Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 30, 1990, Page 4, Image 4

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    Is student
health insuranee
euttinu into
your budget?
( ill - i I j.I.i < - ;■
t If 111 ,Hhl I Uhl mil hi >u ■' • .
iiHHh > .mil imprmi ytwi
lllMII.UU 1 Hli'l. 1
Inirsinh ni Hiuki i
I 144 \\ ill.i^tlli spu K«I.
I nyi iu
For health
check with
State Farm.
Call M* j. H, .» ••
17 1 .V 10th ' ■■■!<
i i,>
Recycle Thi* Paper
"E7unrrrx?*rT^!r ’«•.*?u *.c •.'*Tr"rrr^r '.»<♦. *» ■. *,**
thy oij* happy hi 4«r p, -«v t'-.m r m t i» >i 4 .»i r>'* m< ai tut.: *< » i
r ’« / *t ’ * 1 « *
Darnel Day l ran# in hi*
Ac adr my Award winning perl or manic
rwrs ow rou s< f * ow im pum i ovi
Of CM A 1 MOWf AM KING , . / ■ • w
E. 13th
HHAL Wt I A' H-t *» H *
<• how your a§jcnH Rented Atnujt met'
■ fc
jnUi .! IttL A!
.V i. CAf L
tantalizing, oil
beiil movie
haunt* you
long »Hn you
leave tf*r
theater "
•atisfying, a
■ JVt' JarmutCfi
hMintl yoof-jj
fj 1 ."I won't be an individual.''
Some pet>|)U* think that beintj qreek
hum ns havinp to conform. if you
join a house, mutter some, you
cant be you .
1 ell that to cjreek alumni: Ken
Kessey. I heodore Geisel (Dt
Seuss) . . . Stephen J. Cannell
David Letteiman . . .
II those ijteeks weren't indi\ iduals. the ALL
ijreeks must be like them. That's not hard to
live u ith
yn i; ^ Fraternity Rush April 9-13
Jr Questions? Call Tim Grossnicklaus
346 3 701
Campaign petitions due today in Suite 4
( ampnigri petitions Ini .ill
t«*r! sf udrnf bod\ nf f n rs
must l»r suhnultrd tn ihr *41♦ *<
linns board m I All Suif«* } b\
i p m toda\
( <m«i ic).il«*s for A SI O pr**si
drnl and vii r prrsidrnl .md
studrnI who wish In mn Ini
s» Ml s on Sludrnt Sr M dir fhr ill
< idrnl.d I rr I nmmillrr till1
Prrsidrnl \ Advisorv ('numd
nr Ihr I Ml Board should turn
in .i « ornplrhd idi’C linns prlt
linn .iv.lihlhh* 111 Suitr i and
shm\ .1 valid sludrnt frr « aid
.md a phuln I !)
I'hr *'!••( (inns prtitmn asks
( andidatrs fur basu. infurma
I inn sin h as addrrss. major
vr.H in s« imni and Ihr position
the\ ,ur running fm
Voter \ guide statements,
i\iH'«l mu I double-spaced iiM’
also (ini' In |) in guidelines
dir .1 \ .nlnble Irnm llin elm I inns
As .it i p in Thursdav. the
cli-i linns board had rci t'ivcd
petitions bn president and \ u r
prusidi'iil bum Kirk Hailey and
Sheila Stiihel. who announced
tlieii i ampaign Man li II
I he olhet i andidates who
haw? uinomu ed their < am
palgn Ini piesidenl and \ ii e
president Sieve Maples and
Diane ( ashman have not vet
i and idales hav e also bled
petitions tin ear h ol Ihe follow
70 OFF!
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J'/.L4rsr/<'y’C( r////u/ (.7 v/yxi/iy
itiH positions: two lot one-veai
Ii ( . seals .inti line Ini a one yi-1!
scat, one for President's \d\i
sorv (’.nufieil and one lor KMl
Hoard 1 wo students have filed
tor Student Senate seal n In ad
dition. one student lias filed tor
seat a and one for 1 0
I radttionallv students wait
until the last dav ol the filing
period to submit their peti
lions, said Dvlan (iouller. elei
lions board < hair
"I was looking through the
petitions from last vear, and the
vast ntajoril\ filed at the last
minute." (ioultei said
Tile following are job de
s( riptions for student <if{ii ers to
be elei ted later this month
As i hief til fit er of the ASI ()
e\ei .ul ive the student bod\
president appoints stall mein
hers to oversee areas including
finance, student events. I m
versitx and slate affairs, mi not
itv affairs and the women's task
ton e I he president also di
rei ts the cxecul i ve office in
spin ial projects
li t; members an icspunsib’
lor allot at mg more than S t ■
million in student lees to about
■ ASI'() funded programs and
student groups Members re
view program goals and liudg
ets III weekh meetings and
bold (1.1 iI\ budget bearings in
I 'Threat\ and Mart h
! mu uni1 vr.n seats .mil two
tu II \ .Ml S.11 S . It f Hill’ll
Student Senate members an
elei tell Im .1 tunAe.ll term
They attend weekly meetings
anil represent I lie student ImiK
at the t im eisitv Senate and
the I 'niversiU Assembh
vvhu Ii dele! mine geneial i am
pus piilit ies Members ulsti ap
prii\ e e\ei uli\ e appointments
and run the lulnrm.itinu and
( iiie\ am e ( tenter in the I Ml
\me lull term Senate seats
and three hall term (one vearl
seats are upen. e.u Ii seat repre
sents dillerent si honls m de
pat Intents in I he 1 am ersilv
I w ii students will he elei ted
In Im i veal seats nil the I Ml
Hoard wliii h tin ms polii ies
and plans for the student
union I lie Hoard allot ales ot
lire spare and IA11 Inlitn
spat e and deals w ill) otliel is
sues related to the building
I he hoard also prepares a
budget for the I AH and all ot
its programs
Tuo students will also he
elei ted to the President's Ad\ i
sor> Oouiu.il w hu h meets
muntlih with the \SI'() presi
dent to disi uss matters ot slu
dent i oncern
< i.nididales for all offii.es w ill
meet tor an inlormation.il meet
ing Wednesday April 4 at n
p.m in 1 All (ied.ir Room I
a (oil
4 nupmi
sa°° ?S po&
>nhou£ ?'
The best pi//a
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