CALL FOR ENTRIES I ! B. Hi - Al’KII 14 I hr l X > IV m >k st< >fe is spins*>rm$* .» pheto * ' mtrst with this theme "AITI UHOUKS" V\r d like you h » phi »tf * pjaph you tic when yen re net study inf, cr Wi rkmy. whether it tv .1 day i'll tin sle|vs cr .it the u.« in, a romp witti your k el < -r a dem<»hli. *n der 1 >\ Show us what you do ter tun and relaxation1 l prizes will tv otterist and yotir entry photos will tv m the store I he winners will tv jvr senallv notitnsl aiul their names js isted in the lobby . f the IV *ikstcre as well as annouru ed mthe < >rej*on I > illy I merald < >n \pnl AO. 14‘HI I lave lots cl tun w ilh tins Hu rr will N » »(ihny, }»n/i*s .iw.iriiovi to lour hit ky winners < >ur Pot >plo v i pn/e w inner w ill ho i hi *•- n bv you l ho |voplo! l irsl I’xi/e A |V( Romnle i onlrol C omjvu \ I >isi Plavor (Value $.100) Second l'iue C.'iUCl'.h" I hird l’ii/c l Yfympus II win ( ainer i ■ Vtil in' 5 .V *' People's Uhjkc I fit pr»Ht*NNinj; lor >. roll • ol him ei**ugh l< >r rat h wo k It*r .1' t\inL*hi* • T vn• • entrtm |x-r j*rs<>n • All phet ••• must ha * e been taken sin* e |an 1 • N prol r > ‘ .» |*erv*n who** pnn* ipal li\ m>; in m.nJi hy taking, pi< lures' ttuv enter • Size , •! j *h. 't t tntal pnnt ■ >r st/e) Maumum 11 v 14 Minimum S i ’ • ( nlnr prints .«nl\ • Juilptnp, vs ill b> 1- 'lie bv (.hi a lev. In* tin* l ( I h "ir n.ihsm i Vpt , an*1 local professionals outsuie el the l l > H**oksU»re Ihe jtnlpes vs til net N a war* **t who submtiUsI am JTu* duration of the Photo ( ontrst will lx II H lh APR 11 14 191 thr U( > Bookston inrar thr Ku k of thr mam floor1n<> later than April 14 • i >n thr b.iv i of \ .r entries you must print 11) 'l our n.itin1 (21 4 our address ( 4) I he title ot sour print (4» lln ts p» of i amera lens and film um\I (it possible) • ! plr s C I i. r s « til take plat i- within the stotr April 1 14 • Prints must l*« pi. ked up bv Mas 41 1^0 UO BOOKSTORE _Monday In-Depth_ International (,>ni,,uit,(iimmp-1^1 1\ In submitting i hank state mi'nt showing their status lint in their determination to study ill tin1 I 'llited St.lies, some stmieilts sole step this re r |l 111 eme I)t Sanjeev Singh, trom Indio is •in example Singh. .1 i (impute! si ii-ii( e student in his third visit .it the I 'niversih said he hummed S 10.000 from Ins .unit .mil uni le to deposit in Ins bank .11 i mint in Indio In tempo i,ndv meet tins requirement 1 pul it m im .it i mint lor |iis| one da\ lie said I lie hank statement reflecting that amount, however. was enough to get Inin a visa In the end Singh -brought oiil\ sj.uuti w ith him to tin I inteil Stales lie has siiii e been able to sup port Inmselt bv w orking In the i omputei si ieni e department Mam students work mi (am pus Nora Items set retarv nt I Alt' lood sersiies, said hall oi the emplovces in her depart mi nt an inter mil imial site detits \ Inn il time I hee l ong (big a business majoi known as lames outside ot Singapore supported his wile and lumseii b\ working in the I Ml Sky light Kelei tm y dining the last two ot Ins four years at the I inseisits ( lug said his parents helped finance his lirsl two seals Ills parents make a I is mg m Singapore In slaughter mg and transporting < Ini kens trom t,ii ms to markets and res lam.mis In I ttMH ()ng man ied ins f ian i ee m Singapore and dei ideil it would lie i tieapei tm tiei to ( mne lo the I ‘luted States than to i .ms oil a iong-distaiu e rel.i FRIDAY, APRIL 6 12:30-2:00 GENERAL BOOK DEPT. WIT] I EARL W. EMERSON' HELP WANTED: ORPHANS PREFERRED //«•//' U ,uitt\l: i Vp/i.tiis l'ivtcrn\l !' the eaeerh awaited se. . 'Ikl • '-it;: i-..' . >1 Line! * ’ll’ heT« >. N I t I < It Is .ni . \i it iiu: mis i't firefighting, at t ton. susjxn-e, and murder. 1 Un is evervt hit tv! that lari Emerson's Ini' line . . >uu- t. es;v. t. ti k L\ |T >mm:, t. >!. >riu! iiiai.ii.tcrs, raisin'; at non, and a view i'l firefighting that only an insider tan provide. Lari. A Emerson ts ls«-ntetiant "ith tin Seattle lire De I\trt met it IL is the author ot nutiieto ex. it me mysteries, itu lading he- I hotnas Black series ( /hi R.uin t it\. /over t\ li.n, aikl otlut't, ami those ot \|;u 1 <>ntana, his newest hero (/'/.is A //ivirfs and >/ou / E/ik mg.) t r.tu s /t.iie i/es» nl\%] /:fiicTson> ihne/s as "r.iur ,mJ uuJ" i/ o' . lii::. .’es /inies), “intriguing and last pated" |.\e» V.>rA' Dat/i \iiisi, and the t /in ago Sun /tints ailed Emerson "('lie i >! the Ix-st ot the new pri\ ate eve novelists.” Don’t miss \our chanee to meet this exciting mvsterv tun el ist! UO Bookstore \ lionship Although tliev went through some rough times upon returning to the I 'mversi tv ( )ng hi'lieves it proved to !»■ i he.iper ill the long run After tliev returned lie worked lit hours .1 week and took 10 to 2 1 credits ,1 term It w ,is ,1 hard time tor us he said Hut alter we got married mv < ar insuram e w ent dow 11 mv phone lulls got smaller and I sav ed a lot ot moliev b\ mm ing into l 'niversitv lamih housing Despite the limitations tliev la< e I lie students vv ho 1 nine h 1 the I hliversity Irom 7.1 conn tries around the world "man age to Hand Aid enough sup port together Hriggs said. ( imhalaiu r I in.mi us also dit tali' him nun h i ili\ ersitv foreign students bring to the I ■ niversi tv is one ul t'l slu dents from (Antral .uni South Amcrii .1 I bis nunilmr stands in stark i oulrast to the mini' Httt) students imm last • uni Si ml Insist \si.i In l.n I, ol thr I 1 count lies with the must students at the I niversitv . eight nl them are Pat itu Kim nations A inulliliide ul ei iinumii . ge (■graphic and polilii al lai tors cause this imbalance, Briggs said Because some economies are healthiei than otllers students Imm i ertain i minifies are bet tei able In studs abroad than • illiei s 1 in example it is ai tu alh i beeper tor some Japanese students to study abroad than at home. Briggs said llie dance ot exi Itange rates also plax s a part (!hen I lei Thang called \ it toi in the t lilted States he bel t's Taiwan's improved et on mm now gives most Taiwanese the option of studving abroad lave years agi i that u as ntit the At that time, when the ex change rate u as )n I'aiw anese dollars to one t' S dollar not nearly as main people t mild have atiorded to study at the University, Chen said But tie i ause the ext hange rate has non climbed to iiti to one In believes many more people t an study in the I lilted States tunny Stark a foreign sin dent adviser in the Interuatum furn to International, Page 10 -tr BAMBOO ® t.r ClTINt st kf ST AtJkANT Oriental Buffet Lunch Downstairs G Try Our Dinner Upstairs Hours: Downstairs M f h I 1 00 7 HO f sa ; l 00 4 iC Closed Sundays Hours: Upstairs M » Sa *> 00 10 30 C loved Sundays e» • I ' * WUNKRUNP *' GREAT FOR PARTIES AND BIRTHDAYS ScviDEo «;rrr GAMES ADMISSION I 50 5TH SIRtU PUBLIC MARKET • EUGENI • 613-8464