Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 03, 1990, Page 3, Image 3

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Just asking
I )oos 1 lenrt l ioldstein .k lual
l\ Ill'Ilt'VI' I 11.11 till’ .Iff
better i i!t lii(l,i\ than thr\ w ere
111 in Jtl t ears .«m> ' Attn III
vrars ut Reagan Hush, the poor
est ill mu people .lie poorei in
terms nl real iili nine poorei in
semi es provided In mu kind
ei genllei government, and are
pa\ mg a higher pert outage ut
taxes than ever helore
Meanwhile the richest are
getting in her and paving less
t here is i in I entI\ rioting in
Kngland over a regressive poll
tax 1 low main more dei ades
ut row ai ding the l it h and pun
ishing the poor ran this tmm
ti\ take '
lust asking
|nn knight
Need for c hange
III a rei ent publit letlel
Deinotratit stale Senator I’eg
|olin w rote that she is vert ali
gn at the Deniot rutn and Re
puhlli an guliernalor lal i ant!i
dates Harliara Roberts and Have
I rohnmaver bet arise thin were
reported to favor a 1 portent
sales tax
\\ hat Jolin would bat e us lie
lieve is that she is independent
minded, speaks tor the tax
pat ei and will o\ on ettat k
her own part> s candidate tor
governor In bit I her letter is
elet I ion vt'.ir polities
litlin i- mil.m tu Kiihi-rt-. .uni
I rohnmayei Ihev were speak
ing Ibought!ull\ lo lur spet ilH
I,»x ,t<i\ ism \ tax options pm
posed li\ a legislative i oniniit
lee It | o 1111 had ilellei ideas
and u as i apalile ol influent mu
her legislative colleagues, she
might have helped pruv ide rut
its with some turtllel options
tor addressing the problems to
properly las reliel and ade
quale st liool support
|olin has served in the Icgis
lature tor 111 \ears I ter .ittut k
on Roberts ant! 1 roluimaver
furthers hei repulalion as oh
strut live abrasive and unpro
dut 11 \ e There is need lot a
t hange in representation (rum
Senate I list! it I
Paul I lolbu. |olui s opponent
is thoughtful. i oust i in 11 v e
considerate, highly productive
anti eaget lo sene lllslnt I -
and all of ( begun
Knhert Mattson
I tigene
hi response In Mu hael < ol
sun’s letter I()Ul March ‘M I
would Ilk** In point out that I
never sail! that dorm residents
should nut have eiptal -u < css to
voting booths
In mv Man h 1 lot tor I sim
ply stall’d that eyervone in the
l niversity already has 1-110,11
and easy ai 1 ess to voting
booths and that adding extra
booths will do nothing to in
i reuse \ oli-r turnout
Little it anything is «vvi
doiii- to .11 tively ri-ai li out to
tin- student body I raditmn.il
tin hniipte s 11 ki- tabling phone
banking. 1 amassing and de
batus an- tril’d and Irut* but
havt- not always Ih-i-u litilizi’il
to till- tidiest possible •stint
While a great deal ot alien
I1011 is usually given to the
presidential candidates It Is
important that as students, yy 1
also educate ourselves about
the 1 andidates ti 11 the Ini lilen
tal I ee t anuniilti-e I MI Hoard
,\SI* \( and the Slildeiit Sen
I’ln-se are all nnpoilant hod
It--, that di-s.-ry ed to he taken - ■
noiisly lint the responsibility
also lies yy till the c undulates to
make iheuisely ex as ai t essihle
to the students ns possible and
I haye not seen this happen ot
ten enough
lialeiie I mie
_Letters Policy
The Emerald w ill attempt In print .ill letters i ontain
inji comments on topics ot interest In the t Diversity
community Comments must lie fat tualh accurate
ami retrain from personal attai ks on the ( li.uai tin ol
T G I S . Thank God it's spring1 However it is also a time
when many of the students of the University of Oregon
think about their housing needs
At pi 1HASANT PARK the demand for housing
skyrockets as early as duty. So we Ofe now taking
deposits and making reservations for apartments
which will be aM»la£>te in June
Enjoy Unis summer in one ot the best housing values
in Springfield!
_ ,, Oregon Ihiih - _
Editorial f cidor
t neon* Editor
News l ditof
SpOftft I ditOf
SupplfMOCOts f il-til!
Night t difot
Aviocidt? Editors
Cijmmumly Student Government/Activities,
Higher Education'Administration features
Reporters ... ,
Advertising S'
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General Stitt
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P'Odui lion M onager M Advertising ('oordinaloi
Cl.>*. si tied Monaget
Accounts Receivable Circulation Newsroom lib SM1
( io-.sihed Advertising 146 -114 I
Display Advertising -14b .1/1*
Production Graphic Service*. 146 41181
*3. "Greeks don't care about
anyone but themselves."
It’s true.
You see. greeks are people. So,
we care about people. Every chapter
has a national philanthropy such as
the American Heart Association.
M.A.D.D., and OXI AM.
Maybe it's selfish, but we
won’t apologize.
Fraternity Rush April 9-13
Sign up in Suite 5, EM(I
Questions? Call Tim Grossnicklaus