Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 07, 1990, Page 3, Image 3

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Women's groups get IFC funding
Not all get requested budgets
H\ D.in I isler
Emerald Reporter
I lie Ini ifient.il I’Ve ( nmmit
lee alloi .itefl S i-1 I. I ah to nine
student groups ,it it-, meeting
The Women s (Vntet .1 worn
en's assistance organization
.uul umbrella group housing of
liies of other women's 0114.1111
/■itions, let eived S I I dltlH tor
ne\t year .1 12 pen cut ill( re.lse
over the 1 ‘IK*I 90 budget season
ol SJM.tr 1
However, the committee alio
(sited less tb.in the (enter bud
asked I01. u illi the II <1 voting
in fin or i >1 .1 re\ ised budget
eliminating the binds rei|uested
to hire .1 full time receptionist
"We're encouraging groups
not lo mill another position he
imist* ot tlir (t niveisiti 1 enroll
uit■ iit ( .ip saiii li t uii'iiihri
Caul N'honi
\\omen's ( i■ n11■ i Ihre< tin
11 .is.i11i kudera said the posi
lion uas himessarv to improve
sen ii es at the ( enter
"You're limiting the program
entirely ' htuler.i said
tint i ommitlee niemliers
( Iliad liennion |oe Kevill and
Nhem suggested the i enter
i mild use a college-i redit in
leiuship s\ l. iii lu aftr.it I peti
pie In llu‘ jnl)
The ( nsis ( elite i ret t‘ivril .1
S 1 I I’ I budget ■ 1111 )t ,il lull tin
lilt' liliH) M I season .1 I a pt'l'
1 fill int rt'.isf limn l.isl \car's
budget til sit 11.
Ilii' 1 cute 1 htis o\erspent .1
Intal ul 1 000 tlm nn: tin- past
five wars Hennitm said
I'lle tit-in il spending 1 nines
out ul .1 t urrimllv nonexistent
surplus tli.it remains at tile end
til the 11st al \ ear s.utl AS!'()
I inance (aiordinator I rat \ Na
I >t ■ i
In other (justness the t mn
mitlee voted I 0 to allocate
' to to the \Sl () 1 '.hiIt!
('are Siilisith u it h Htninitin
Kevill ami \heni abstaining
I he allot at 11 in is a lilt pelt ent
int reuse ot Iasi veal s huiiget til
S 1 rj MO <I Hi* to a general in
( rease in progr,mi subsidies
Hie li t voted * 0 t<> allot ate
$jt.{70 to Amazon (.oopera
tive ( hilti ( are w ith \hem ami
Kev ill abstaining
The allot .ition is a JO 0 per
< ent im rease from last \ear's
budget of Slot 1M I be in
t rease was due to work stud\
salarv int reases
Project Salende ret eivetl a
$15,742 allot.ition. a 0 t» per
( 1’ivl itu n*<is<‘ from last visit s
Inulm't ill S I '< ii i 1
i Mit-nsK s, the t im rrsiK '•>
llllb.lll’ SI H il’!\ .lllti spt’I't tl I lull
in iM\ i‘il S I J I’H i tin nrst visit's
lmiit>t'l .1 J l iii’ii fill im itmsi
o\i*J l.lsl VISIT s ,lilui .ition ‘ 11
SI J t JO li t i h.ur I'nmj.i
Sum's vv.is nut pirscnt .0 th.it
rhi111 i vuii’ti t-o in .ilim .iti‘
Si 1 ’till to till’ K.!|H’ t I ISIS Xl't
work iur in‘\t visit with
Hiiiinion. Nhi’iu .uni Swirrs .it>
st.lining Krvill w.is not present
.0 th.it alltM .It Hill Vlltl'
A S’.1100 telephone .llisun
nu; svsti'in is tin' ii’.isoii Im tin’
JO port rut OH rr.isr Iroiil till’
lotto oo budget ot So 'on
l lir i onimittri' voIimI o I to
.llloi ,111 S i 0-11. im loot) o l to
Women's Krlrn.il .in<t Ki'sonn r
! 'rntfi ,i uiinicn s assist.im i
i it n.uil/.il lull \\ till BeiTilioll
voting .ii’.iinsl tl\f a!tin .ituin
rill' .llliil at loll Is .1 (I H pel
(mil im roast1 from last \ iai s
.illm at mu ui S-| Hit .'
Uuincn in Transition anoth
in vvumcn s assistanci' uiajani
zaliun rut ui\ uil a S l tttli allu
r.ilmu. a Iti pun i-1it im roast?
horn last \ hit's allm atum ut
'il 7 I'lii' im ri'.isc i ami' I rum
till' SU III ll III till' I U llllt’t turs
salat'ii's Irum stipriul tu uork
.s111<I\ ( lassifi( atum
Police Beat
The following is .1 list of
1 ampus lire.1 ( rimes taken from
()ftii e of I’uhlii SaleH and tin
gene I'olii e Department reports
from I ehruarv and Man h
• Ihe theft of a t 'niveisit\ sin
dent's purse from I’D was re
ported to Kl'l) on Mar 1 lie
student inachertenth left the
purse 1 ontammg 1 red it 1 .nils
and ke\ s in tile building while
attending ( lasses and later re
turned to find it gone t he total
loss is Sul
• A I'uivetsilv student reported
a pair of hiking boots and some
jewelry stolen to I t’!) on Mar
I lhe student not 11 ed the
items missing trout bet rest
deni e at 1H77 Kmerald St after
she had been gone lor tile
weekend during wtiuli time
her roommate had guests trom
( or\ .illis sta\ ing ovei
• A purse theft at Straub I fall
w.is reported to Kf’l) on Mar 1
The ow uer lett her oltii e for
about til minutes and returned
to find the purse, i ontairiing a
u<tllet i redit < .mis .mil $ It.
i .ish had liirii stolen
• A burglary it llic Sigma 1 'lli
Kpstlon Ir«iti»rnitv was reported
to KIM )on I ft) ZH A I v pew i it
er a trunk anil some textbooks,
totaling $420 iviti' slulfii from
a laundry mum in a Ini hod
• I hit'i- [iiit.tl I.tiding i bans
yyorth S.!l) I'.idi unv leported
vt i ilfii bum tin' Mi AI ist 1*1 Hall
lounge to KIM) nil 1 eb 2H
• I'll rir ( a nil V bars v\ in i- report
fd stolen bum ,i Hisiii t annplex
\ending mat hint' to KIM) on
lfb 27 A custodian reported
tin' i atltiv bars had been taken
out ul the mat lime, wIni h ap
parentU had been forced open
w ■ tIt a i oat banger
• A I'diversity' student's Keel's
jacket and set ul keys were le
ported stolen burn tin- Kenton
Hall math library In Ol’S tin
I el) 27 1 lie owner briellv left
tile jacket containing the keys
in the library and returned to
find the items gone 1 he total
Then trim the odds against you.
* Right on campus
* Any length of
hairany style
* Just $8 00'
* Women ask
for ' Rae"
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Kampus Barber Shop
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We have 3 barbers to serve you!
loss is S VI
• \ publu imlft *• iu \ .it loth
Avt'iiur and I’allrrson Ntri't'l
was H'|nirlt*(l to KIM) on I « I>
2 1
A woman walking in ihr .him
iiotut'd a suhjnct follow iiiK 11 * * r
l ilt' woman t rnssi'd thii stii'ot
siwnral t mins to losr him but
mitk nil tIn- suhn'i t l ontiiiuing
to billow In i
rhi1 subji'i t tlnm ran past tlit;
i ii tiiti. form'd to tai r lli'i anil
m.ist uib.ilcil
l lii' subji'i I is ilt'sc i ibi'il as a
ti loot I mi It I 70 pounil w Inti'
• In addition. l )I’S imports
night hiki's sloli'ii. iioni' rt-i ov
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r1 Oregon l)uil\ _ _
1*0 Hm M *** hit!*'*' I hryiiiii M’4l>'
the Onsjo'i Daily f in*'.' ii<j i*» published Monday thr.nnjh f- »>•!.•»> no *>pt dunny
in> Ar***f and - i• »( by Ihi- Oregon Daily fnu ' i J Pul i-shmg ( at the
Univm-iily >1 '■ fuynun Oregon
The tni.•(,»;,i > per.«ted indrp*- "dentty of t University rtnth ■ if hues oil I ho
(find floo; ■>! If • l d Mom .full IJmon and a fTinmtmr uf (fin As*.- ■ dnd Press
The f iM'ijkl pn..ji«* property The unla/Dul removal • uSe *f paper-. -s i ' <•>
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t ditor ! h< • i >* .*.•
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I j. r ? • i I'M M i*i !> M Ar ,«■ i Mi-' .n* f f'j .•-.*« A i
Hr-"i! " ** i J.if.et hwttei T«• • 1 Shepier J* • »iT»• • Smith. ( »-»•!»:Start* M »<*
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The rooster stared bach at me. his power and
confidence almost overwhelming. Down below, a
temale paused warily at the coop s entrance I kept
the camera running. They were beautiful, these
Chickens in the Mist