_Sports Ducks to host Pac-10 tennis event B\ Robert Weber Ernerak) C ontributor I li-sli oft .i i I \ ii fiirv nvet tlir I’urtlaml I’ilnts mi I in ■ il.iv till' (hcgnn women' tmn». team is kinking furu.iiil In MIII1I- limin' i nukiii;; tin wirl mill m I iit»i• iif KeM-nge will pliw 'i I n tm ulimi tin Dm ks |il.i\ Inist In Washington .mil W i-.li i' i;1111 Stall' in tin Northern i 11\ imiii. I'.n itn Hi ( iiuli'rmn i t Itam (iiini'.lii|i' rim tlnm il.iy i M ill - t.ii11in: I tiil.n ami muling SumltU - will ti'.itun- .i round robin style ill |ilav tli.it m.iti hi" i In in i aguInst Inillt tlir 1111 . i ii - 11111 I In1 ( 1111 n. 11 ■- I In- miinlin i mi' anil tun singles pluyeis limn inii Ii • i inml w ill I.n i utl w nil tlir n 111 ill ii ■ i uni' mnl Iw n jil.iv ns limn luitli nl tin nllm tin schools I In- rmn.iitinu: ■ liu;lm. plav m ntiinltiTS llm i through l ight will Inllnw tin- - in *■ i Mint Ilii- tournament will gise liii Dm D ,i i h.ini i- to regain som» of I In* | ir 11 i < • tli.it Washington look from tlirm last M-.ison bs ssalt/nu; through these sers siuur thampionships without dropping .1 single mult h •List vr.ir Washington Im ishi'tl the loill li.iilienl ss ill) ,1 I(l-tI ret oril Dm k i ii.n l>. Torn ( .li liiel s.ili) This is our t.halli i‘ In stum I In-m how unit h we has■ uproseii -mi e ihen ! .isl season ihe i iusk 1C-, fi.uiiletl the Din ks their ouH loss lit itie season lllll a llltlf il tong he I si heilule this season has helped to make the ! tin k ■ i team to In lei koneil w ilti I .as! ie,n we wen- I'll, but we didn't |)!a\ a vers ilitln till si heilule t fielder said t losses e| tills season ss e base plas eii , o been i lobbereil tis some ot the nation s top learns so sse base improsed and miss vvp arpn't afraid til t>• • inu heal pii ! Ins urek'-ntl s mate lips sinmill prov itlp (.iviilpr u iih an idea ot |nst him mm h his tp.itn has ifnprmi’i) Wp would Ilk'- tn imprint nil ml! l:i-jr ri*i mil of a Vt’al aiin (.ii'iih'l saiti. and m d raihi’i tin1 iiripr*>vi*in«*nt i.iinin against l|if I lush it*s \\* i!i,' Miv wall against \\ ushuigtim Slain last yi-ar and should In' ahh- to improvp upon that hut our main t om urn is si-iMim him vsi*lI up tan turn pptp with U asliingliui (liptdfi plans to 141 > with Hip samp lull up lli.il has hrlpid tin' I tin k' to a ns old this sp.isiiii with huiiii Xagamotn H1 la tv Koliprts ami . \ mhi'i t aiIippii plav 1 in; our two and thrt'p singh's rpsppi tivi'h Hi; is looking for an added I most llolli till' luunhi'l two dmihh's li'ain ot Kolwits and fipshinan SIipIIv Hiantll Phulo l*\ M.utin I hit*I Kimu \,n,',imnln. ()rri>nn\ tup s//ii*/rs pl.nrr will Irnil thr Dili As .ni.iiii‘,1 ll .r- APRIL 14, lr) no later than April 14. • (>n the back of your entries you must print very clearly: (1) Your name (2) Your address (3) The title of your print (4) The type* of camera lens and film used (if possible) • "People’s Choice" voting will take place within the store April 1-14. • Prints must be picked up by May 31, 19% UO BOOKSTORE l!Vh & Kincaid M-F 7J04.00 SAT 104.-00 I11346-U31 Tennis team wins easily Play mu vvitli loui lieshmen 1 Kevin (dovro look a leg. tel win over Brian Allen in the litlli singles matt li Doug Knot the team's othi'l sophomore i ompeting. finished singles with another n g. li-g win. this one coining over Mai k I larnilton riiings didn't get am hettei lor Southern Oregon in doubles plnv . w Ill'll' tile I )m ks swept to three straight set wins on the day lodav s si heduled match with lewis Is (dark has been i am eli'd. but i mild be made up later Oregon travels to Salem to meet Willamette nest l ues day and hosts Azusa l\u ilii nest Thursday