Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 05, 1990, Page 12, Image 12

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Ducks to host Pac-10 tennis event
B\ Robert Weber
Ernerak) C ontributor
I li-sli oft .i i I \ ii fiirv nvet
tlir I’urtlaml I’ilnts mi I in ■ il.iv
till' (hcgnn women' tmn».
team is kinking furu.iiil In
MIII1I- limin' i nukiii;; tin wirl
mill m I iit»i• iif
KeM-nge will pliw 'i I n tm
ulimi tin Dm ks |il.i\ Inist In
Washington .mil W i-.li i' i;1111
Stall' in tin Northern i 11\ imiii.
I'.n itn Hi ( iiuli'rmn i t Itam
rim tlnm il.iy i M ill - t.ii11in:
I tiil.n ami muling SumltU -
will ti'.itun- .i round robin style
ill |ilav tli.it m.iti hi" i In in i
aguInst Inillt tlir 1111 . i ii - 11111
I In1 ( 1111 n. 11 ■- I In- miinlin i mi'
anil tun singles pluyeis limn
inii Ii • i inml w ill I.n i utl w nil
tlir n 111 ill ii ■ i uni' mnl Iw n jil.iv
ns limn luitli nl tin nllm tin
schools I In- rmn.iitinu: ■ liu;lm.
plav m ntiinltiTS llm i through
l ight will Inllnw tin- - in *■ i
Ilii- tournament will gise liii
Dm D ,i i h.ini i- to regain som»
of I In* | ir 11 i < • tli.it Washington
look from tlirm last M-.ison bs
ssalt/nu; through these sers
siuur thampionships without
dropping .1 single mult h
•List vr.ir Washington Im
ishi'tl the loill li.iilienl ss ill) ,1
I(l-tI ret oril Dm k i ii.n l>. Torn
( .li liiel s.ili) This is our
t.halli i‘ In stum I In-m how
unit h we has■ uproseii -mi e
! .isl season ihe i iusk 1C-,
fi.uiiletl the Din ks their ouH
loss lit itie season lllll a llltlf il
tong he I si heilule this season
has helped to make the ! tin k ■ i
team to In lei koneil w ilti
I .as! ie,n we wen- I'll, but
we didn't |)!a\ a vers ilitln till
si heilule t fielder said
t losses e| tills season ss e base
plas eii , o been i lobbereil tis
some ot the nation s top learns
so sse base improsed and miss
vvp arpn't afraid til t>• • inu heal
! Ins urek'-ntl s mate lips
sinmill prov itlp (.iviilpr u iih an
idea ot |nst him mm h his tp.itn
has ifnprmi’i)
Wp would Ilk'- tn imprint
nil ml! l:i-jr ri*i mil of a Vt’al
aiin (.ii'iih'l saiti. and m d
raihi’i tin1 iiripr*>vi*in«*nt i.iinin
against l|if I lush it*s
\\* i!i,' Miv wall against
\\ ushuigtim Slain last yi-ar and
should In' ahh- to improvp upon
that hut our main t om urn is
si-iMim him vsi*lI up tan turn
pptp with U asliingliui
(liptdfi plans to 141 > with Hip
samp lull up lli.il has hrlpid
tin' I tin k' to a ns old this
sp.isiiii with huiiii Xagamotn
H1 la tv Koliprts ami . \ mhi'i
t aiIippii plav 1 in; our two and
thrt'p singh's rpsppi tivi'h Hi;
is looking for an added I most
llolli till' luunhi'l two dmihh's
li'ain ot Kolwits and fipshinan
SIipIIv Hiantll
Phulo l*\ M.utin I hit*I
Kimu \,n,',imnln. ()rri>nn\ tup s//ii*/rs pl.nrr will Irnil thr
Dili As .ni.iiii‘,1 ll .r<hiin;tiin .mil II .islunuton St.itr in thr I’m - III
\nrthrrn Dnismn ( h.impinnsliips
HB. 16-AI’Rll 14
I hi' l ('I Bookstore is
sponsoring a photo contest
with this theme:
We'd like you to photo
graph what you do when
you're not studying or
working, whether it tv a
day on the slojx's or at the
ocean, a romp with your
kids or a demolition
derby Show us what you
do lor fun and relaxation!
Great prizes will lx?
offered, and your entry
photos will lx1 displayed in
the store.
The winners will lx* por
sonallv notified, and then
names posted in the lobby
of the Bookstore, as well
as announced inthe
Oregon Daily 1'merald on
April 30,1990.
1 lave lots of fun with this
Ihere vc ill K' exciting
pri aw awarded to four
lucky winners our
"People's C hon e" prize
winner will lx" chosen b\
vou the people!
First Prize
A ) VC' Remote Control
Compact Disc Player
(Value $3(X))
Second Prize
$200 Cash!!
Third I’ri/g
Olympus Infinity Twin
Camera (Value $200)
People's Choice
Free processing for 52 rolls
of film: enough for each
week for a year!
• Two entries per person
• All photos must have
txvn taken since Jan 1,
• \'o professional (a
[x-rson whose principal
living is made by taking
pictures) may enter
• Si/e of photo (total print
or nut si/e):
Maximum: 11 x 14
Minimum: 5x7
• Color prints only
• Judging will be done by
Qualex, Inc., the UO Jour
nalism Dept., and local
professionals outside of
the UO Bookstore. The
judges will not hi' aware
of who submitted any
The duration of the Photo
Contest will be:
I I B. lt>- APRIL 14, l<hH)
• All photo entries must
ix' received at the photo
department ol the UO
Bookstore ,(near the back
of the main fkx>r) no later
than April 14.
• (>n the back of your
entries you must print
very clearly:
(1) Your name
(2) Your address
(3) The title of your
(4) The type* of camera
lens and film used
(if possible)
• "People’s Choice" voting
will take place within the
store April 1-14.
• Prints must be picked
up by May 31, 19%
l!Vh & Kincaid
M-F 7J04.00
SAT 104.-00
Tennis team
wins easily
Play mu vvitli loui lieshmen
<ind two sophomores. the Ore
mm men's leniils team look .1
dominating H O w ill ovel
Southern Oregon Wednesday
III laigene
Tennis 1:0at h Buzz Summers
loiifident of .111 insv win. gave
lus younger players some \aln
able e\pei iem e w title allow mg
Ins veterans a day oil The re
suits to sa\ the least pleased
''I thought out freshmen han
dled it well." Summers said
They he good pla\ ers They
hay e a lot of talent
I he 1 hit ks jumped out to a
n () lead sweeping to six easx
straight sets \x ms in singles
plus Only one Southern Ore
go 11 playei was able to win
more than tom games and that
m i Hired in hex in Seltleinvre's
n (1 7 1 win liver Ilonin Andei
son 111 the \o t singles matt h
Koherl Atkin opened the
matt li in the \d ! position and
look a win over Drew Blown
i) ( hi 1st 1.111 ()e|kr fol
lowed with a win over Monte
I lelderman hv the same si ore
I I'd I liurm, uni.' ot two soph
onion's competing tor the
Dili k-. look ( .ni' ol luisint'NS in
the fourth position, handling
Southern Oregon's Brian Allen
easily () -J l> 1 Kevin (dovro
look a leg. tel win over Brian
Allen in the litlli singles matt li
Doug Knot the team's othi'l
sophomore i ompeting. finished
singles with another n g. li-g
win. this one coining over
Mai k I larnilton
riiings didn't get am hettei
lor Southern Oregon in doubles
plnv . w Ill'll' tile I )m ks swept to
three straight set wins on the
lodav s si heduled match
with lewis Is (dark has been
i am eli'd. but i mild be made up
later Oregon travels to Salem
to meet Willamette nest l ues
day and hosts Azusa l\u ilii
nest Thursday