__ Ore son Daily_ _ Emerald _Inside_ ■ Animal research debate. Page 4 ■ Ballot measure roundup, Pam* 5 ■ Km ore! section. Pages 7-10 ■ Men prepare for WSI , Page I I I rid.n April (i. 1‘MMI KiijUMir. (tregon \ olumr 111 Number 1 Graduate teachers warned of tax mixup Bv Stephanie Holland Emerald Reporter I'.raduatc teaching lellows who pin lair share lei's to the ( aaduate I'eai hing fellow s federation should he advised when filing tax returns that the tees are different from i ontnbu lions made to Oregon laii Share on s who are not members of the federation p.n fair share fees, whir h enables them to be invert'd In the federation's bar gaining unit, said Krn Bui kies the l hriversiK s emplin ee re I a turns manager I lowever tan share fees are different from i ontiihutions made to Oregon I an Share vvbn h is .1 i itizens' ai turn group that works for politic a I resolution of stale publii Intel est issues About two weeks ago, some international students t ontact ed Diane Kau union represen tative for the (, I I f . about con fusion they had airout lair share tia's on their tax returns Kau said file i ontusion iirose altei some t.ix inlormation ollered In the ( Min e of International Set v u es last month led the stu dents to believe that their (111 tan share tees went deductible triim lederal lot lime tax lorn to (.IK Page 14 Bird's eye view I'rrshmnn Mark Hrrntn (It'ft) and Irfl Huttrm tilth rnjo\ gatnr at onrim-otw Thursd,i\ aftrniiin \ warm spoll of spring sunshint- has brought main stu dt'iits out tor outdoor sports Photo hv St«'\ <• < .iiril Weekend approaches; partiers call for peace K\ folie Andrade 1 meruld Reporter I)rspiii* ill** Ii'iimiim resulting hum last weekend s coitlronlu limi v\ ith Lugrnr polii r. I m vrisitv partv vl*umn sav thru .it t ltudes m«l\ havr i hanged to ward thr pot it r blit I hrv .in* not looking tor trouble tins \\ rrkrnd t 'mv rrsitv student I nn l l.i /«• n s.i ill . i (t it udrs m.i\ have shitted but III* dorsn t fi*i‘l stll drills w ill bri omr rebellious .is .1 result Students .dso si-t'lil to br tak mg sides said I >av r < .imp .1 mrmbri ot onr ot tin* b.lllds M\ r\pri inn r 111 till* List trw days is lh.it t Ill'll* is .1 real division brtvvrrn wh.it proplr think ( .imp said I here is soinr hostibtv but l think thru* ,irr strong Irrbngs to vvoi k things out (amp said hr is starting a group. Students Against ( on tmnt.ittonal < in umstani rs to rlirmnati* further problems w ith till* poll! r I )isi ussions brtvvrrn the I ni vrisitv somi* of I hr students involved in the 1 out routed ion and polu r oliu ris have alrradv begun to help dei lease ten sums Main ot the negative atti tudes students have toward the polil e .trill from the wav thr\ say polw e handled the situa t ion Piirtv goers sav problems oi 1 in red as a result ot lai k of i oiiiiiiunii ation I 1 an under .land d their w rrr noise t oiii[>i