■—-—Oregon Daily_ _ Emerald Tucsd.n \11111 i. l'i'iii l\11 m • t !»■. ( )l~ri>i)n \'illume 'I I \uiulici 1. 1_Inside_ ■ Another America. Page 5 ■ Mass honors archbishop. Page 7 ■ IFC’s scheduling woes. Page 4 ■ Club Sports notes. Page 11 Officials respond to Riverfront waste information Williams counters critics' accusations K\ ( hris Boonell I morale! \ssot into I ditto It Dan U illi.mis had il all In do mu again, he wouldn't change a thing Williams. I nhersit\ \ u e president ini ndministr.ilion is at the ft Helmut of the con tru\ ersv o\ el the present e nt ehemii al wastes at the River hunt Rescan h I’ark site I le is i urronllv being i nti ( i/ed Ini w ithhnlding inlnrma Imn about the dumping th.it lie learned ahmit in 19!ta and he has even been .11 i used nt King about what he knew when he knew it and win he did not disclose tile present e nt i hetnii als on the Mle (Jpponents ot the resean h park said Williams withheld the information to guarantee approval ot the i it\ issued conditional use permit widt h is needed belnre development begins However the release ol 1 Min researt h park doeii ments in response to an open ret ortls request disprov'd tin' notion that Williams ileliher atelv withheld information to ensure the projet t s sui t ess I don't think what's gone on so tar has been a detiintent In tin* projet I U Ilhams s(iui (luring .111 interview Iriday 1 rum iriv point ot s i<*v\ It s given those people who up IHise the park line mim oppiu tunitv tu make us look bad In \osembet \\ illiams i ailed a last niinute press i tin tereiu e in order to i in ((invent a iiru s ,u t h le appearing the nest day that would lias e ills closed the present.e ol (berm cal wastes Sim e that tone U illiams has been the target of p.nk op ponents and ens tronnienlal ists U illiams said lie pl.inned on releasing tin- information tin spring, once a site assessment was completed by the eugi licet mg turn bin’ll bv the I 'm \ erslty to do the study lie knew lie was taking a risk in follow mg this path but lie said it was worth the try "It was my preference not to talk about a problem unless we knew w hi ther we li.itI a problem or not V\ illiams said I'lie only was for tins not to be a headai lie is to talk about tile report 0111 e its done, be said U illiams said lie detei milled that the materials Dan \\ illiams dumped on tht- silt- u nr vela tivek harmless .mil .• 111• r 'll \c.irs then* was no reason to ■ M t ingentk rile onl\ leasun to sit on tills issue Ini Ihtee Visits is that 1 believe lli.it there is no duilgel out llieie tie said It I had toiinil nut there was ha/ ardkms waste. 1 would have taken a different position The oiik ' smoking gun found in an luspei turn ol the dm urnents was a memo dated |an Hi from I’eter Swan legal adviser to President Mvles Ifrand to the Department ot I aiv ironmeiital (Jualilv In the letter Sw .in w role that the estimated amount ot turn to V\ illiams. Page ft Plans for park continue despite toxic dumping H\ Mon Walker [ mrrafd \sm« iate I ditor Despite t milmtictl 0 yallons pri liolr or .'00 to 500 ya linns total lor tbr four to siv holes tiny at turd iny to tbr PlHa mrrno In addition. 1 am t out rrnrd th.it. it dm my anv futurr r\t a vatton on tbr sitr. onr tit tin bolrs is unt ovrird a srrious tlrla\ ill tbr i niisOut lloli si bedlllr would ifsljlt A linin' rrt rut tlotunirnt. however indit atrd a hiyhrr rsti matr ot tfir amount of waste at tin* sitr "Sue h drposils writ' not illryal wlirri matlr «mtl of course no records were iripmrtl to hr krpt Uorkmy from proplr's 'best rr< ollrt turns in PI80 it now appeals that tbr ai trial tjuan ! 11 \ was niorr hkrlv .iihiiikI 1 000 yallons at t ordmy to ,i |an M) Irttrj from Prln Swan byal assistant to I’rrsidrnt Myles Ih.mtl to tbr state Department ot Knvironmrnta! ( hiabl\ In .in Any 28 108a memo to Muriel Jackson. assistant vnr lorn to !o\i( , Payt* 14 High contractor bids hinder construction Hv \lu e I hnrnton 1 meruld Reporter A Ini’ll Ijitl f rum building contrai tins has t .itisi-ci Hniver sitv Housing to reconsider its plans to remodel tin- ll.imilton dormitory i afetena this In in I'll.’ S i -t million I.k elifl onginallv pi.mniul foi i omple lion in September has hi’t’ii postponi’d indefinitely while tin’ housing department rt’org.i iii/i-s tin’ pro|fi t Ihimilton cafeteria will remain open dur ing spring term I rod Unix oi h. dirw tor ol lood serve cs lor I adversity Housing, said the decided to cancel the project a tev\ weeks ago "We hud some unexpet ted events that were beyond our control which is win we post poned the project. " Babcock said "We re in the preliminary stages of planning a future re model.” The project was bonded tor a specified amount of money, he said. The bid received amount ed to more than the budget could handle Fred Tepfer, a planning assn ciate in the University planning oltii t' said the hid was i "i In to pan i'iit u\ <*r the budget "We're doing wh.it we i an to redui e the t ost ut the projei t and iru re.isi1 the tun