( orge (^K'niiftor, M l> is the Akohnl and Dnig bdutahon ( oordinator .it I >n klnson ( oi 1« >;«*. C arltsle, I’A 1 !«• lias writ ten ruitm'imisjrtu l«M)iii hemi alde|vndeiu v and isa national consultant > «» issues relative to ado lev ont substance abuse, natural highs and developing humor and i rnativity April's Featured Speaker: (ieorye ()bcrmeier. National Humorist and Iducational (onsullanl "Natural Highs'* I hursday, April 12 7:00-9:00 p.m. 100 \\ illamette Discover the positive power of humor and learn of healthy ways to ^et "high." Join in April's activities and celebrate spring well! I «ap,Ut* *m WtUlil and tennis tvy>in today cm h < 4II KSM ui. 4t n I alk by Jane (ioodall. renowned primate rrvin h *» icp1 -.U a.. l*»rvtv j! ( rr.'-a ^ 4* * W 11 Njtiu.il 1 I i^’hs presentation by ill C l>SAM W- II Qb J2 Arbor Day l Vremonv nr a !rw pUnfmg / i 1 eaguf sot tt*r K’i'iib today S ■ fee K n v ' 11" R 4 m a r»nru I ‘I’nunt in* fur « I Iralth y S»h ir*>" K i > r «r rclurr I Ml fuKu.m 4,. Surviv j! t rnirf 16 > uuth All >■' Prevention 1 beater HrtnCompIr* I hit ks on a Roll" pm Mac Court . 4 . Wf. V . 4 Hie l )ru,iu‘ss t* 1 \ ervthin^; I Ml Hai.f.H XV 41 /.s’ js 20 I >iet tor a new America by tohn Kohbirut pm. I Ml - HaUroou 21 i .jitii i ).i\ ,’K and 114 fun \ u>n KjWrr Park V> Inr students t j Mm 4V*> i y Am font I orah, f iitiire 1 arth" ' 4 » ,>n p nr venting nuclear holocaust < V\ 4mrtir ( Alt Mm 4 V*. 24 i ienderSpeak (. tunnunuta turn VN >rksh»'}' 7 pm {‘arson t -old IK! 1 ptr/4' CallC OSAM. Mi W.h 1 ) l lection* today and tomorrow 2b "Aerubi Fun prciai jt-rub*** rvcm 1 IfV 1 W' ri m y.‘ 1 i ■*-: linger Sun i\m h .4 , KIM tV» 4111 Women * Health l onferem r C 4 W.»rrvn ' . • j r.Mt. t XV- 4 ■ *• • VIf lstrrm Wor Wshop t 411 (, A! -A \4r. \ u«' 2S Boycott i 4'.: Mi t hA 14- IA 2^ Frislve league Nyjns today $.> t rr tall KIM XV-4111 30 COSAFE WW/russ Month has bom ooordtnatrJ by CC'IS AI / unJ the l Vjm t»/ StuJmts' ( ^ftics l o' rru'rc mfitnriutu'n i ontti ! f.kjnu' Robfrt*>on Assistant to the l Van tor Training un.i PrfTYntu>n. or Karim Conklin Media Rrlatu>n> Assistant at }4t' M05 Campus Organization for a Substance Abuse Free Environment L t T T [ rl RFECT • hpt •I'tlmii -l p I auuil Cj rap hies • Design ( onsulhition • I’M! s lunsp.irrm ics 346-138 1 St II i I i '(• ( nn Ml KU 'HIM i INK )N L _ '' >< > ■ (MM I Sports. I l\ Phi.l.i In M#if k ^ it it I).inn\ I opr/ /HI lr.nls A’/i k \li“.llm in rr Ihr strrpln Imsr lor .1 I-J tinisli .mil .