Is student health insuranee euttinu into your budget? ( ill - i I j.I.i < - ;■ t If 111 ,Hhl I Uhl mil hi >u ■' • . iiHHh > .mil imprmi ytwi L Recycle Thi* Paper "E7unrrrx?*rT^!r ’«•.*?u *.c •.'*Tr"rrr^r '.»<♦. *» ■. *,** thy oij* happy hi 4«r p, -«v t'-.m r m t i» >i 4 .»i r>'* m< ai tut.: *< » i r ’« / *t ’ * 1 « * Darnel Day l ran# in hi* Ac adr my Award winning perl or manic rwrs ow rou s< f * ow im pum i ovi Of CM A 1 MOWf AM KING , . / ■ • w 492 E. 13th 686 24S8 HHAL Wt I A' H-t *» H * <• how your a§jcnH Rented Atnujt met' ivnr**pG ■ fc jnUi .! IttL A! /t .V i. CAf L tantalizing, oil beiil movie haunt* you long »Hn you leave tf*r theater " Thoroughly •atisfying, a delight ■ JVt' JarmutCfi hMintl yoof-jj S FXfdSFS NOT TO GO THROUGH RUSH fj 1 ."I won't be an individual.'' Some pet>|)U* think that beintj qreek hum ns havinp to conform. if you join a house, mutter some, you cant be you . 1 ell that to cjreek alumni: Ken Kessey. I heodore Geisel (Dt Seuss) . . . Stephen J. Cannell David Letteiman . . . II those ijteeks weren't indi\ iduals. the ALL ijreeks must be like them. That's not hard to live u ith yn i; ^ Fraternity Rush April 9-13 Jr Questions? Call Tim Grossnicklaus START GOING PLACES. GO GREEK. 346 3 701 _University Campaign petitions due today in Suite 4 ( ampnigri petitions Ini .ill t«*r! sf udrnf bod\ nf f n rs must l»r suhnultrd tn ihr *41♦ *< linns board m I All Suif«* } b\ i p m toda\ ( w hu h meets muntlih with the \SI'() presi dent to disi uss matters ot slu dent i oncern < i.nididales for all w ill meet tor an meet ing Wednesday April 4 at n p.m in 1 All ( Room I a (oil 4 nupmi sa°° ?S po& >nhou£ ?' U()(l The best pi//a in the most convenient location in town.. 147H \\ ill.imcMc 345-4811 NOW FREE -DELIVERY FRI & SAT! uorfno t «i i YULJK HUMe! .-.. mmm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm ua mm mm mm i < mi poll l w im i.arip* ri//aj i Buy one Get second at 1/2 price! On all Marika • Leotards • Socks • Tights • Tops Avia aerobic Shoes ^ Up to 25% off City Sweats Dance Studio & Active Wear 877 E. 13th Ave. • 342-6375