itc'C'ii a lot ol t.ilk about allow ing the fraternities to pool house funds and host keg parties again Sm prisingly. the* fraternities say they an* against this leu reasons til image and liability. The fraternities certainly have the right to manage themselves, but it's our feeling that allowing kegs wouldn’t be a bad idea f irst of all. it would mean a re turn to larger private* parties at greek houses, where high school students can't crash. Secondly, it would mean fewer off-campus parties and the drunken driv ing that arises from it. Thirdly the fraternities' current policy of individual purchases means more hard alco hol purchases, which may lead to higher rates of alco holism within houses. Finally, and we re not being fa cetious here, beer in plastic cups is safer than beer in bottles you can't hurt somebody throwing a c up Oregon I foil» _ _ Emerald r 4» fu.x «1 ; A 5 W ,U, thn .. ;/ F». !.«,• ami va* jiions by the Oregon Daily Emerald Pubhshi University of Oregon F ugene Oregon The Fis • >ptw.*ltHJ irttteptjndenlly of the University with ih,» 1 • • » (he l't Men • un. a id <•• a ?t *•">!*•» • the A-.-. . The Emerald is private property The unlawful removal or use ot i • utabie by en. ept during ng Co at the offices on the idled Press capers 'S pros Editor t h<-n .is Pr »•• • Managing Editor f diional l ditor Graphics i ditor Encor* Editor Associate Editors K<*!v '• V News tailor Sports Editor Supplements Editor Night Editor C.nM'iiopner omi’ Tracy Sumner Dana Jackson Denise Clifton UOmmutiMY *.!»• 3iuo«ni uoiBinmeiu wummrj Higher Education/Administration B«-< < h Features (Vr ■••»'• !! Reporters A» }•.» ;»» Pot*-- - *;->*• A . . . . ■■* ■ Ua t ■ - de; n.t < H Kidd lay no L i* efish Pat M.i.h Stephanie Monomer, Cam Sivesmd Alice Thornton Photographers ud Advertising Vo— B* A • , Mat*- M** M M* ' a Krc.!- ' ilbpi I Ja.c J Wt?r Production Je • a r»»i non Lotus Child Jirr> Pin i !i|ni;i J r Mas " Wo Romt:** * i J anet Schobe' Mart-- T hi»*i jde‘ ShtClie Hag#*'- 0a> • J ManS It M-.Avuy No ■■ S i'."' P,i!? Vi'Q1 -a Pear *• Kathy Smith < Kathryn Barton T»-n Boring Jed Oarfe Ai>< e Can ►, Yvette G-: Jennifer Huev l mda K: last ad F lisa »dy M. ■••••, A I Mur- : .r?‘•1:• • Pan -a : Am-j Ted *h*»;;!••* Je-mfer Sm>th ('adir Star* Martin •e* , I -• Irvyr ! While Kelly W»Hian'\ General Stall Advertising Ouecto» ' i ' Assistant to the Publisher * - t * y Pioduclion M.injg»i • U Advertumg Cooidimtoi . :-d 0.r.'1)1 A|ii il "i|. you .in' mv kind nl man! Who ever you ari', you ari* making a brilliant |>oint! It is about linn' Ini us students In stand up tor our rights Through the last century we haye sum tIn* unions light over life-threatening conditions, we have heard environmentalists moan over our heating of the globe we have heard the poor sii k and old i I \ out fin 111st K e and we have seen people of col 01 light lor eipiulity and tail treatment so. now il is really time Ini us totally ignored s|u dents to tight fin the right to parly1 Kverybndy from l ake Oswe go 111 the north In halo Mto in the south the lime is now to get milled Ue .10 piniid ol the heritage and the old light tor freedom ol assembly Deal -0,1)01) oppressed and poor st 11 dents it's time to party' T red ()\ en Marketing _Letters Policy_ Letters to the editor must be limited to no more than 250 words legible, signed and the identification of the writer must he verified when the letter is submit ted .