_ _ Oregon Daily_ _ Emerald 1 inl.iv M,ir( h ~ l'l'tu I jigiMir < begun \Ultiini' ‘i I. \itniiift ,11 _Inside_ ■ IFC budget meetings, Page 4 ■ Encore section. Pages 5-8, ■ Wildcats trounce men, Page 9,12 ■ Ducks beat ASU, Page 11 EWEB gets criticized for manager dismissal By Stephanie Mem imer t merald Reporter The Monday nil’ll! massa ilr nt 1 uigene \\liter iiil I-.lei tin Board general manager lean Reeder has provoked several i onimunitv tnemhers to take ai lion against the I \\ I B i ommis sinners responsible tor dismiss nig Reeder I or met stale legislator lai k li.og took ad vsi nt age ot the po litii al climate to annoum e at .1 press eonfereni e Tlnirsda\ Ins intention to 1 ha I lenge I AVI B boat'd vice president Kandv Timing in the board's primarv elei lion in Mu In addition ( 01 ig annoniK ed Ins support tor .1 rei all ol all tbe 1 ommis sinners who orchestrated tbe tiring ol Reeder Signatures lot im mini mating petition were obtained before the Monday niglil deba t ie ( 1 aig said I Ionvcn ei at ter personally viewing this stai tling. unpret edented \ itldit five and illegal performance I was com im ed on the spot tli.it ret ail \n as the only viable rent edN to 1 outlier tIlls .11 tion A ret a 11 is a formal met In id toi r iti/ens to remove elected ottii ials from then posts before I hi- rml ot llit'ii terms. said ( ah Ret ordit kalhv I inland Although no formal .h lion has vt'l lii-fii I ,i k < • 11 lieland said she i tmlimifd that si-vi-ral Iiiijiiii ifs aliout ret all prot end digs had const' through Inn til In e I iflaml w ill not release am names until a toiiual dot i sum has I math• Kf|i Wi 11 iain I )\v vt'i . I) Springfield also annount oil ai Thnrsdav s press t unlereili c th.it he w ill lilt- a hill in the next legislative session to amend the ( hegon ptihllt meet mgs law as a result ol Mon dav s notion I )w vei said the w.t\ i oitiniis sioners Solin and liming hail died Reeder's termination wax nothing more than a xneakv wav to tutailment the Oregon I *uIil it Meet mgs law I le saitl he w as appalled In Solin x explanation ot the det i summaking process used in Reeder s case saving although Solin avoided making a tei hill t al violation ot the law he dell nitch \ diluted it in spu it Solin maintains that lie liming anti Rob Willis did not violate the law lift ause the lurn to I VWB. Page 12 Picnicking parrot 11 lull mjusiiii: .in tuildnni inr.il .it llir I ni\rrsit\ rrirnlh Alii,inn Rubin ih.itn snmr hir.nl u ith hri (Junkrr p.ii rnt I'.ifi.i \h> Rubin .1 1I.1111 r nuijni binu^bl lift jirt In 1 .linpus In1 .1 dims rrfw,ir>.il nl .1 11rrlnrn1.ini r srl Ini Inil.n Photo li\ M irk ^ Irn Brand hears SETA, other issues Hv Peter ( ogswell f mer.ild Reporter ITiiveisitv president \Ivles Hi.mil responded to questions ranging from . i it -1 is I it '■ .nisi' mam shelters are not vet t with wheelt lour r.imps .111(1 lltlll'l I1IH I’SSlt I(‘S .1 (I IS.ll ill111 WOIII.III might in’mi Tin- message hi tin' evening u.is tii.ii disabled luiltii'll slit tu It i si.mil up liu I Ill'll lights ,nul assert themselves yy Ill’ll iii .illusive hi ilisi rimiuatory silu.il urns SI.A li.is III I'll .11 live mi I .illipiis MUI e lull I'lH'l when several ilisuliletl sill denis liei nine i tnu erned about 1 lit* .tv .til ulnlitv til fittuiilift 1