Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 02, 1990, Page 6, Image 6

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I ! B. Hi - Al’KII 14
I hr l X > IV m >k st< >fe is
spins*>rm$* .» pheto * ' mtrst
with this theme
V\r d like you h » phi »tf *
pjaph wh.it you tic when
yen re net study inf, cr
Wi rkmy. whether it tv .1
day i'll tin sle|vs cr .it the
u.« in, a romp witti your
k el < -r a dem<»hli. *n
der 1 >\ Show us what you
do ter tun and relaxation1
l .re.it prizes will tv
otterist and yotir entry
photos will tv de.pl.lyisl m
the store
I he winners will tv jvr
senallv notitnsl aiul their
names js isted in the lobby
. f the IV *ikstcre as well
as annouru ed mthe
< >rej*on I > illy I merald < >n
\pnl AO. 14‘HI
I lave lots cl tun w ilh tins
Hu rr will N » »(ihny,
}»n/i*s .iw.iriiovi to lour
hit ky winners < >ur
Pot >plo v i pn/e
w inner w ill ho i hi *•- n bv
you l ho |voplo!
l irsl I’xi/e
A |V( Romnle i onlrol
C omjvu \ I >isi Plavor
(Value $.100)
Second l'iue
I hird l’ii/c
l Yfympus II win
( ainer i ■ Vtil in' 5 .V *'
People's Uhjkc
I fit pr»Ht*NNinj; lor >. roll •
ol him ei**ugh l< >r rat h
wo k It*r .1 ve.ir'
• T vn• • entrtm |x-r j*rs<>n
• All phet ••• must ha * e
been taken sin* e |an 1
• N prol r > ‘ .»
|*erv*n who** pnn* ipal
li\ m>; in m.nJi hy taking,
pi< lures' ttuv enter
• Size , •! j *h. 't t tntal pnnt
■ >r nv.it st/e)
Maumum 11 v 14
Minimum S i ’
• ( nlnr prints .«nl\
• Juilptnp, vs ill b> 1- 'lie bv
(.hi a lev. In* tin* l ( I h "ir
n.ihsm i Vpt , an*1 local
professionals outsuie el
the l l > H**oksU»re Ihe
jtnlpes vs til net N a war*
**t who submtiUsI am
JTu* duration of the Photo
( ontrst will lx
II H lh APR 11 14 19<K)
• All phot. mines n • i ■ t
Iv r»*\ at thr photo
drjsirtmrnt < >1 thr U( >
Bookston inrar thr Ku k
of thr mam floor1n<> later
than April 14
• i >n thr b.iv i of \ .r
entries you must print
11) 'l our n.itin1
(21 4 our address
( 4) I he title ot sour
(4» lln ts p» of i amera
lens and film um\I
(it possible)
• ! plr s C I i. r s «
til take plat i- within the
stotr April 1 14
• Prints must l*« pi. ked
up bv Mas 41 1^0
_Monday In-Depth_
International (,>ni,,uit,(iimmp-1^1
1\ In submitting i hank state
mi'nt showing their lin.uui.il
lint in their determination to
study ill tin1 I 'llited St.lies,
some stmieilts sole step this re
r |l 111 eme I)t
Sanjeev Singh, trom Indio is
•in example Singh. .1 i (impute!
si ii-ii( e student in his third
visit .it the I 'niversih said he
hummed S 10.000 from Ins
.unit .mil uni le to deposit in Ins
bank .11 i mint in Indio In tempo
i,ndv meet tins requirement
1 pul it m im .it i mint lor
|iis| one da\ lie said I lie
hank statement reflecting that
amount, however. was enough
to get Inin a visa In the end
Singh -brought oiil\ sj.uuti
w ith him to tin I inteil Stales
lie has siiii e been able to sup
port Inmselt bv w orking In the
i omputei si ieni e department
Mam students work mi (am
pus Nora Items set retarv nt
I Alt' lood sersiies, said hall oi
the emplovces in her depart
mi nt an inter mil imial site
\ Inn il time
I hee l ong (big a business
majoi known as lames outside
ot Singapore h.is supported his
wile and lumseii b\ working in
the I Ml Sky light Kelei tm y
dining the last two ot Ins four
years at the I inseisits
( lug said his parents
helped finance his lirsl two
seals Ills parents make a I is
mg m Singapore In slaughter
mg and transporting < Ini kens
trom t,ii ms to markets and res
In I ttMH ()ng man ied ins f ian
i ee m Singapore and dei ideil it
would lie i tieapei tm tiei to
( mne lo the I ‘luted States than
to i .ms oil a iong-distaiu e rel.i
//«•//' U ,uitt\l: i Vp/i.tiis l'ivtcrn\l !' the eaeerh awaited se.
. 'Ikl • '-it;: i-..' . >1 Line! * ’ll’ heT« >. N I t I < It Is .ni . \i it
iiu: mis i't firefighting, at t ton. susjxn-e, and murder. 1 Un
is evervt hit tv! that lari Emerson's Ini' line . . >uu- t. es;v. t.
ti k L\ |T >mm:, t. >!. >riu! iiiai.ii.tcrs, h.nr raisin'; at non, and a
view i'l firefighting that only an insider tan provide.
Lari. A Emerson ts ls«-ntetiant "ith tin Seattle lire De
I\trt met it IL is the author ot nutiieto ex. it me mysteries,
itu lading he- I hotnas Black series ( /hi R.uin t it\. /over
t\ li.n, aikl otlut't, ami those ot \|;u 1 <>ntana, his newest
hero (/'/.is A //ivirfs and >/ou / E/ik mg.)
t r.tu s /t.iie i/es» nl\%] /:fiicTson> ihne/s as "r.iur ,mJ uuJ"
i/ o' . lii::. .’es /inies), “intriguing and last pated" |.\e» V.>rA'
Dat/i \iiisi, and the t /in ago Sun /tints ailed Emerson
"('lie i >! the Ix-st ot the new pri\ ate eve novelists.”
Don’t miss \our chanee to meet this exciting mvsterv tun
el ist!
UO Bookstore
lionship Although tliev went
through some rough times
upon returning to the I 'mversi
tv ( )ng hi'lieves it proved to !»■
i he.iper ill the long run
After tliev returned lie
worked lit hours .1 week and
took 10 to 2 1 credits ,1 term It
w ,is ,1 hard time tor us he
said Hut alter we got married
mv < ar insuram e w ent dow 11
mv phone lulls got smaller and
I sav ed a lot ot moliev b\ mm
ing into l 'niversitv lamih
Despite the limitations tliev
la< e I lie students vv ho 1 nine h 1
the I hliversity Irom 7.1 conn
tries around the world "man
age to Hand Aid enough sup
port together Hriggs said.
( iillur.il imhalaiu r
I in.mi us also dit tali' him
nun h i ultiir.il ili\ ersitv foreign
students bring to the I ■ niversi
AImm.nl.i is one ul t'l slu
dents from (Antral .uni South
Amcrii .1 I bis nunilmr stands
in stark i oulrast to the mini'
lli.in Httt) students imm last
• uni Si ml Insist \si.i In l.n I, ol
thr I 1 count lies with the must
students at the I niversitv .
eight nl them are Pat itu Kim
A inulliliide ul ei iinumii . ge
(■graphic and polilii al lai tors
cause this imbalance, Briggs
Because some economies are
healthiei than otllers students
Imm i ertain i minifies are bet
tei able In studs abroad than
• illiei s 1 in example it is ai tu
alh i beeper tor some Japanese
students to study abroad than
at home. Briggs said
llie dance ot inlernation.il
exi Itange rates also plax s a
part (!hen I lei Thang called
\ it toi in the t lilted States he
bel t's Taiwan's improved et on
mm now gives most Taiwanese
the option of studving abroad
lave years agi i that u as ntit the
At that time, when the ex
change rate u as )n I'aiw anese
dollars to one t' S dollar not
nearly as main people t mild
have atiorded to study at the
University, Chen said But tie
i ause the ext hange rate has
non climbed to iiti to one In
believes many more people t an
study in the I lilted States
tunny Stark a foreign sin
dent adviser in the Interuatum
furn to International, Page 10
ClTINt st
Oriental Buffet Lunch
G Try Our Dinner
Hours: Downstairs
M f h I 1 00 7 HO f sa ; l 00 4 iC
Closed Sundays
Hours: Upstairs
» Sa *> 00 10 30
C loved Sundays
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• EUGENI • 613-8464