Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 02, 1990, Page 4, Image 4

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"2: “It's too expensive."
Room and board in the dormitories is $2610
for the year. The average year s room and
board for a fraternity is around $2790. So. to
live in a greek house rather than university
housing is $ I 80 more
Most people will spend five bucks a week on
potato chips, sodas and candy. So just cut
out the snac king and you can join one of the
best things about college. You'll make your
dentist happy, too.
$60 a term
$20 a month
$5 <i week
Fraternity Rush April 9-13
Sign up in Suite 5, EMU
Questions? Call 1 im Grossnicklaus
Meed a break? Check out the EMTERTAIMMEMT
section in the ODf classifieds
Penelhum speaks on Hume, tree will
KK\I \ I .itnpus K.1(1 io
meet tonight -it H 111 till' I Ml
(dumvood Room
Imversih ol Ore
gon I ni\rrsil\ ol I I SaKadoi
I t ills
I .itin \mi'i n .in Support
( .milmiltrr t ti n! -i!
in IMI I >ntur\ Room I
Hong Kong Stinlrnt \ssoi 1.1
tion , 11 In 11 <i .m r\h lint n hi
inerting tonight .it " in Room
ill.; (dlbort
Stinlrnt Hr.ilth Instil.imr
( ommittrr m.-rl tml.i\ .it i III
p in in I Ml1 ( j-nlurv Room I)
Iruisli Stmlrnt l timil will
hold .1 m.nnl.itoi\ meeting to
night .it i ID in Smtr i IMI
OSI’lKt. s solid waste group
will hold .i meeting tonight .it h
in IMI ‘ ( rntur\ Room t)
sl‘l \KIRS \\l) l.l i I I Rl s
111 I rrent r I’rnrlluim It om
the I imrisiU ol ( alg.m w ill
present ' 11 time anil I ire Will
tod.iv .it i in liir IMI Maple
Room I hr pirsrnl.itlon Is
At TRACK TOWN PIZZA, you buy the pizza and we
buy the Pepsis. Every Monday we’re giving away two
medium Pepsis with every small, medium, large, or
giant pizza purchase. (Valid in-house and on delivery.
Valid with TRACK TOWN coupons. Valid Monday
only.) So call TRACK TOWN and enjoy the quality
pizza and free Pepsi. After all,
Why settle for less . .
than the BEST!?!
1809 Franklin Blvd 484-2799
sponsored 1 j\ the Philosopln
< luh and the Ira (i.iston be
[lie IiiIIiiuiiu; 0114.1m/.ilmns
will he on campus lor inter
views Submit bids for inter
views Indus through Wednes
• i.i v m Room .’ •) I I lend ricks
• \pril 111 let lei -oil Simile
( ;orp ( ontainet < urp of Arner
11 a |(|ii.dit\ 1n.1n.tne1 1 Mini
mum (.I’A of 0 is reijinred
Kraft Foods. ln< (retail sales
rejiresentati vej.
Oregon Software (software
sa les |
()SM()KI Wood I'rosen mu
liu - (groundline foreman)
I’lum ( aeek Tunfaei 1 .0. (sum
mer marketing interns summei
finaiu e iuternsi
• \pril 1 7 Ho\ Si outs of Alltel
11 a (dislrii t si out e\ei utive)
( iotas Corporation (manage
ment trainee) group meet
ing April Hi ' p m m I Ml
( iedal Room I
Pepsid ola ( ji (empliW ee le
latinos) group meeting
April 'i at 0 pm in the I Ml
Walnut Room
Standard Insurance! o Isales
representativ e)
I s Air I 1 in e (pilot, ii.ivig.i
tor management variousl
PMt Irom Hi a in to p in
• April 1It K iiuii'V Shoe ( 01 p
(management trainee) group
meeting. April 17 at p m in
PMt' ( entui \ Room I >
k M.irt Apparel (apparel
manager trainee)
Mariposa Iik lassistanl
manager and or manager in
Massac lmsetts Mutual tc a reel
agent) testing. April l't trom
n to 1 1 a m in KM1 ’ (lentury
Room I
if, t’ennev (’.<> (summer
management interns) group
meeting, April 1 7 at p m in
I,N11 ' (ieilar Room ( '
I’rr-Med prec eptnrship ori
entation u ill take plat e tonight
at "i in I AII ' ( fntur\ Room k
Workshop on applying to
medical school will lake place
tonight .it (i in Room I 1(1 Wil
lamette I In k Speight. a re pie
sentative from the Oregon
I lealth Si iences I 'Diversity
Sc hool ol Medic ine \\ ill dis
c uss applic at ion proc eciures
Deadline tor suhmillini; lit
a/s to the F.merald Irani desk.
I \U ' Suite IDO. is noon the din
before ptihlu ation lit a/s run
the day ol the event unless the
eve/li occurs helore noon
/'/ease submit lit a/s the day be
fore thei are to run only. Vo
tues ol events with a donation
or admission t /large will not be
lit i opted tainpus events and
those si heduled nearest the
publication date will be gn en
priorit\ the Hmerald reserves
the right to edit notices for
gnimniar and stvle
Men & Women
• Han cut
• B low • 1 f y
• Style
All For Only
EMU Ground Floor
$10 N€|us
Call now for an appointment'
Walk ms Welcome1
484 0314
Featuring Jack Casady & Jorma Kaukonen
of Jefferson Airplane
with special guest Peter Kaukonen
Friday April 13, 8 pm
Eugene Hilton,
Playwright’s Hall
$9.00 U of O
$ 1 1.00 General
Tickets available:
EMU Main Desk
Face the Music
CD World
Record Garden