Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 28, 1990, Page 6, Image 6

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Skateboard enthusiasts ask city
council to build skate facilities
B\ \lic r i hornton
I mer.ild Reporter
Skutrbour dris und puirnts
lillfd < it\ (inline i! < humbtis
foi u hrurintj I"im*scl.i\ to show
thru support nt tin i unstiut
lion of .1 srrirs n| kutrbo.ud
put ks in I U>4rlH
following 111r hrurmg the
Joint I *,* i k (ummitb •• will < cm
Sldri tJir ( ommrnls til the pul)
lii s testimony .end possihl\
udd un .imrndmrut to tlir I u
gr nr I’.ti ks .ind Kim rr.it inn
I hr .Illirudmrnt W ill .till >W
11:' p.H k s lit hr t ollsldr i rtj It 11
« upit.il impiov-rmriit funding
I sj im.ttrd t • »st 1if t hr j Ml k is
v;n nor) to S ion nun
I hi* idru till t hr pi* >|>( »srd
s k.l t r!)i (.ltd pu I k s irsultrd from
tom months ot irsruuh I»\ the*
t it\ s Nkutrho.ud I usk lruni
w Inc h toi mrd in St*ptemhei fol
low mt! u t ifv < iiiim d h.m on
sidrw.dk sk utrbourdmy’ tn thr
downtou n mull
I hr ( i!\ i ouni d rtlri frd tin*
bun brt utisf o! t omplumts Irom
l ,unr I i,insit I )istrn t unci < on
l iTIH'll l lti/i*ns
( Jhtv! Zvvillingrr prrsidrnt
of I hr I u I ’ r 11 * ■ ( imimission on
(hr Rights of Youth and .i mnn
hn of fhr I ask ! »miii • ■mi fhr
fr.im found a drfinitr nrrd for
skalrl »i i,ini f ,»i 11 it i*"
if f !>*• ( ii\ (’«iiiiif ii i
fo knp Irlimr thr kid'. 111 ♦ * \
( ,11) f skatrhi oil li till thr TU.il! of
in par ^ ■ I hr \ mod !«> gi\«
thrill .1 plac r fo go ' Zm lllmgrr
I’rovidliu', .« ■ mglr l.n ihl\
for skiitrlxhitdrrs would not hr
-Ill • l pf) I o |»M. 11 r solution. 'hr
l l»t 1 .isk Irani pr< *|m isn i
i onstrui fion of right mini
|i.ii ks in mi r,i< h ! i nr mldfDi
sc honi. one* < mitral outdooi
sk.itrhi i.inl t.H 11 if v and onr m
door lamp l.lrU‘11 possiblr out
door -ifi- <iud l i mi oof -it*
h.i\ r brrn rrc oinmrndrd h\ I hr
I .isk I r.mi .is suil.ihir lot a
I ions
i hr I .r-k 1 r.mi ^ 11t. . i fhr
National Nkatrhoaid A i.i
lion iind a joe ai youth group
11kr I hr Bov St on! run and
m.magr thr imiooi ramp
55% HEMP
$30.00 EA.
** Quantity Discounts ►
Dealers invited ►
WARNING: This garment contains over 7 oz. of
cannabis sativa not in its controlled substance
CONTACT: W.M. CONDE 995-6907
Conde's Redwood Lumber
l*.i I.
( ontinuod from !’.)«<' 4
Zss illingri said 1 i.iiii 1 it\ fur
tin- outdoor |i.irk ■- would l)i' .e
sinned l>\ flu- i 11 \ vvhdr 11ul>i 1
ilv for fix' mdooi ramp would
l» assumed li\ I In• MSA
lutiii 1 lirriol ,i member i.1 flu
I ash I i'.hii said oilier i if ies in
(Jregon have i on.sllin leil slim
I. if p.uks Skateboard I MI k s
II. ive lieen in (airvallIN. H.tlldoil
,ind f .iimoii He.ii h and .i park
is Ih'Hiu i on- lrm led m Ms itle
( reek
ll seems there .ire ,dreads
plrnls of utlii'i i it ies-getl mg .in
volved in what's going on
I lleliol s.inl
Kii li.nd ( .reel!. i Ii.iii |lerson
.if the I'ublii Side!v Advison
( .out mission s.i id .is ,i ton
i ernt’d p.ireiif and (ommtinds
liiemli.'i he supports the path
P,SA< voted !o support tile
plan as presented III the re
pull ( been said 1 lie most
important part ul tins trstimom
i-, what smiths desire not what
adults desire
\!ik i Mil .m, Pin sii a! I iii■
i .it u in f oordntiitoi toi Shasta
Middle Si fiool said then- are a
leu profile Ills .ISSOI I,lied with
skateboard mg
Inn.in' lo skateboarders and
dam,me t.. property usualh re
soils trom skating in m.tppio
pnale plants, he said In spite
ot these plohlrms Ml ( os said
• e- a I'l 11on llei he supports the
pat k
Sk.ili-boaiding is an appro
pnalt to! m ut rfhlet ii espies
snm Mi l o\ said I u mild
mm h i at hr i has e them doing
that than sitting a! home doing
la'iiir 1 trapi-la. dim ini ot
Parks Ifei reation and t ultiiral
S, is nes and a memliej ot the
task Train, said the amend
mold that mas result hoin
I UesdaS s hearing uil! he the
liipir ot .liiother hearing dining
an Apiil ) Planning t uinmis
siou meeting
fur llit' It 'imorsilv) minimis
II .1! it Ml In take It 1 iv f'l .
\hfm 11 <i ' Till' allotment
is so in in 1st ulc and llit' pn
ifiit 1.a 1 ol thr benelil is mi
iinmt’MM' Im vmi niiiiid in
help .1 lot ol people I s.n . go
for il
Mini Ihr t oinniilli'i' Iniil
unsiit t esslulh \ nlril on se\
i ral suet exsive rt'vist'tl
luitlgi'ls. Rm ill ,11 t t plffi ,01
amendment tlropping Ihr
si hoiitrsliip lint' ih'in. which
In 1 night ihr budget rt'tpii'sl
.tlnitisi Ir.it k lo its PIH'I 'll 1
In olhri husinrss thr 11 1
aIloi .ilt ii budget 1111 rr.ist's lo
Ihrrr groups .mil .1 hmlgrl
ilrt reuse to mu'
Iruinv alii r I dm .it ion.il
I )t \ rlopmonl which 1 ilfri s
rxli.ti urrii ul.n course taught
In students uml 1 onmiuniU
Mirniliris in 1 ■ 1 \ r.l ,1 S'l H-k
allocation Im thr PlttO u I
III r Igl'l M slsi i|| .1 i I piTtl'Ill
decrease Iroin last year's
budget ol SID I‘i 1
I 111 II I Volt'll I o l\ till
Km ill anti II 1 ini'inbri
Sim r Maplt's abstaining In
<tlkx .ilc th»* Kim reation anil
Intramural* program
Sro.-tHd. ,i ii Vi prn ent in
i reuse from llit- 1H81) on
budget MMsan’s alloi alum nl
S i. U U
rhc i ommiltri' also voted
lo alloi air tlir (Jregon
Man long Hand srtl UJ-I a
"t 1 pen ent mi reuse Irani
Iasi \ ear s alloi alion
The I X AI'! I ield Studies
I’rogiam rei eived S 1 i 'lit.'. a
1. peri ent ini l ease o\ er
last \ ear's luulget
I'he I 'niter! States Student
Association budget was
postponed pending lurthet
study and ol him I lughes
return liom Washington
111 I lughes the I SSA
\ortli \\ esl I 'at iln legion
i halt man is lobb\ mg I on
gl ess I III legisl.lt ion atini ting
liliani lal aid
I lie Asian I’.u iln Amen
i an Student \ssoi iation re
si heduled its budget heal
t nt It Song and Duller
w hii h lailed lo attend its
l eb 11 hearing, also has re
si heduled
Police Beat
Ill** following is .1 I is! of
* inijn: him ( rimes t.iki*n from
()ff i< e of I'uhlit S.if«•! v and I u
gfin* Hn|i< i* ! )**)»,irtinrnt reports
between i rh 2H and Feb 27
dent un ! c|i 7 t*>f the l td) 2
f lit *t! Ill .1 Ml K III' I l.dl ( i!ll( ll All
.iiiiiiiv mm»s tip .i<l\ ised tin
imu li u ns stored in .i resi
drill s room in Y\ dl< n\ 11.dl
()!\S and 11*1) tin*n obsrr\ ed the
i nut h on .( \ isp to the res I
dent s room Hie student w.is
t ited «md released tor p< ttv lai
• • v.
horn die Hi ,m ( omples parking
lot w .is lepurted to I HI) on I eh
• 1’here were no signs .»!
tun ud 1'iiti\ 1u tIn' v i llM li'
• A $1IMi st.tl! park■ i
Was reported stolen In l.l'l) on
I uli t l lii- pm not n .1-. sinirii
tmni tin- I ' im i i sit\ park mg li il
.11 ! _*lh A\ i• 11111• .uni Aldrt
• A ..1.1 'I I I I 111 111.11 III INI !! I' !
.mil lin t! .It lilt' Ur,til I lonipJi'X
parking lot was reported In
( )I\S oil I i'll Jtl All UllkllOU II
suspet:! slashed a I'nivrrsiH
student s i (invertible top i aus
in v, S ! not I d.rnngr, and stole i
S-tlttI i ai Stereo
• .k : s ■
reported stolen troll) (Irilingri
Mai I h i Ol’S on [ rh 2(i.
Get a 14”
1 Item
Plus one 16 oz.
687-8600 • 1432 Orchard
Offer Good Mon. & Wed.
Just ask for 14" Special
w '-I
258 C 15th
542 7975
f HU Ml MORIAl UNION 346-4381
Design ( (
f’MI's fr.tr
■) i K'
■ sulfation
'parenc ies
/■» 00 M I
\\ rdnisit.n I t*l>i ll.1 r\ atl 1‘1‘MI