Kditorinl 1 Letters Just asking I )oos 1 lenrt l ioldstein .k lual l\ Ill'Ilt'VI' I 11.11 till’ .Iff better i i!t lii(l,i\ than thr\ w ere 111 in Jtl t ears .«m> ' Attn III vrars ut Reagan Hush, the poor est ill mu people .lie poorei in terms nl real iili nine poorei in semi es provided In mu kind ei genllei government, and are pa\ mg a higher pert outage ut taxes than ever helore Meanwhile the richest are getting in her and paving less taxes t here is i in I entI\ rioting in Kngland over a regressive poll tax 1 low main more dei ades ut row ai ding the l it h and pun ishing the poor ran this tmm ti\ take ' lust asking |nn knight l.ugene Need for c hange III a rei ent publit letlel Deinotratit stale Senator I’eg |olin w rote that she is vert ali gn at the Deniot rutn and Re puhlli an guliernalor lal i ant!i dates Harliara Roberts and Have I rohnmaver bet arise thin were reported to favor a 1 portent sales tax \\ hat Jolin would bat e us lie lieve is that she is independent minded, speaks tor the tax pat ei and will o\ on ettat k her own part> s candidate tor governor In bit I her letter is elet I ion vt'.ir polities litlin i- mil.m tu Kiihi-rt-. .uni I rohnmayei Ihev were speak ing Ibought!ull\ lo lur spet ilH I,»x ,tte in June Enjoy Unis summer in one ot the best housing values in Springfield! PHEASANT PARK _ ,, Oregon Ihiih - _ Emerald Editorial f cidor t neon* Editor News l ditof SpOftft I ditOf SupplfMOCOts f il-til! Night t difot Aviocidt? Editors Cijmmumly Student Government/Activities, Higher Education'Administration features Reporters ... , Photographers Advertising S' Production Jo K ‘ o t%! 1-1 t General Stitt Advertising Director Assistant to Ihe Publisher P'Odui lion M onager M Advertising ('oordinaloi Cl.>*. si tied Monaget Accounts Receivable Circulation Newsroom lib SM1 ( io-.sihed Advertising 146 -114 I Display Advertising -14b .1/1* Production Graphic Service*. 146 41181 5 EXCUSES NOT TO GO THROUGH RUSH *3. "Greeks don't care about anyone but themselves." It’s true. You see. greeks are people. So, we care about people. Every chapter has a national philanthropy such as the American Heart Association. M.A.D.D., and OXI AM. Maybe it's selfish, but we won’t apologize. START GOING PLACES. GO GREEK. Fraternity Rush April 9-13 Sign up in Suite 5, EM(I Questions? Call Tim Grossnicklaus .546-3701 THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON