National Lobbyist takes on fast food industry By |no Ruff Asso< iated Press OMAHA Neli |AP) A businessman who lobbies against heart Ihreatening foods has begun a i amp.iign .ig.iinst Mi I)onuld's Oorp and other last food outlets that he sa\s use too main higlih saturated tats m their menus Pul I-page .tils were to ap pear Wednesday in The U all Street lournal. Ihe New N orb Times. I SA I'od.n and at least 1(1 other major new s papers They proclaim at one point "Mil lonald V Your I lamhurgers I lav e Too Mill ll I at ■ Phil Sokolol. .in Om.ih.i multi million.ure ss ho has waged .1 out'man ( ampaign against highls saturated fats m proi essed tomls i alli'd oil Mil )on,dd s and other restaurants to rodur e the tat ( (intent of their hamburger meat In 10 pen ent About till1 newspapers de ( lined to run the ad. Sokolol said in an inters iris The ad singles out Mi I tonald s lie ( ause it IS the i lldusti \ lead er, hut Burger King and Wends s also use loo mm h fat. he said I’lie l.os Angeles limes tin lied don n the ad tiei ause it s iolates a poli( s ol not ai i epting advertising that is a direi t attai k on another ( ompanv or indiv idtial. said laura Morgan, a spokes woman toi the new spapei Mi I lonald\ reai ted ss itli outrage 1 think this kind ot ad vertising is n dnulous and 1 think it s h*< klrss \1( Donald s so nior \ it o president 1 )i< k Starinann said from ()ak Brook III Till surprised that \!i I tonald s is singled out hei uuso m or the veals we are the ones \\ ho hav e led the u.i\ in redoi tug hits in our menus ' lie said "We think we have the leanest hamburger meat available todav Ml I lonald s sen es Z.\ mil lion people a da\ and lias 1 1 .000 restaurants in i J i ountries ' I Irlt Mi I ionalil's represents tht1 I,ist 11»i thr st.itr passed ihr nation's first ( Iran Indoor \ 11 \< t I hr law rtvstrii tm^ indoor smok 111 v* was a model toi laws at ross thr 1 ountl\ White Hear I ..ike and Hloomingtnn are ainon^ at least ei^ht Minnesota 1 ities hannim; 1 n;arette tna i limes aitogethei (llliers Ii.iv <• emu ted sutler reslrn turns Ked wood 1 .ills trails till' in.ii.liini's from puhlu |rl.K es 1‘ieslou ri’stru Is them tu i*s In ensetl In sell liipuri 1 \i elsuir ri‘i|iiirrs m.u Itines Ire under i oiislaiil super! ision liy employees l lie lui at measures were almost nullified last month when Minnesota lawmakers innsidered a proposal that would have overridden lot ail re stiii turns tin the sake ol i iinsistent statewide i ei^ IIlilt IIIII 1 lie hill that passed instead preserves loial yovernnienls power to Iran the m.u limes while tilt litem ii|* lestrii I n ms ew ule measure whlih awaits (aw Kud\ I’ei pu h s s1141i.ittiie iei|iiires elei troiiii loi ks on ma ■ limes that a business's employees i an ailivate and reipiires that the m.u limes he kept where workeis i an inoiutin their use Ualkei Mei r\ in.Ill v a e president ol the I'uhai eo Institute a Washington trade ussin latum loi i ig.irelle maniil.u liners said tile c.o i (111 list I \ has taken no position on the mutter "It's an issue that pertains to the vendors he said IT’S THE UO BOOKSTORE WAREHOUSE AUDIO«VIDEO » TYPEWRITERS » PORTABLES SONY JVC Panasonic AIWA Technics sharp brother HERE ARE JUST SOME OF THE GREAT PRICES YOU’LL FIND! . .it jr» 00 «f . 4. » 13% oo 43% OO -i . i n oo VCR MACHINES HITACHI V? 1G44A Smart* / v ■ Hf , / /•* »» . m i‘. )4» OC HI . ' » . J»* #1 Rf , r, » 1)0 00 I, • 4)000 H( . -r» > SAD #S HI . iWH A* 5 »fu m*. jii Mf '. 449 IS JA» / < ■ 4t»A PORTABLES ANSWERING MACHINES S S § 8 g CD PLAYERS . It' MNH V. Via TAPE DECKS RECEIVERS SPEAKERS ■ UO Bookstore