Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 03, 1990, Image 1

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    ■—-—Oregon Daily_ _
Tucsd.n \11111 i. l'i'iii
l\11 m • t !»■. ( )l~ri>i)n
\'illume 'I I \uiulici 1.
■ Another America. Page 5
■ Mass honors archbishop. Page 7
■ IFC’s scheduling woes. Page 4
■ Club Sports notes. Page 11
Officials respond to Riverfront waste information
Williams counters
critics' accusations
K\ ( hris Boonell
I morale! \ssot into I ditto
It Dan U illi.mis had il all In
do mu again, he wouldn't
change a thing
Williams. I nhersit\ \ u e
president ini ndministr.ilion
is at the ft Helmut of the con
tru\ ersv o\ el the present e nt
ehemii al wastes at the River
hunt Rescan h I’ark site
I le is i urronllv being i nti
( i/ed Ini w ithhnlding inlnrma
Imn about the dumping th.it
lie learned ahmit in 19!ta and
he has even been .11 i used nt
King about what he knew
when he knew it and win he
did not disclose tile present e
nt i hetnii als on the Mle
(Jpponents ot the resean h
park said Williams withheld
the information to guarantee
approval ot the i it\ issued
conditional use permit widt h
is needed belnre development
However the release ol
1 Min researt h park doeii
ments in response to an open
ret ortls request disprov'd tin'
notion that Williams ileliher
atelv withheld information to
ensure the projet t s sui t ess
I don't think what's gone
on so tar has been a detiintent
In tin* projet I U Ilhams s(iui
(luring .111 interview Iriday
1 rum iriv point ot s i<*v\ It s
given those people who up
IHise the park line mim oppiu
tunitv tu make us look bad
In \osembet \\ illiams
i ailed a last niinute press i tin
tereiu e in order to i in ((invent
a iiru s ,u t h le appearing the
nest day that would lias e ills
closed the present.e ol (berm
cal wastes
Sim e that tone U illiams
has been the target of p.nk op
ponents and ens tronnienlal
U illiams said lie pl.inned on
releasing tin- information tin
spring, once a site assessment
was completed by the eugi
licet mg turn bin’ll bv the I 'm
\ erslty to do the study
lie knew lie was taking a
risk in follow mg this path but
lie said it was worth the try
"It was my preference not to
talk about a problem unless
we knew w hi ther we li.itI a
problem or not V\ illiams
I'lie only was for tins not
to be a headai lie is to talk
about tile report 0111 e its
done, be said
U illiams said lie detei
milled that the materials
Dan \\ illiams
dumped on tht- silt- u nr vela
tivek harmless .mil .• 111• r 'll
\c.irs then* was no reason to
■ M t ingentk
rile onl\ leasun to sit on
tills issue Ini Ihtee Visits is
that 1 believe lli.it there is no
duilgel out llieie tie said It
I had toiinil nut there was ha/
ardkms waste. 1 would have
taken a different position
The oiik ' smoking gun
found in an luspei turn ol the
dm urnents was a memo dated
|an Hi from I’eter Swan legal
adviser to President Mvles
Ifrand to the Department ot
I aiv ironmeiital (Jualilv
In the letter Sw .in w role
that the estimated amount ot
turn to V\ illiams. Page ft
Plans for park continue
despite toxic dumping
H\ Mon Walker
[ mrrafd \sm« iate I ditor
Despite t milmtictl <ions .tml t ontruvrisv after the t*‘I» .»s«k
ill publu ii<»« timi'iits rryaidiny I *»x u (lumping mvii tin* \\ dlam
rlli* Ki\t*r prujei I representatives m.uni.tin fli.it the Riverfront
Ri'MMri It I'.ilk IS pint red my III! St bedlllr
More than I »00 pact's ot tint umiMits Ui’ir ‘.'.ithrird Ii\ l in
\ t • i s 11 \ ofh< III and released Mart h 20 m response In a publu
irttinis 11 m j 11 * ■ -1 for i iifnnu.it ion rryardiny waste disposal a I tin*
park site
A review 111 lit*1 dot uments last \urk b\ the iiuridh! failed to
tint nviM evident r ol [i n * vi t m i s I v uih list losrd pro hi inns with ha/
art It ms v\ aslrs at I lit* si If
Dunne, tbr latr JOOOs and early Os *.hrimi als and other
wash's from I mvrrsiU laboratories writ* hunt'd on tbr south
bank ol tbr U illamrttr Kivri tbr planned silt* for tbr rrsrart h
An Air.; 'ii pm i mrmii to Uaklev \ (ilrtm I’mveisitv di
it*t tin ut publit safrt\ Iroin Tom lilt ks environmental sprt lal
1st said
A vrrv ruuyh rstunatr of tjuantitirs is >0 yallons pri liolr or
.'00 to 500 ya linns total lor tbr four to siv holes tiny at turd
iny to tbr PlHa mrrno
In addition. 1 am t out rrnrd th.it. it dm my anv futurr r\t a
vatton on tbr sitr. onr tit tin bolrs is unt ovrird a srrious tlrla\
ill tbr i niisOut lloli si bedlllr would ifsljlt
A linin' rrt rut tlotunirnt. however indit atrd a hiyhrr rsti
matr ot tfir amount of waste at tin* sitr
"Sue h drposils writ' not illryal wlirri matlr «mtl of course
no records were iripmrtl to hr krpt Uorkmy from proplr's
'best rr< ollrt turns in PI80 it now appeals that tbr ai trial tjuan
! 11 \ was niorr hkrlv .iihiiikI 1 000 yallons at t ordmy to ,i |an
M) Irttrj from Prln Swan byal assistant to I’rrsidrnt Myles
Ih.mtl to tbr state Department ot Knvironmrnta! ( hiabl\
In .in Any 28 108a memo to Muriel Jackson. assistant vnr
lorn to !o\i( , Payt* 14
High contractor bids
hinder construction
Hv \lu e I hnrnton
1 meruld Reporter
A Ini’ll Ijitl f rum building
contrai tins has t .itisi-ci Hniver
sitv Housing to reconsider its
plans to remodel tin- ll.imilton
dormitory i afetena this In in
I'll.’ S i -t million I.k elifl
onginallv pi.mniul foi i omple
lion in September has hi’t’ii
postponi’d indefinitely while
tin’ housing department rt’org.i
iii/i-s tin’ pro|fi t Ihimilton
cafeteria will remain open dur
ing spring term
I rod Unix oi h. dirw tor ol
lood serve cs lor I adversity
Housing, said the decided to
cancel the project a tev\ weeks
"We hud some unexpet ted
events that were beyond our
control which is win we post
poned the project. " Babcock
said "We re in the preliminary
stages of planning a future re
The project was bonded tor a
specified amount of money, he
said. The bid received amount
ed to more than the budget
could handle
Fred Tepfer, a planning assn
ciate in the University planning
oltii t' said the hid was i "i In to
pan i'iit u\ <*r the budget
"We're doing wh.it we i an to
redui e the t ost ut the projei t
and iru re.isi1 the tun<ii
Ifplei said
The remodeling would have
expanded the kill hen and sen
nig area and added several new
entrant es to the i ateter 1.1
I lie I ill rent sen log area is
a dmnsaui I epfei said "Its
reallv mettii lent and that i lists
The projei I rei eived null one
hid trom a huilding i ontrai tot
lepter said .1 projei I of this si/e
usuallv requires at least three
The construction market m
Kugene is i urrentli u-n Inisi
ivhii h ai i ounted for the l.n k ol
bids on the project he said
"There's an awful lot of con
struclion activities going on in
Kugene at this time. lepter
The pressure It) keep noise
levels low and the ditfii ullv of
working in an existing spai e
also kept contractors from tiid
ding on the project. Tepfer
Turn to Cafeteria, Page 14
Blind faith
Students work on cln\ models while wearing blindfolds .uul listening to Beetho
ven's Sinth Symphony in Put I’iici,ini's Architecture 2112 studio. The exercise is de
signed to promote .in awareness ol acoustics in architecture.
Photo bv Andn; Kanieri