Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 30, 1990, Image 26

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    Yodve made one
smart investment.
Now make another.
Obviously you know .1 smart move when you set
out' After .til you decided to go to college.n^ht ‘
NJC-'t’ll .here's another way to prove you 1 biam powet
1 )rivc a Nissan Senna'
I he Sentia is anything but one ot those deperson
.dized econo-boxes I he lac t is it eomes loaded ^
with personality
Suiting with its advanced 12-valve l-cvlmdei
luel-injected engine th.its as poweitul as it is tellable
Plus a roomv mui lot Intelligent design
Not to mention the kind ot styling voucl expect
horn cats that iost thousands mote
So test dove the Sentia at voui Nissan 1 )ealet
Anti show the \v< nltl you re absolutely brilliant
Built tortile Human Race.
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