Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 04, 1990, Page 11, Image 11

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    ( ontinued from Pav;*' I
snn< tinned campus group
w hx h w.is lilt; tirst thing I Hi
Vflsil\ nil II i.lls looked l< >r
It'D.mis of both apartment
buildings sponsoring I ho p.ir
tios mol w ith Moseley i.111■
Tuesdax ,md will iiurl w ith t*u
Ion ement offii inis on I'huis
dav Moseley anti I tn rail both
said llit- sponsors u! the parlifs
sluuitil pa\ a sli.irt' 'it I'.ugenr
ptllict' s expenses lot tlispi'IS
mg tile t rmvd
\Sl'() I’lesidenl Andy 1 lark
lias s.ntl that the ri'nilroilm tion
ol kegs to fraternities wonltl tie
t rt'.isc tlif nnmbt'r of largo pai
tit's oft t anipus lift ansf thf so
t itd lioust's art* better suitcil to
bandit' biggei t row tls
"I think everyone is in ago •
infill that something ilrastit
needs to bo doin', ( lark said
I rf ally think everything
iiffds to be [ini on thf tabic
Mosfifi and SliiiIcy U iIson
dean ol students ri'jt'ftfd sug
gestions that kegs be allowed
bat k into fraternities
file Iraleniitii's and surori
ties are still having their parties
(without kegsl, so I don't know
how |( dark) gels one and one to
equal two. said Sltulcx
\\ dstin. dean ol students
Wilson said the IbliversitV
w ill likely host a non aleoholit
gathering this spring as one
possihle method to present am
other eonfrontatioiis hetween
partiers and poht e
I low evei. she saitl she didn I
know il the same people who
attended Saturdax s parlies
would t time lo such an event
I don't think it's a bail
idea Wilson saitl "It thc\
would ( onir to something th.it
iiiiin t have ili nhnl. tli.it would
tie great
Wilson .irul Moselev said
thi*\ ui’iv against imposing .111
aliohoMree 1 .inipiis .Hi'.) sum
1,11 to th.il pr.11 tu i'll by Wi'sti-m
()rt*m>n -Sl.iti- ( lollege 111 Mon
mouth hut I,o\ rail said it is .1
possible solution
I would like to believe th.<t
working with students. stu
drills I .III take I Olllrol ot till'll
Ill'll.i\ 101 again .uni th.it 111
I hull's on S.iturd.iv nights
\\ ilson slid
Moseley s.inl tlii- 1 toli'iii o
lugene is experiencing is no
II ittl'I I'll! 111.Ill ull.lt IS helpin'!!
ing 111 other collegi 1 omnium
t u ‘s 11,1! iomvuli'
I lir t.isk tor. 1' tin lin'd m n
spnnsi' to thi' t dm o dr M.ivo
not List %i■. 11 u ill look .it ithrr
piissihh* solutions. 1111 hiding
strengthening 1 dv ordin.int is
.111(1 the 1 Olldui t 1 ode to ile.il
with I lies, melees Mosfli a
I dm .ition .ind union ement
.ne the two keys, he s.inl
The t.isk Ion e 1 (imposed
ol I itiMTsily ottii l.ds student
representatives anil eiiton e
incut oil ii nils mailed .1 letter
to ’ ton students the week be
lore the incidents ilest idling
how to throw .1 responsible p.it
Some new orduiiim es 1 mild
ini hide placing liability on the
landlord and tenants ol rental
units w I10 hold parlies and the
automata cv it lion ot tenants
w ho rei eiv e tw o noise i 0111
plaints Moselev said
Invasion ■
Irom Pant- I
t 'mlristand ill.it tin" suit iit
propaganda campaign that the
I' S m.ill.- i ontinues tu this
da\ " Terreros added while?
displ.n mg < )pi?r.it iun lust
( .him- T-shirts kev i .bains
and patches available in Puna
It's a method ot making
people s i nnscioUSncss go tu
sleep. leireros said "We he
lieve this kind ol invasion
i mild never lie just itled nev ei
be just
Although the government ol
Panamanian President (millet
mo Kndara has been in power
for onh three months, its has
done some things that allow
us to make preliminary judg
mimt Terreros said
"We do not i onsidei it
(I aidara s government) .1 na
tlonal g.i\ eminent hei ause a
government that accepts an in
\ asiun ot its 1 ountlA that a.
i epls being sworn in on .1 tor
1'ign milit.ii\ base w lull1 its
peoplr .nr lining bombarded. i-'
,i hiivrmun r.l being lontrulled
.mil diri'i tint troni outside
i i1 nvros said
I en eros said tbi' govern
ment s legitimai s is ipii's!mu
,ib!f bfi ausr tlii'it' an- two oi
three Amei ii ans ad\ lsers or
controlIt*rs tin everv I'aiiaina
man listcii in an outtini' ot tile
governmental strui lure
So in' ask who is tins gov
innnii'iit representing '
Ti■ ititos asknd " In ns it s logi
( al llif goviTlimi'iit dors not
represent tlif intrri'st ot tIn* I’a
nanianian people
1 In' In tun- part ot tlif l ni
vi-isitv s lntfination.il I estival,
w as t o sponsored bv I In* ( nun
i d tm I Inman Rights in Latin
Ament a. tlif international Stn
limits Assoi iation tlif Oregon
1 ellowship ot Return illation
and tbf Latin Ament a Support
Ortfcr* to GO!
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ur if all about!
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.Inic> Refresliinj*
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“Wir Sprochen Deutsch”
510 1 linuirivtii) • \in*ss tiom Dunkin Dimuls
Mon. hri. 10a.m. Kp in
<n Ini-il iMilalues
<>l »«iirlkuul <*ml
<|i iiii.tn fVe lue.nl
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There will lx-1 RLE DRAWINGS for $235 worth of UO Bookstore
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