-.Community Skateboard enthusiasts ask city council to build skate facilities B\ \lic r i hornton I mer.ild Reporter Skutrbour dris und puirnts lillfd < it\ (inline i! < humbtis foi u hrurintj I"im*scl.i\ to show thru support nt tin i unstiut lion of .1 srrirs n| kutrbo.ud put ks in I U>4rlH following 111r hrurmg the Joint I *,* i k (ummitb •• will < cm Sldri tJir ( ommrnls til the pul) lii s testimony .end possihl\ udd un .imrndmrut to tlir I u gr nr I’.ti ks .ind Kim rr.it inn PI.tn I hr .Illirudmrnt W ill .till >W 11:' p.H k s lit hr t ollsldr i rtj It 11 « upit.il impiov-rmriit funding I sj im.ttrd t • »st 1if t hr j Ml k is v;n nor) to S ion nun I hi* idru till t hr pi* >|>( »srd s k.l t r!)i (.ltd pu I k s irsultrd from tom months ot irsruuh I»\ the* t it\ s Nkutrho.ud I usk lruni w Inc h toi mrd in St*ptemhei fol low mt! u t ifv < iiiim d h.m on sidrw.dk sk utrbourdmy’ tn thr downtou n mull I hr ( i!\ i ouni d rtlri frd tin* bun brt utisf o! t omplumts Irom l ,unr I i,insit I )istrn t unci < on l iTIH'll l lti/i*ns ( Jhtv! Zvvillingrr prrsidrnt of I hr I u I ’ r 11 * ■ ( imimission on (hr Rights of Youth and .i mnn hn of fhr I ask ! »miii • ■mi fhr fr.im found a drfinitr nrrd for skalrl »i i,ini f ,»i 11 it i*" if f !>*• ( ii\ (’«iiiiif ii i fo knp Irlimr thr kid'. 111 ♦ * \ ( ,11) f skatrhi oil li till thr TU.il! of in par ^ ■ I hr \ mod !«> gi\« thrill .1 plac r fo go ' Zm lllmgrr s.iid I’rovidliu', .« ■ mglr l.n ihl\ for skiitrlxhitdrrs would not hr -Ill • l pf) I o |»M. 11 r solution. 'hr said l l»t 1 .isk Irani pr< *|m isn i i onstrui fion of right mini |i.ii ks in mi r,i< h ! i nr mldfDi sc honi. one* < mitral outdooi sk.itrhi i.inl t.H 11 if v and onr m door lamp l.lrU‘11 possiblr out door -ifi- \ flu- i 11 \ vvhdr 11ul>i 1 ilv for fix' mdooi ramp would l» assumed li\ I In• MSA lutiii 1 lirriol ,i member i.1 flu I ash I i'.hii said oilier i if ies in (Jregon have i on.sllin leil slim I. if p.uks Skateboard I MI k s II. ive lieen in (airvallIN. H.tlldoil ,ind f .iimoii He.ii h and .i park is Ih'Hiu i on- lrm led m Ms itle ( reek ll seems there .ire ,dreads plrnls of utlii'i i it ies-getl mg .in volved in what's going on I lleliol s.inl Kii li.nd ( .reel!. i Ii.iii |lerson .if the I'ublii Side!v Advison ( .out mission s.i id .is ,i ton i ernt’d p.ireiif and (ommtinds liiemli.'i he supports the path P,SA< voted !o support tile plan as presented III the re pull ( been said 1 lie most important part ul tins trstimom i-, what smiths desire not what adults desire \!ik i Mil .m, Pin sii a! I iii■ i .it u in f oordntiitoi toi Shasta Middle Si fiool said then- are a leu profile Ills .ISSOI I,lied with skateboard mg Inn.in' lo skateboarders and dam,me t.. property usualh re soils trom skating in m.tppio pnale plants, he said In spite ot these plohlrms Ml ( os said • e- a I'l 11on llei he supports the pat k Sk.ili-boaiding is an appro pnalt to! m ut rfhlet ii espies snm Mi l o\ said I u mild mm h i at hr i has e them doing that than sitting a! home doing nothing la'iiir 1 trapi-la. dim ini ot Parks Ifei reation and t ultiiral S, is nes and a memliej ot the task Train, said the amend mold that mas result hoin I UesdaS s hearing uil! he the liipir ot .liiother hearing dining an Apiil ) Planning t uinmis siou meeting fur llit' It 'imorsilv) minimis II .1! it Ml In take It 1 iv f'l . \hfm 11 f the l td) 2 f lit *t! Ill .1 Ml K III' I l.dl ( i!ll( ll All .iiiiiiiv mm»s tip .ii ll.1 r\ atl 1‘1‘MI