Yodve made one smart investment. Now make another. Obviously you know .1 smart move when you set out' After .til you decided to go to college.n^ht ‘ NJC-'t’ll .here's another way to prove you 1 biam powet 1 )rivc a Nissan Senna' I he Sentia is anything but one ot those deperson .dized econo-boxes I he lac t is it eomes loaded ^ with personality Suiting with its advanced 12-valve l-cvlmdei luel-injected engine th.its as poweitul as it is tellable Plus a roomv mui lot Intelligent design Not to mention the kind ot styling voucl expect horn cats that iost thousands mote So test dove the Sentia at voui Nissan 1 )ealet Anti show the \v< nltl you re absolutely brilliant Built tortile Human Race. //to .*Ar/nv7J)rnf iWxisni < *n .« i n/kr/if IU\1 '»•, / ;vi l )/X>n.rk// Irrr.uc l