Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 04, 1990, Page 7, Image 7

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Lobbyist takes on
fast food industry
By |no Ruff
Asso< iated Press
businessman who lobbies
against heart Ihreatening
foods has begun a i amp.iign
.ig.iinst Mi I)onuld's Oorp
and other last food outlets
that he sa\s use too main
higlih saturated tats m their
Pul I-page .tils were to ap
pear Wednesday in The U all
Street lournal. Ihe New
N orb Times. I SA I'od.n and
at least 1(1 other major new s
papers They proclaim at
one point "Mil lonald V
Your I lamhurgers I lav e Too
Mill ll I at ■
Phil Sokolol. .in Om.ih.i
multi million.ure ss ho has
waged .1 out'man ( ampaign
against highls saturated fats
m proi essed tomls i alli'd
oil Mil )on,dd s and other
restaurants to rodur e the tat
( (intent of their hamburger
meat In 10 pen ent
About till1 newspapers de
( lined to run the ad. Sokolol
said in an inters iris The ad
singles out Mi I tonald s lie
( ause it IS the i lldusti \ lead
er, hut Burger King and
Wends s also use loo mm h
fat. he said
I’lie l.os Angeles limes
tin lied don n the ad tiei ause
it s iolates a poli( s ol not ai
i epting advertising that is a
direi t attai k on another
( ompanv or indiv idtial. said
laura Morgan, a spokes
woman toi the new spapei
Mi I lonald\ reai ted ss itli
1 think this kind ot ad
vertising is scns.itKin.il n
dnulous and 1 think it s
h*< klrss \1( Donald s so
nior \ it o president 1 )i< k
Starinann said from ()ak
Brook III
Till surprised that
\!i I tonald s is singled out
hei uuso m or the veals we
are the ones \\ ho hav e led
the u.i\ in redoi tug hits in
our menus ' lie said "We
think we have the leanest
hamburger meat available
Ml I lonald s sen es Z.\ mil
lion people a da\ and lias
1 1 .000 restaurants in i J
i ountries
' I Irlt tli.it Mi I ionalil's
represents tht1 I,ist 11»i<I in
dtistn " S11k111111 Mill
I hev .iri‘ tin' number inn'
by l.u thi<\ si't thr tunr .mil
temper I believe parlit ulai
l\ i atering tni Inldren
"( ompames like Mt I )iin
aid's i .ni si'rvt" mast ln’i*t
sandwiches. (nut and vege
tables, i arrol stu ks and skim
milk to kids. Snknltll said
Soknlot. (i7 blames lm;b
i hnlesterol bn a neal lata I
heat I uttcM k he sntlered J -t
vears .11411 lie started the \a
I innal I leart Sav ers \ssiii la
linn in and supports it
largely through Ins ira n ton
U ednesdavs ad\ ertise
ment states that more than
hall nl all Anient ails hat e
too nun h t holesterol in then
blood and . peri cut h.tv e
dangerously high lev els
( ontinucd from Pa^f 4
fin c in ilit- i oiuinnnits U i' iv
sending i loth diapers. as well
as disposable diapers Ilium'
with mm parents sn thev ( .in
11\ them I think th.it will make
,i ddlerent i‘
Tin' i hunge tu i liilh diapers
In S.ii red I It-.1 rt lias led other
lliispitills in the 1 nigene .ire.i
nil hiding Ml ken/le Will.Illi
ette Hiisinl.il ut Springfield. to
i unsider making .i simihir
S\V ltl h
"Right now we're using iiis
pus.iblr diapers. hilt we re
cliei king into using ( loth
s.iid (ieri l.duards ,i registered
nurse .it Mi kenzieWillamette
I think it's ,ui em ironiiient.il
l\ sound ide.i I think more and
runic hospitals v\ 111 lie moving
in that t! iici I ion
|anic c Hill ow tier of 1 li'.ivt'ii
Iv Si nit Diapei Si'ivii I- thinks
the switch to ( loth diapers ri•
th‘i Is ,i grow oil; trend m the
■ ommunity
I here used to he only two
or three diaper services in Ku
gene Slow there’s five or six."
Hill said
'll used to he it was just
i fieapei to use a diaper ser\ h e
Mow 1 get .i lot more i oinnietils
on the environment,’' Hill add
eil ”1 get a lot ot calls and
comments from people who
fee! gudt\ about throwing ills
piisabie diapers ,iwa\ '
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Cigarette vending machine ban pondered
Bv Melissa Iordan
\ssm ialed Press
Ml WT \l’( )l IS (A I') llii' first st.it i' to ban in
door smoking i'm epl loi designated .insis is mm
taking thr trad nation.illv in living to snult out
i igarette in«l( hint’s or at least keep tlnun out ol
\ nungsters' ri*ai h
Sint i' thr st Paul snhurh ol W hite Hear l ake
passed the state's Inst ban on cigarette vehdmg
in.it bines in ()i tobin at least '.0 other Minnesota
i ilies h.ive prohibited or restric ted the mat limes
I he restru lions are part ol a glass roots move
men! lor a smoke tree soi iel\ said lean burster
assistant professor in the I niversitv of Mirineso
la's Si bool of I’ltblu Health
It's i apliired the imagination ol lot al i oininu
miles she said It's something lhe\ i an do at
then level I’hrrr are a lot ol places watching
what’s happening m Minnesota
A measure pending in (smgress sponsored h\
Kep I'ho mas 1.11 ken. It Ohio, w 011 Id ban 1 igaiette
1n.11 limes m am loi ation ai 1 essible to people tin
del IH
lestimom at a bearing last vear cited .1 \ation
al Automatii Merchandising Association report
that 11111\ J 1 pen enl ol teen age smokers but
then 1 igal'eltes from mat bines
Hot advm ales of i igaretle 111,11 (line bans sa\
am pen milage is signtlii ant
It mat not slop kids from smoking but it puts
auotllei ro.idbloi k 111 tile wa\ said White He.11
l.iki' \l.i\oi lent Hi iggs
A few other stales and eommunities outside
Minnesota have insl it tiled or ate cm is i del mg t ig
alette 111,11 lime bails Hut Angela Mu kel dtret lor
i»t the I obar < () I iff \mrri( .1 Legislative ( Ir.iring
house m Washington l)( said ihr local 1 ,1111
jMigns m Minnesota an- tin* most widespread
she’s seen
Mmiiesula is looked al as a leader in hralth
aiIvo( at \ she said
In 1*1 ' > thr st.itr passed ihr nation's first ( Iran
Indoor \ 11 \< t I hr law rtvstrii tm^ indoor smok
111 v* was a model toi laws at ross thr 1 ountl\
White Hear I ..ike and Hloomingtnn are ainon^ at
least ei^ht Minnesota 1 ities hannim; 1 n;arette tna
i limes aitogethei
(llliers Ii.iv <• emu ted sutler reslrn turns Ked
wood 1 .ills trails till' in.ii.liini's from puhlu
|rl.K es 1‘ieslou ri’stru Is them tu pl.li i*s In ensetl
In sell liipuri 1 \i elsuir ri‘i|iiirrs tli.it m.u Itines Ire
under i oiislaiil super! ision liy employees
l lie lui at measures were almost nullified last
month when Minnesota lawmakers innsidered a
proposal that would have overridden lot ail re
stiii turns tin the sake ol i iinsistent statewide i ei^
1 lie hill that passed instead preserves loial
yovernnienls power to Iran the m.u limes while
tilt litem ii|* lestrii I n ms st.it ew ule
111.it measure whlih awaits (aw Kud\ I’ei
pu h s s1141i.ittiie iei|iiires elei troiiii loi ks on ma
■ limes that a business's employees i an ailivate
and reipiires that the m.u limes he kept where
workeis i an inoiutin their use
Ualkei Mei r\ in.Ill v a e president ol the I'uhai
eo Institute a Washington trade ussin latum loi
i ig.irelle maniil.u liners said tile toli.li c.o i (111 list I \
has taken no position on the mutter "It's an issue
that pertains to the vendors he said
Technics sharp brother
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