Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 30, 1990, Page 14, Image 13

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    f <ut> MOM SOPH our
ethnic and
. \ IMh ■•*.>
U'H" "V*
• hffi
r*H< f .4
+* A
EWEB approves water rate hike
Hv Strphamr Mem imcr
f mcr.iUI Ri'portrr
f-hiKimr U .ili r .mil i.Ii-i it n
Moan I i uslorni'rs will sir their
hills nii up h\ almost Hi pin
i uni li<‘HinniriH \|>r il la ili-< i
sum in,iilc in thr llndsl fit i on
tinned (onlrovi't'sv nut i In * In
mu ol I.Ui H Ht'ni'nil maunder
Ir.in Kri'ilm
I In I WI.U lio.inl v olril ~i (i in
t.ivor ol raising vvatri steam
■ uni Him Ii ii r.ill's .11 ,i piibtii
Insii mg Monil.n I hr ulillh
raised i'Iim (rn i.ili-s oni1 yeat
ago h\ 7 pm nil hut lllr i per
lent wati'i ralr inrrr.isr is the
III si ill right \ IMIS
I In' i,ili- mi rrasr is needed
pi oil.II11\ In pa\ lot rlri Ii ii ||\
from I In- new .Smith I reek h\
ilroi'li'i li n plant m Idaho, at
lording In a nnlli'ii st,i11■ nn•!11
In I inn Sanirr I U I H putiln
infoi m.il ion i illii rr
I In ■ i I pi'ii i-iii ralr i m 11 asi'
is .ihoul 7 percent higher than
urtginalh ptoposed earlier !hI*
\e,tr due In a shortage of r ash
reserves that KWKH ninmns
sinners r iled as one reason for
In 111v Reeder m late I ebrtian
Several members nl the i nm
iminit\ have tiled to run m the
Mas priinan against two ol tin
I \\ I H i (iminissioners who
were responsible lor tiring
|ai k (,'raig. lormei I- \YI It
i (iminissioner and Susie
Smith a land use planner front
Springhalt! have filed to run
against incumbent R.inih
I hw mg III the at large seat
lat k Delos former Kugene i it\
i mini ilman. b.is applied to run
against Dennis Soldi. the in
i umlienl in \\ aids tour and
l in tuesdas lepieseniatises
from t ili/ens tor a Kesponstble
I.W hHoard pul it ti .11 .h t ion
i ommittei delis eted petitions
w itli nearls 11) (ton signaluies
to i its * lei I ion workers to re
FEB. lb - APRIL 14
The l t> Bookstore- is
sponsoring a photo eemte-st
with this theme:
We'd like you to photo
graph what you do when
you're not studying or
working, whether it In- a
day on tin- slopes or at the
ocean, .1 romp with vour
kids, or .1 demolition
derbv Show us what von
do tor fun and relaxation!
C ireat prizes will In
ottered and vour entrv
photos will lx- displaced in
the store-.
The winners will lx- |x-r
semallv notified, and their
names [x>stexl in the- lobby
e>t the Bexikstore, as well
as announeexi inthe
Ore-gem Paily Fnieralel e>n
April 30,1990.
I lave lots eil fun with thi
and C'.exxi Luck!
Thm1 will Iv exciting
prizes awarded to four
lucky winners; our
"People's C hoice" prize
winner will lv chosen by
you the people!
First Prize
A )VC Remote Control
Compact Disc Player
(Value $300)
Second Prize
$2(X) Cash!!
Third Prize
Olympus Infinity Twin
Camera (Value $200)
People's Choice
Free processing for 52 rolls
of film: enough for each
week for a year!
• Two entries per person
• All photos must have
been taken since Jan. 1,
• No professional (a
person whose principal
living is made by taking
pictures) may enter
• Size of photo (total print
or mat size):
Maximum: 11 x 14
Minimum: 5x7
• Color prints only
• Judging will bo done by
Qualex, Inc , the UO Jour
nalism Dept., and kx'al
professionals outside of
the UO Bookstore. The
judges will not bo aware
of who submitted any
The duration of the Photo
Contest will be:
FEB. 16 - APRIL 14,1990
• All photo entries must
he received at the photo
department of the UO
Bookstore .(near the back
of the main floor) no later
than April 14.
• Chi the back of your
entries you must print
very clearly:
(1) Your name
(2) Your address
(3) The title of your
(4) IYie type of camera
lens and film used
(if possible)
• "People's Choice" voting
will take place within the
store April 1-14.
• Prints must be picked
up by May 31,1990
(.ill Siilm and Fins inn lor s io
lating thr spirit ul the Oregon
|iiiI)Ik meetings lass w hen they
(lt‘( idl'd lo lire Kci-dn
Chiistin.i I).i\ is ,i rot .ill oi
gani/ei s.iul the coalition is
i loso lo having enough signa
luros lo also rri all commission
OI Kill) \\ lllls
llro elections workers havo
10 full da\ s to count and vt*rif\
the signatures. said kaths
I ieland. Depots ('it\ Hoimdor
I )a\ is said s olunteors i oiler I
011 the required number ol sig
natures m onlv _’-t days. oven
though organizers had 'id da\s
h i ai i omplisl- 1 lion goal
It was an iin rodihle volun
leer olfort. " I )a\ Is said "Ihe
response Iroin the ptihlii was
wonderful I’eople from out ot
the area i ame to us asking d
the \ (mild sign pot it ions and
wo had to turn them an ,i\
I )a\ is said the main opposi
lion lo the rei all has been
mainly tram retired I A\ Idi oni
plm cos w ho think Koodor i ul
thou retirement benefits I low
ever she said the purpose lor
the recall is not to bring bat k
Koodor but lo demand respon
sibilits from publii of fir ials
I losses■(■)■. oi on it it qiialdies
the recall may not be on the
May ballot hoi ause ol the num
hot ol issues and i andidates
I.ii mg \ olors this yo.ii
Dave Spriggs l.ano (lounts
I doi I unis Supers isor said
I his is pi a ibabls the most
i omplii alod o I oi t ion in m\ 1 t
years with the I mints
If the ret all is not on the Mas
I . ballot it mas he plat oil on a
spet i.d paper ballot on Mas I >
oi m a spot la! oloi I ion altoi the
May primary
$5 OFF
with this coupon
57 West Broadway
Downtown Eugene
Open Mike
Musicians Invited
l<> Showcase
Their Talent!
VtOOpm to Midnight