Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 02, 1990, Image 1

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    _ _ Oregon Daily_ _
1 inl.iv M,ir( h ~ l'l'tu
I jigiMir < begun
\Ultiini' ‘i I. \itniiift ,11
■ IFC budget meetings, Page 4
■ Encore section. Pages 5-8,
■ Wildcats trounce men, Page 9,12
■ Ducks beat ASU, Page 11
EWEB gets criticized
for manager dismissal
By Stephanie Mem imer
t merald Reporter
The Monday nil’ll! massa
ilr nt 1 uigene \\liter iiil I-.lei
tin Board general manager lean
Reeder has provoked several
i onimunitv tnemhers to take ai
lion against the I \\ I B i ommis
sinners responsible tor dismiss
nig Reeder
I or met stale legislator lai k
li.og took ad vsi nt age ot the po
litii al climate to annoum e at .1
press eonfereni e Tlnirsda\ Ins
intention to 1 ha I lenge I AVI B
boat'd vice president Kandv
Timing in the board's primarv
elei lion in Mu In addition
( 01 ig annoniK ed Ins support
tor .1 rei all ol all tbe 1 ommis
sinners who orchestrated tbe
tiring ol Reeder
Signatures lot im mini
mating petition were obtained
before the Monday niglil deba
t ie ( 1 aig said I Ionvcn ei at
ter personally viewing this stai
tling. unpret edented \ itldit
five and illegal performance I
was com im ed on the spot tli.it
ret ail \n as the only viable rent
edN to 1 outlier tIlls .11 tion
A ret a 11 is a formal met In id
toi r iti/ens to remove elected
ottii ials from then posts before
I hi- rml ot llit'ii terms. said ( ah
Ret ordit kalhv I inland
Although no formal .h lion
has vt'l lii-fii I ,i k < • 11 lieland
said she i tmlimifd that si-vi-ral
Iiiijiiii ifs aliout ret all prot end
digs had const' through Inn til
In e I iflaml w ill not release
am names until a toiiual dot i
sum has I math•
Kf|i Wi 11 iain I )\v vt'i . I)
Springfield also annount oil ai
Thnrsdav s press t unlereili c
th.it he w ill lilt- a hill in the
next legislative session to
amend the ( hegon ptihllt meet
mgs law as a result ol Mon
dav s notion
I )w vei said the w.t\ i oitiniis
sioners Solin and liming hail
died Reeder's termination wax
nothing more than a xneakv
wav to tutailment the Oregon
I *uIil it Meet mgs law
I le saitl he w as appalled In
Solin x explanation ot the det i
summaking process used in
Reeder s case saving although
Solin avoided making a tei hill
t al violation ot the law he dell
nitch \ diluted it in spu it
Solin maintains that lie
liming anti Rob Willis did not
violate the law lift ause the
lurn to I VWB. Page 12
Picnicking parrot
11 lull mjusiiii: .in tuildnni inr.il .it llir I ni\rrsit\ rrirnlh Alii,inn Rubin ih.itn
snmr hir.nl u ith hri (Junkrr p.ii rnt I'.ifi.i \h> Rubin .1 1I.1111 r nuijni binu^bl lift jirt In
1 .linpus In1 .1 dims rrfw,ir>.il nl .1 11rrlnrn1.ini r srl Ini Inil.n Photo li\ M irk ^ Irn
Brand hears SETA, other issues
Hv Peter ( ogswell
f mer.ild Reporter
ITiiveisitv president \Ivles Hi.mil
responded to questions ranging from
.<nitii.il research to taiinlv student lie
mg during an open forum l lnusdnv
in the I Ml lien lander room
Brand s lust question came trom a
member ol Students lor die hi haul
I re.itment ot Animals and dealt with
the return ol macaque monkeys to he
used in |is\( hologic al researc h at the
1 nivorsitv
The student w.lilted to know him
modern silence would benefit trom
psvi hnlugic al studies using moil
lirand responded In saving the re
seari h deals with how people link up
visuallv and the model ( loses! to till
mans is monkeys The research is
neurologn al and deals w ith selective
attention, he said
The student then volunteered him
sell to he used as research tor lie
psychologic al experiments be< .lose
the research ot I )r Ric hard
Merrni i o (who w ill he in charge ot
using the monkeysl makes me neu
rotic and this is one ot the qualitir a
turns.' ’ he said
brand responded by telling the stu
dent many legal questions would
have to he answered before this i mild
take plai e
Hrand was next asked about a pro
posal to expand eligihditv fin family
housing to allow people with domes
III partnerships to apply lol family
As it stands right now only stu
Photo h* Mdilm I hirl
I’niversitx President Myles Brand
lields student questions during an
open forum I'hursilav
dents w 1111 .1 marriage In fuse nail ,ip
ph Im famih housing Brand was
told that the existing polo \ discnmi
nates against a large nninhei ol sin
dents at tile I in\ ersit v
lie said the I HiversiH is undertak
ing studies In see what other mover
slties ai fuss the nation are doing to
solve this problem
Brand added he hopes to have a so
lutioii within two to lour weeks hut
realizes the t niversit\ must have a
turn to Brand, Page I
Double barrier challenges
rights of disabled women
Bv D.ir.ilvn Irnppe
f mernlcl C ontributor
In .1 continuing effort to support ills
,i(dnl students .mil provide education
,iikI awareness. Students tot Idjual Ac
( ess sponsored .i tdm present.itinn and ,i
forum Thursdav to disc uss the spet ific
i oik crus o! disabled women
I he film entitled Ihm I (in Id )dm
oi)in addressed the double barriei
lh.it being tem.de and being disabled
presents Several women spoke ot their
feeling that )oh disc 11ininat ion against
women is multiplied bv the fact th.it
they are disabled in some wav
Disabled women were enc ouraged to
join together to disc uss their ( mu eriis,
to address the problems ot disc rimina
turn, and to dec lease any sense ot isota
I'he issue ot assertiveness was an
overriding topic at the meeting Wlieth
er in public in the workplace or in pri
v rite relationships disabled women
were encouraged to be aware of then
rights and to insist on fair treatment
( )ne woman spoke of the tac t th.it dis
aided people are legally protected
against discrimination, but unless the\
fight for enforcement the laws are use
The film also addressed the problems
of abuse that some disabled women
face Some women hud been sexually
abused bv then attendants, bv tamdv
members or bv strangers
It was pointed out that a disabled
woman involved in an\ type of abusive
relationship will have trouble finding
assistance at a women s shelter Ibis
11.11 > i it -1 is I it '■ .nisi' mam shelters are not
vet t with wheelt lour r.imps
.111(1 lltlll'l I1IH I’SSlt I(‘S .1 (I IS.ll ill111 WOIII.III
might in’mi
Tin- message hi tin' evening u.is tii.ii
disabled luiltii'll slit tu It i si.mil up liu
I Ill'll lights ,nul assert themselves yy Ill’ll
iii .illusive hi ilisi rimiuatory silu.il urns
SI.A li.is III I'll .11 live mi I .illipiis MUI e
lull I'lH'l when several ilisuliletl sill
denis liei nine i tnu erned about 1 lit* .tv .til
ulnlitv til fittuiilift 1<ir in i lass serve os
sill li ns mile Inkers .mil sir’ll language
"We were concerned that we weren't
going In net stiffii ienl funds fur the pen
pie wild really need those sefvii.es
said Marianne Millei n visually im
paired student w ho is sei rotary Inr SI .A
The group also formed In "provide a
network among the disahled students on
rumpus t\ e knew there were .ihoul 1MI
disahled students, hul we didn't know
e.u h other’s names W hat we really
needed was a group identity Miller
SI A is currently working’ with l)is
allied Student Servii es to lobby the Im I
dental l ee Committee lor iundiug and
to gain i it I ii nil ret ognition as a t ampus
organization lurlier Ibis year. Millei
and SI- A i:o director |uhe Hubei yyere
told by (’niversity president Myles
Brand that the I’niversity Administra
tion yvould matt Ii whatever binding
SI A might j;el Irom the IIC
rhe film, yyliith is dosed captioned,
yyill be presented again during spring
tel 111