5 EXCUSES NOT TO GO THROUGH RUSH "2: “It's too expensive." Room and board in the dormitories is $2610 for the year. The average year s room and board for a fraternity is around $2790. So. to live in a greek house rather than university housing is $ I 80 more Most people will spend five bucks a week on potato chips, sodas and candy. So just cut out the snac king and you can join one of the best things about college. You'll make your dentist happy, too. $60 a term $20 a month $5 ntur\ Room I Hong Kong Stinlrnt \ssoi 1.1 tion , 11 In 11 k M.irt Apparel (apparel manager trainee) Mariposa Iik lassistanl manager and or manager in training) Massac lmsetts Mutual tc a reel agent) testing. April l't trom n to 1 1 a m in KM1 ’ (lentury Room I if, t’ennev (’.<> (summer management interns) group meeting, April 1 7 at p m in I,N11 ' (ieilar Room ( ' MISt I I,I AVI Ot S I’rr-Med prec eptnrship ori entation u ill take plat e tonight at "i in I AII ' ( fntur\ Room k Workshop on applying to medical school will lake place tonight .it (i in Room I 1(1 Wil lamette I In k Speight. a re pie sentative from the Oregon I lealth Si iences I 'Diversity Sc hool ol Medic ine \\ ill dis c uss applic at ion proc eciures Deadline tor suhmillini; lit a/s to the F.merald Irani desk. I \U ' Suite IDO. is noon the din before ptihlu ation lit a/s run the day ol the event unless the eve/li occurs helore noon /'/ease submit lit a/s the day be fore thei are to run only. Vo tues ol events with a donation or admission t /large will not be lit i opted tainpus events and those si heduled nearest the publication date will be gn en priorit\ the Hmerald reserves the right to edit notices for gnimniar and stvle CAMPUS HA9P D8S9GW Men & Women • • Han cut • B low • 1 f y • Style All For Only EMU Ground Floor $10 N€|us Call now for an appointment' Walk ms Welcome1 484 0314 HOT TUNA ACOUSTIC Featuring Jack Casady & Jorma Kaukonen of Jefferson Airplane with special guest Peter Kaukonen Friday April 13, 8 pm Eugene Hilton, Playwright’s Hall $9.00 U of O Student $ 1 1.00 General Tickets available: EMU Main Desk Face the Music CD World Record Garden