Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 06, 1990, Image 1

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    __ Ore son Daily_ _
■ Animal research debate. Page 4
■ Ballot measure roundup, Pam* 5
■ Km ore! section. Pages 7-10
■ Men prepare for WSI , Page I I
I rid.n April (i. 1‘MMI
KiijUMir. (tregon
\ olumr 111 Number 1
warned of
tax mixup
Bv Stephanie Holland
Emerald Reporter
I'.raduatc teaching lellows
who pin lair share lei's to the
( aaduate I'eai hing fellow s
federation should he advised
when filing tax returns that the
tees are different from i ontnbu
lions made to Oregon laii
on s who are not members
of the federation p.n fair share
fees, whir h enables them to be
invert'd In the federation's bar
gaining unit, said Krn Bui kies
the l hriversiK s emplin ee re I a
turns manager
I lowever tan share fees are
different from i ontiihutions
made to Oregon I an Share
vvbn h is .1 i itizens' ai turn
group that works for politic a I
resolution of stale publii Intel
est issues
About two weeks ago, some
international students t ontact
ed Diane Kau union represen
tative for the (, I I f . about con
fusion they had airout lair share
tia's on their tax returns Kau
file i ontusion iirose altei
some t.ix inlormation ollered In
the ( Min e of International Set
v u es last month led the stu
dents to believe that their (111
tan share tees went deductible
triim lederal lot lime tax
lorn to (.IK Page 14
Bird's eye view
I'rrshmnn Mark Hrrntn (It'ft) and Irfl Huttrm tilth
rnjo\ gatnr at onrim-otw Thursd,i\ aftrniiin \
warm spoll of spring sunshint- has brought main stu
dt'iits out tor outdoor sports
Photo hv St«'\ <• < .iiril
Weekend approaches;
partiers call for peace
K\ folie Andrade
1 meruld Reporter
I)rspiii* ill** Ii'iimiim resulting
hum last weekend s coitlronlu
limi v\ ith Lugrnr polii r. I m
vrisitv partv vl*umn sav thru .it
t ltudes m«l\ havr i hanged to
ward thr pot it r blit I hrv .in*
not looking tor trouble tins
\\ rrkrnd
t 'mv rrsitv student I nn l l.i
/«• n s.i ill . i (t it udrs m.i\ have
shitted but III* dorsn t fi*i‘l stll
drills w ill bri omr rebellious .is
.1 result
Students .dso si-t'lil to br tak
mg sides said I >av r < .imp .1
mrmbri ot onr ot tin* b.lllds
M\ r\pri inn r 111 till* List
trw days is lh.it t Ill'll* is .1 real
division brtvvrrn wh.it proplr
think ( .imp said I here is
soinr hostibtv but l think thru*
,irr strong Irrbngs to vvoi k
things out
(amp said hr is starting a
group. Students Against ( on
tmnt.ittonal < in umstani rs to
rlirmnati* further problems
w ith till* poll! r
I )isi ussions brtvvrrn the I ni
vrisitv somi* of I hr students
involved in the 1 out routed ion
and polu r oliu ris have alrradv
begun to help dei lease ten
Main ot the negative atti
tudes students have toward the
polil e .trill from the wav thr\
say polw e handled the situa
t ion
Piirtv goers sav problems oi
1 in red as a result ot lai k of
i oiiiiiiunii ation
I 1 an under .land d their
w rrr noise t oiii[>i<iii)ls lull
their should base bet'll some
olhet measure ot t omuiuuii a
lion said Hr.nl Wearstler. a
irsnli'til ot a neighboring Iniiltl
I really Irrl th.it with i uni
miiiui alion I hr rulin' siliiiilion
< mild vr brt'll ilr.ilt With. I la
/rn said
ll.l/rti said hr had no prob
Ir in s\ 1111 llir | ml n r show mg up
hill was opposed lo lllr wav po
In r lutndlrd llir situation
I lirv i iinir in through llir bai k
w av and nrai l\ i ausrd a slain
prdr bn ansr students null bail
onr plait* to r\i! through, br
1 don't Irrl llir pol it r ban
lilrd il in llir mnsl appropi lair
in.mnri I la/.eii said
llir issur ol salrtV sllonld
b.ivr brrn addrrssrd agrrrtl
I la/rn and Hut k llirre w as
( out rill lii.it proplr would srri
Olislv grl burl
I la/rn also said hr dull! I Irrl
proplr vvi'ir warned sulli
1 U'lllK I Ir w as in llir llllddlr
ol llir i row'll w lu ll thr (loin r
rr ported I v ( .liltionrd students,
but br said hr didn't bear a
I’olii r tear gassing a parts
r. not going lo slop llir (drink
iug| problem ritllrl said |o
lias | alinslrorm a resident ol
one ol llii' apartments involved
Ilii'S (the pol Ire) nrvet told
the purls lo disperse
I .illusion!! said
Hui k said lie also w loir a let
In to I apt Du k hosenli and
puhlit informal ion ollirer inn
lorn lo Weekend, Page 14
Renowned primate researcher to speak at Hult Center
Goodall began field study in 1960
Bv Stephanie Merit imer
fmerald Reporter
111 |,im* Hood,ill known worldwide
lor her pioneering stmh of Afrit an
chimpanzees will speak *il the llult
( enter Tuesday on primate researt h and
world ildlite pole \
(moduli began her field study in lntill
at the age ol .'0 when she arrived in
Nairobi Kenya from Hournemouth
Knglund to fulfill a ( hildhood dream to
study animals in Afrit a and to write
aiiout them '
There she met tamed anthropologist
I)i Louis Leakey. who recruited her to
do ,i long term study ot i huupan/ees in
the wild Although (moduli had no
training tor scientifii researt h she set
out tor (auntie in the interior ot Tun/n
nia. antit ipatmg the study to last three
V ears
She was at < ompanied by tier mother,
bet a use the Afrit an authorities would
not allow a single Lurupean woman go
out into tlie bush tint haperoned
(.rifits predicted she would not last
more than two tia\ s
Now completing tier kf‘Ith i onset utive
\e,ir of stud\ (aiodall has been rerog
nixed by the World Wildlife fund for
e\ei uting the longest unbroken field
stink ever ( ondtii ted nl any group ol
animals in tin'll ii.ilur.il li.ilut.il
In nearly tlirt'i' (In odes ol stink
(loinl.ilI recorded tin- first observation ol
i himpan/.ees m.iking .mil using tools,
which up until lh.it tirnr was consul
mini bi'h,i\ mi unli|uc lo humans
\1iii li to her ilism.il. I noil.ill .list) u it
nrssi'il thi' breakdown ol .1 t lump,ill/, .
i .(immunity into violence ami wanton
killing In a National krogi.iphn Maga
/ini' artii le she s.ml that tin- violent In
havior ilisplaved hy the i himpany.ees
shmvi'il an even stronger link between
humans and jinmates
In addition to tulldling her t hildhood
dream (aindnll said in her earlv writ
mgs that she wanted lo slink the i him
pan/ees linearise in the future the lie
strut.Imn ol the environment may limit
primate researt h to those in i aptivit\
(Inodall and her < olleagues hare
formed the (annmillee for ( amservalion
and (’are ol (ihiinpan/ees to promote the
survival ol wild chimpanzees and lo im
prove the i are ol those in i aptk ik
In the i out luston ol her latest hook
/Vie ( '/imrpuriyees nl I nimbi ■ I'.itlrrns of
Behavior. l.oud.ill writes
"Let us hope that even as our greed
and and shameless destruction of the
natural world gradually take from vet
|.mi- (•ooil.ill
moii i himpan/ees their forests their
freedom .mil often their lives, our
know ledge of their i apa< it\ for .iffm lion
and enjoyment and fun. foi tear and suf
fenny; and sadness will lead us to treat
them with at least the i oinpussion we
would at cord fellow humans
In addition to authoring three major
hooks Cioodall has been the subject of
several National (.eographii Society
spei nils and has been honored by si ien
11 si n .11 mi ml tin' win Id
\mung her mans aw .ink are llii' I
I'aul ta'tls Wildlife Conservation I’ri/.e
(I‘1IH|. I In- Alli.'il Si hsveit/ei Award
Irnm tin- Animal Welfare Institute
(1*11171; and thf jtiM’ph Wood Knitili
Award liuiii Tin* Illimani' Sm lets nf the
I lull'd Stales | 1 «»HH|
( a iia|a! | is i me ul I 111 ee women l eak's
sent mil min I lit- wild In studs the ureal
apes I eakes lieliesed that ssiuneii ssere
heller observers and mule patient Ilian
men making them hellei ipialdird tin
field studies
I.eakes purpiisetulls i.linse ssinuen
svith mi si leiitilii hai kground In undei
lake these lung term primate studies lie
cause he alsu ihmight that the svuinen
svimld enter into the studs with upen
minds luipefulls finding mure mnov.i
tise research methods 111,in used in the
(moduli Dian Fosses svho ssas mur
dered in l'UII and Hirute (ialdikas
llrmdamiiui seem to have prosed l ea
kes's llieors inrrei.t through iheiriom
limed sm ( ess ill studs ing gorillas
i himpan/.ees and baboons the i Ins
est relatives ul humans
I n kets tor (uiodall's lei line are $18.
Slli and $111 ss ilh a discount for slu
dents and seniors, and are available a*
the F\U' mam desk or through the Hull
(Miter lor more information i all