f MOM SOPH our ethnic and contemporary jewelry? . \ IMh ■•*.> U'H" "V* • hffi r*H< f .4 FOLKWAYS IMPORTS CLO'miNG Jf WELf?v 4 KA« AR1 HJOM A(?OUND Tn( WORlD +* A ——_Community_ EWEB approves water rate hike Hv Strphamr Mem imcr f mcr.iUI Ri'portrr f-hiKimr U .ili r .mil i.Ii-i it n Moan I i uslorni'rs will sir their hills nii up h\ almost Hi pin i uni li<‘HinniriH \|>r il la ili-< i sum in,iilc in thr llndsl fit i on tinned (onlrovi't'sv nut i In * In mu ol I.Ui H Ht'ni'nil maunder Ir.in Kri'ilm I In I WI.U lio.inl v olril ~i (i in t.ivor ol raising vvatri steam ■ uni Him Ii ii r.ill's .11 ,i piibtii Insii mg Monil.n I hr ulillh raised i'Iim (rn i.ili-s oni1 yeat ago h\ 7 pm nil hut lllr i per lent wati'i ralr inrrr.isr is the III si ill right \ IMIS I In' i,ili- mi rrasr is needed pi oil.II11\ In pa\ lot rlri Ii ii ||\ from I In- new .Smith I reek h\ ilroi'li'i li n plant m Idaho, at lording In a nnlli'ii st,i11■ nn•!11 In I inn Sanirr I U I H putiln infoi m.il ion i illii rr I In ■ i I pi'ii i-iii ralr i m 11 asi' is .ihoul 7 percent higher than urtginalh ptoposed earlier !hI* \e,tr due In a shortage of r ash reserves that KWKH ninmns sinners r iled as one reason for In 111v Reeder m late I ebrtian Several members nl the i nm iminit\ have tiled to run m the Mas priinan against two ol tin I \\ I H i (iminissioners who were responsible lor tiring Keeder |ai k (,'raig. lormei I- \YI It i (iminissioner and Susie Smith a land use planner front Springhalt! have filed to run against incumbent R.inih I hw mg III the at large seat lat k Delos former Kugene i it\ i mini ilman. b.is applied to run against Dennis Soldi. the in i umlienl in \\ aids tour and live l in tuesdas lepieseniatises from t ili/ens tor a Kesponstble I.W hHoard pul it ti .11 .h t ion i ommittei delis eted petitions w itli nearls 11) (ton signaluies to i its * lei I ion workers to re CALL FOR ENTRIES PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST c EXPLANATION FEB. lb - APRIL 14 The l t> Bookstore- is sponsoring a photo eemte-st with this theme: ’’AFTERHOURS" We'd like you to photo graph what you do when you're not studying or working, whether it In- a day on tin- slopes or at the ocean, .1 romp with vour kids, or .1 demolition derbv Show us what von do tor fun and relaxation! C ireat prizes will In ottered and vour entrv photos will lx- displaced in the store-. The winners will lx- |x-r semallv notified, and their names [x>stexl in the- lobby e>t the Bexikstore, as well as announeexi inthe Ore-gem Paily Fnieralel e>n April 30,1990. I lave lots eil fun with thi and C'.exxi Luck! Thm1 will Iv exciting prizes awarded to four lucky winners; our "People's C hoice" prize winner will lv chosen by you the people! First Prize A )VC Remote Control Compact Disc Player (Value $300) Second Prize $2(X) Cash!! Third Prize Olympus Infinity Twin Camera (Value $200) People's Choice Free processing for 52 rolls of film: enough for each week for a year! fxodalux RULES • Two entries per person • All photos must have been taken since Jan. 1, • No professional (a person whose principal living is made by taking pictures) may enter • Size of photo (total print or mat size): Maximum: 11 x 14 Minimum: 5x7 • Color prints only • Judging will bo done by Qualex, Inc , the UO Jour nalism Dept., and kx'al professionals outside of the UO Bookstore. The judges will not bo aware of who submitted any entry. v The duration of the Photo Contest will be: FEB. 16 - APRIL 14,1990 • All photo entries must he received at the photo department of the UO Bookstore .(near the back of the main floor) no later than April 14. • Chi the back of your entries you must print very clearly: (1) Your name (2) Your address (3) The title of your pnnt (4) IYie type of camera lens and film used (if possible) • "People's Choice" voting will take place within the store April 1-14. • Prints must be picked up by May 31,1990 UO BOOKSTORE (.ill Siilm and Fins inn lor s io lating thr spirit ul the Oregon |iiiI)Ik meetings lass w hen they (lt‘( idl'd lo lire Kci-dn Chiistin.i I).i\ is ,i rot .ill oi gani/ei s.iul the coalition is i loso lo having enough signa luros lo also rri all commission OI Kill) \\ lllls llro elections workers havo 10 full da\ s to count and vt*rif\ the signatures. said kaths I ieland. Depots ('it\ Hoimdor I )a\ is said s olunteors i oiler I 011 the required number ol sig natures m onlv _’-t days. oven though organizers had 'id da\s h i ai i omplisl- 1 lion goal It was an iin rodihle volun leer olfort. " I )a\ Is said "Ihe response Iroin the ptihlii was wonderful I’eople from out ot the area i ame to us asking d the \ (mild sign pot it ions and wo had to turn them an ,i\ I )a\ is said the main opposi lion lo the rei all has been mainly tram retired I A\ Idi oni plm cos w ho think Koodor i ul thou retirement benefits I low ever she said the purpose lor the recall is not to bring bat k Koodor but lo demand respon sibilits from publii of fir ials I losses■(■)■. oi on it it qiialdies the recall may not be on the May ballot hoi ause ol the num hot ol issues and i andidates I.ii mg \ olors this yo.ii Dave Spriggs l.ano (lounts I doi I unis Supers isor said I his is pi a ibabls the most i omplii alod o I oi t ion in m\ 1 t years with the I mints If the ret all is not on the Mas I . ballot it mas he plat oil on a spet i.d paper ballot on Mas I > oi m a spot la! oloi I ion altoi the May primary $5 OFF CONVERSE ALL STAR SHOES with this coupon Lazar’s Bazar 57 West Broadway Downtown Eugene 687-0139 Open Mike Monday Nights! Musicians Invited l<> Showcase Their Talent! VtOOpm to Midnight 343-8488