IniversiU Women's groups get IFC funding Not all get requested budgets H\ I isler Emerald Reporter I lie Ini I’Ve ( nmmit lee alloi .itefl S i-1 I. I ah to nine student groups ,it it-, meeting Tuesdiiv The Women s (Vntet .1 worn en's assistance organization .uul umbrella group housing of liies of other women's 0114.1111 /■itions, let eived S I I dltlH tor ne\t year .1 12 pen cut ill( re.lse over the 1 ‘IK*I 90 budget season ol 1 However, the committee alio (sited less the (enter bud asked I01. u illi the II <1 voting in fin or i >1 .1 re\ ised budget eliminating the binds rei|uested to hire .1 full time receptionist "We're encouraging groups not lo mill another position he imist* ot tlir (t niveisiti 1 enroll uit■ iit ( .ip saiii li t uii'iiihri Caul N'honi \\omen's ( i■ n11■ i Ihre< tin 11 .is.i11i kudera said the posi lion uas himessarv to improve sen ii es at the ( enter "You're limiting the program entirely ' htuler.i said tint i ommitlee niemliers ( Iliad liennion |oe Kevill and Nhem suggested the i enter i mild use a college-i redit in leiuship s\ l. iii lu I peti pie In llu‘ jnl) The ( nsis ( elite i ret t‘ivril .1 S 1 I I’ I budget ■ 1111 )t ,il lull tin lilt' liliH) M I season .1 I a pt'l' 1 fill int rt'.isf limn l.isl \car's budget til sit 11. Ilii' 1 cute 1 htis o\erspent .1 Intal ul 1 000 tlm nn: tin- past five wars Hennitm said I'lle tit-in il spending 1 nines out ul .1 t urrimllv nonexistent surplus remains at tile end til the 11st al \ ear s.utl AS!'() I inance (aiordinator I rat \ Na I >t ■ i In other (justness the t mn mitlee voted I 0 to allocate ' to to the \Sl () 1 '.hiIt! ('are Siilisith u it h Htninitin Kevill ami \heni abstaining I he allot at 11 in is a lilt pelt ent int reuse ot Iasi veal s huiiget til S 1 rj MO allot ate $jt.{70 to Amazon (.oopera tive ( hilti ( are w ith \hem ami Kev ill abstaining The allot .ition is a JO 0 per < ent im rease from last \ear's budget of Slot 1M I be in t rease was due to work stud\ salarv int reases Project Salende ret eivetl a $15,742 allot.ition. a 0 t» per ( 1’ivl itu n* llllb.lll’ SI H il’!\ .lllti spt’I't tl I lull in iM\ i‘il S I J I’H i tin nrst visit's lmiit>t'l .1 J l iii’ii fill im itmsi o\i*J l.lsl VISIT s ,lilui .ition ‘ 11 SI J t JO li t i h.ur I'nmj.i Sum's nut pirscnt .0 Vlltl' rhi111 i vuii’ti t-o in .ilim .iti‘ Si 1 ’till to till’ K.!|H’ t I ISIS Xl't work iur in‘\t visit with Hiiiinion. Nhi’iu .uni Swirrs .it> st.lining Krvill not present .0 alltM .It Hill Vlltl' A S’.1100 telephone .llisun nu; svsti'in is tin' ii’.isoii Im tin’ JO port rut OH rr.isr Iroiil till’ lotto oo budget ot So 'on l lir i onimittri' voIimI o I to .llloi ,111 S i 0-11. im loot) o l to Women's .in 2 1 A woman walking in ihr .him iiotut'd a suhjnct follow iiiK 11 * * r l ilt' woman t rnssi'd thii stii'ot siwnral t mins to losr him but mitk nil tIn- suhn'i t l ontiiiuing to billow In i rhi1 subji'i t tlnm ran past tlit; i ii tiiti. form'd to tai r lli'i anil uib.ilcil l lii' subji'i I is ilt'sc i ibi'il as a ti loot I mi It I 70 pounil w Inti' mail* • In addition. l )I’S imports night hiki's sloli'ii. iioni' rt-i ov mid \ MULTIPLE CHOICE HINT: Find the answer at SunShower! COMING SOON: SPRING BREAK! SHORTS!! BODY LANGUAGE!!! Bony m thft ad and receive ’ 7 F E fans or a FREE movie ticket* “•'With 'tv! mum purchase of 10 tans •'Of v< jlid with any other coupon otter) Expires March 31. 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If • l d Mom .full IJmon and a fTinmtmr uf (fin As*.- ■ dnd Press The f iM'ijkl pn..ji«* property The unla/Dul removal • uSe *f paper-. -s i ' <•> <■ ul.itm hy ;.i.s t ditor ! h< • i >* .*.• Managing E ditor Editorial Editor Graphics Editor Encore Editor Uu *; Wt 'Tiw Don Pole'-. Mark Y If New* Editoi Sports Editor Supplements Editor Night Editor Chnslopher Hi-n' Tracy Sunrmer Darla Jt». km.^s Kelvin W»«• Associate Editor* Community m Walker Student Government/Activities »tfi•* * H.iAloy Higher I duration;Administration i i- ■. B- . ■ ^ f eatures ! - ' ft - Reporters • A l/.t-f. l-vt. . ,.v- A-.» . > - ! m*- t • ' ► , G i' f'j I y nr J ■ K 1.! t.i, r l. «»keh\h f i «• Mr* ’>■ ( .|fTi Aii< e Thompjn Photographers t. .- ■ u ! M i f T' > Advertising M i . ••• B*" ■ th • - ti.i ,• r < ! M,e '' Mi ( Amy M»11 * * ■ t ,i« • < 11 .. Ne'v • Part' ' .1 Vs r «-i •' s *.i Phi' r K.-ith, Kristi St rot hi-1 t Ia.iiI Weiin * Production • An he- K.i ? * - *, • - I n- B- ■ , J*-d 1 r* A • • im 11 tw» Chii J Jim Fins h Yvette Gilt Jr* miter Huey t »• »• I«t K> ur.tad f • ■ I j. r ? • i I'M M i*i !> M Ar ,«■ i Mi-' .n* f f'j .•-.*« A i Hr-"i! " ** i hwttei T«• • 1 Shepier J* • »iT»• • Smith. ( »-»•!»:Start* M »<* Ituel Je1 -'lifer Th* arias J#fm«fer V-.iU- Ingrid White Kelt/ W'*. General Siatl Advertising Director r Assistant to the Publisher > Production Manager M . r-» < H Advertising Coordinator • • • ' * ■ Classified Manager II -v ,f' Accounts Receivable Circulation, Newsroom 346 5S11 Classified Advertising 346 4343 Display Advertising 346 3712 Production Graphic Services 346 4381 THE FAR SIDE i. By GARY LARSON 1 The rooster stared bach at me. his power and confidence almost overwhelming. Down below, a temale paused warily at the coop s entrance I kept the camera running. They were beautiful, these Chickens in the Mist