Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 09, 1990, Page 8, Image 8

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    ( orge (^K'niiftor, M l> is the
Akohnl and Dnig bdutahon
( oordinator .it I >n klnson ( oi
1« >;«*. C arltsle, I’A 1 !«• lias writ
ten ruitm'imisjrtu l«M)iii hemi
alde|vndeiu v and isa national
consultant > «» issues relative to
ado lev ont substance abuse,
natural highs and developing
humor and i rnativity
April's Featured Speaker:
(ieorye ()bcrmeier.
National Humorist and Iducational (onsullanl
"Natural Highs'*
I hursday, April 12
7:00-9:00 p.m.
100 \\ illamette
Discover the positive power of humor and
learn of healthy ways to ^et "high." Join in
April's activities and celebrate spring well!
I «ap,Ut* *m WtUlil
and tennis
tvy>in today
cm h
ui. 4t n
I alk by Jane
renowned primate
rrvin h *» icp1 -.U
a.. l*»rvtv j! ( rr.'-a
^ 4* *
Njtiu.il 1 I i^’hs
presentation by
ill C l>SAM
W- II Qb
Arbor Day
l Vremonv
nr a !rw pUnfmg
/ i
1 eaguf sot tt*r
K’i'iib today
S ■ fee
<iJ K A!
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4 m a r»nru I
‘I’nunt in* fur «
I Iralth y S»h ir*>"
K i > r «r rclurr
I Ml fuKu.m
4,. Surviv j! t rnirf
> uuth All >■'
1 beater
I hit ks on a
pm Mac Court
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Hie l )ru,iu‘ss t*
1 \ ervthin^;
I Ml Hai.f.H
XV 41
I >iet tor a new
by tohn Kohbirut
pm. I Ml - HaUroou
i .jitii i ).i\
,’K and 114 fun
\ u>n KjWrr Park
V> Inr students
t j Mm 4V*>
i y
Am font I orah,
f iitiire 1 arth"
' 4 » ,>n p nr venting
nuclear holocaust
< V\ 4mrtir
( Alt Mm 4 V*.
i ienderSpeak
(. tunnunuta
turn VN >rksh»'}'
7 pm {‘arson t -old
IK! 1 ptr/4'
Mi W.h
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l lection*
"Aerubi Fun
prciai jt-rub*** rvcm
1 IfV 1 W' ri m y.‘ 1
i ■*-: linger Sun i\m h
.4 , KIM
tV» 4111
Women * Health
l onferem r
C 4 W.»rrvn '
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VIf lstrrm
Wor Wshop
t 411 (, A! -A
\4r. \ u«'
i 4'.: Mi t hA
14- IA
Frislve league
Nyjns today
$.> t rr
tall KIM
WW/russ Month has bom ooordtnatrJ by CC'IS AI / unJ the l Vjm t»/ StuJmts' ( ^ftics
l o' rru'rc mfitnriutu'n i ontti ! f.kjnu' Robfrt*>on Assistant to the l Van tor Training un.i
PrfTYntu>n. or Karim Conklin Media Rrlatu>n> Assistant at }4t' M05
Campus Organization for a Substance Abuse Free Environment
L t T T [
• hpt
-l p I auuil
Cj rap hies
• Design ( onsulhition
• I’M! s lunsp.irrm ics
346-138 1
St II i I i '(• ( nn Ml KU 'HIM i INK )N
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'' >< > ■ (MM I
Phi.l.i In M#if k ^ it it
I).inn\ I opr/ /HI lr.nls A’/i k \li“.llm in rr Ihr strrpln Imsr lor .1
I-J tinisli .mil .<n \l \ \ ipi.ilih ini; limr loi holli Ir.n Lslris
Skipper's javelin toss
sends men over WSU
IK \shlex ( onklin
I merald Sports Reporter
Although lltt' tiual margin
was oil]s 1 i points Ho ~t .Sat
nrdav’s men's ilu.il moot be
tui t n Oregon ami visiting
Washington Slate was dei itlt-tl
earlx on
Art Skipper’s i tune lioni lie
him! win in the javelin, with a
school and imr! ret.oral toss ot
1 t t o\fi Washington Slate's
Stffjan Wlkstroni. sri the stage
earlx and thegon added otliei
as in-, m the sleepier base 1(1(1
meter relax ami an unexpei led
sixeep in the 1 10 melei high
I x ei x both i i iiupeted xs ell
and it was a good team \ it.to
rs Oregon coach Hill Dellin
gei s.nd 'Washington State
i onipeted reallv v\ ell Tliex
xxtoe i ilining at us pretl v hard
We had ,i lot u! tigers out
there todax . " Ilellinger added
Ihe biggest tiger max have
been Skipper who xx.isn't ex
pet led to be pushed in the jave
bn u111iI \\ ikslioin uni orketl .i
throw oi 2-S2-1 i on Ins Inst .it
tempt I low ex nr Sk ippei i .one
bat k to unleash a throw of
more than 2 to feel bis Inst
ex ei on Ills third attempt
I knew it would be a i lose
meet, so I knew I had to beat
him. Skipper said We've
been working hard iti woikouts
and 1 knew 2-10 xxas i lose
I was surprised to see the
( nilgais throw so far in tile lax
rlin." Dellinger said I know
i! i auuhl \rl In surptise I
yvontjered it tic would respond
.mil lit' dill, ril.ll si'l him llic
meet «eat tin as
Despite Hie absent e at I’m it
It til ( onfei eiK i eh.imp Marly
Slrusi belli bum Washington
state in the steeple!.hast1 tile
late yy as a good one between
Oregon's Damn hope/ ami
Kit k MestUsj ami Washington
State's Hubert I'nt e
Lopez passed [’lire with
about three laps In go anti then
held all Mi stier as the Out ks
go! a big I 2 finish In addition
l.eipe/ (B 1!"ij ami Mesllei
(H 1 t _"l| both beat the XI \.\
quality ine stand aid t it it 11 and
Mestler s time was a personal
rei urd
I be steeple* base was a he\
event u ith our guvs going
I Dellingei said To get
hath qualified w as a bonus
Despite being bothered In
s|i knt'ss e.u llt‘1 in tile u eek
I ope/ said he lelt pietty good
attei the rare
'I’ve been k I ml i it sii k all
week and I wasn’t breathing
that well out there he said
It’s really nil e tu quality and
it lelt pretty good
hollowing the steeple! Il.lse
the I)u< ks yvere able to add a
w m in the )()() relay as am hut
man Klaus Weigeldt held nil
the ( imgals (leorge (Jgheide ill
the final st i aightaw ay The win
lorn to Men, Page 10
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