( ontinued from Pav;*' I snn< tinned campus group w hx h w.is lilt; tirst thing I Hi Vflsil\ nil II i.lls looked l< >r It'D.mis of both apartment buildings sponsoring I ho p.ir tios mol w ith Moseley i.111■ Tuesdax ,md will iiurl w ith t*u Ion ement offii inis on I'huis dav Moseley anti I tn rail both said llit- sponsors u! the parlifs sluuitil pa\ a sli.irt' 'it I'.ugenr ptllict' s expenses lot tlispi'IS mg tile t rmvd \Sl'() I’lesidenl Andy 1 lark lias s.ntl that the ri'nilroilm tion ol kegs to fraternities wonltl tie t rt'.isc tlif nnmbt'r of largo pai tit's oft t anipus lift ansf thf so t itd lioust's art* better suitcil to bandit' biggei t row tls "I think everyone is in ago • infill that something ilrastit needs to bo doin', ( lark said I rf ally think everything iiffds to be [ini on thf tabic Mosfifi and SliiiIcy U iIson dean ol students ri'jt'ftfd sug gestions that kegs be allowed bat k into fraternities file Iraleniitii's and surori ties are still having their parties (without kegsl, so I don't know how |( dark) gels one and one to equal two. said Sltulcx \\ dstin. dean ol students Wilson said the IbliversitV w ill likely host a non aleoholit gathering this spring as one possihle method to present am other eonfrontatioiis hetween partiers and poht e I low evei. she saitl she didn I know il the same people who attended Saturdax s parlies would t time lo such an event I don't think it's a bail idea Wilson saitl "It thc\ would ( onir to something th.it iiiiin t have ili nhnl. tli.it would tie great Wilson .irul Moselev said thi*\ ui’iv against imposing .111 aliohoMree 1 .inipiis .Hi'.) sum 1,11 to th.il pr.11 tu i'll by Wi'sti-m ()rt*m>n -Sl.iti- ( lollege 111 Mon mouth hut I,o\ rail said it is .1 possible solution I would like to believe th.ail> Specials < )n Delicious. .Inic> Refresliinj* Sulunariiie Sandw idles Simps SaLiiis ' Saucikf-iut ’ f*'*f*»t»* S.jl.ui • liurs.s-1' F ries H*s (.rmmi Hum,: “Wir Sprochen Deutsch” 510 1 linuirivtii) • \in*ss tiom Dunkin Dimuls Mon. hri. 10a.m. Kp in KNACKWURST l »«iirlkuul <*ml <|i iiii.tn fVe lue.nl Stretch your dollars by using coupons from the Oregon Daily Kmerald. I’.ilink Wrldnn lfl.nl \s/i/.im/ ii.n ii/ir (if (im /ini/i/i’ ,ini's/i'i/ S.ilii/i/.n Ini nnliin; GOT SOMETHING TO SAY? Run for a position on the UO Bookstore Board of Directors I XreiUliNCE can make the difference in getting a job I lore's an opportunity to |;,nn valuable experience to succeed in today's tough job market. lie on the Board of Directors for an established corporation your own University of Oregon Bookstore Run for a seat on the l () Board of I )irectors and BE. 1N V;()1 VII) in guiding an important campus organization for the future I he Board members attend monthly meetings, and receive a $30.00 stipend per month These 2-year positions are open for full-time students and faculty: • 1 Student-At-l arge Position • 2 Sophomore Positions • 1 Graduate Student Position • 1 Paculty-At-Large Position • 1 Classified Staff/Management Nominations for board members will lx: taken at the ANNUAL MELTING Wednesday, April 11th at 3:30 pan. Room 133, Gilbert I he Annual Meeting agenda will include reports from the Board Officers and a State of the-Bookstore address by |im Williams, General Manager. There will lx-1 RLE DRAWINGS for $235 worth of UO Bookstore Gift Certificates for all who attend For more information, please contact Jim Williams at 34b 4331 UO BOOKSTORE 13th and Kincaid M F 7:30-6 00 Sat 10 00-6 00 (Ph 346-4331) SINCE 1920