Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 27, 1990, Image 1

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■ Tapestry stolen, Page 4
■ ASUO mediation, Page 5
■ Update on fire alarms, Page 6
■ Ducks season memorable. Page 8
EWEB board
fires manager
B\ Steph.inie Men< imer
Emer.ild Reporter
In ,m unexpei ted motion Monday night ,il .1 |Hil)
Ik hearing on proposed utility rale ini leases, the I n
gene Water and Kiel Irii Hnaid voter) three to two to
tire general manager lean Keedei
Hoard president Dennis Nolin opened the meeting
In leading a prepared statement expressing the
board’s regret ovei terminating Reeder’s live veai stint
as general manager giv ing no speeifii s as to why
Keedei was tired Reeder was instrtn led to v ai ate hei
ollii e hv H a in luesdav morning
Soiin wax interrupted hv hoard member Sarah
llendrii hson who londlv objer led to the move and ai
i used Soiin. v 11 e president Kandv I’hwing and Koti
Willis ot sexism and of violating the Oregon I'uhln
Ret i irds I .aw
llendrii kson and hoard meintier Ku hard I leeman
were not imisu!ted on the dei ision to terminate
Reeder's employment and the pnhlii was not implied
in advani e that the ai lion would take plane at the pub
In hearing However. W m ( atkins the IWI.lt attoi
nev . said lh.it the hoard s dei ision was not tei him atlv
a violation ol the law
I iendriekson later i mil eded that tile move mav
not have been a duel I v iolation ot the law hut that it
was i ertai ul\ a v ml at ion ol the spirit ol public law
llendrii kson said Keedei has responded to every
one ol liie hoard's requests loi improvement and dial
under hei management I.WKH lias attaiue.l a 11..
highest t redit ratings and tie- set olid lowest rales ot
any ntilitv in the country
iWl lt is working at maximum . ap.n dv Hen
dm kson said and i redited Keedei vv ilh improv ing el
him to mm, 1J
_ _Presort Daily_ _
I'lH'sii.u I I'hruaiA .'.7. 1990
iMigcnc. I hcgnn
\ ulumc 9 I Numbi'i HIM
Juggling fools
s kill
Senitu \Luk I'oisvlli llrll I ,iiul Ireshnuui Inrl l\.m bike time In brush up nn thru pi pc, I mu
s \estenLi\ nut stile nl I Lull l hull I nliiple\
I’lioto li\ Slev c ( .lid
Hamilton slated for face lift
Eatery moves
to Bean hall
B\ Mu t' I hnr nlnn
l mt'r.ild Reporter
A temporal! i .itflfi in in
lif.ui i omples is being set up to
iced residents ut I l.imilluii .uni
bean dormitories (luring tin*
si I million Iar e litt In I In*
11,imiltun i .iletf riii
I he i unslihi turn in I l.imilluii
u ill begin Man li in and is
si heduled tu lie ( nmplftfd h\
Sept 1-1 During spring term
reside ills u ill eat in tile (lining
area in neighboring Kean i inn
I red Main ut k direi tor ut
I niversilv I lousing loud set
VII e said tile dining area ill
Mean is now being used bv ( a
taring serviics. which will he
nuned In another location dur
mg the remodeling I lie Mean
dining area will he temporariU
remodeled to ai ( ummodate stu
Dorm residents will enter tile
llean dining area through the
glass doors ot (inline and
Dellusk lesidence halls A i ard
reader located inside the doors
will ( hei k students in
Temporary (lining areas will
lie set up ill Henderson (inline
Dellusk (inswell. and Will ox
resuleiu.e halls Italicnck said
this will provide a larger dm
I'b.ilu hi Slrir I jnl
(onslrut turn on the II.million tlinim; room will hot;in this
s/inm; in ortlrr In modernize the t.n ilit\
mg area iii,1 m is i urreiillv <tv<<11
able m Ilamilton
' Students \\ ill let eix i- the
same menu .mil the s.imr meal
hours they would have in II.im
illou i afeteria H.ihi oi k said
Marx Bruce loud servile su
pervisor ol Hamilton said tilt1
level ot noise m Bean xxdl
hopcfullx he minimal
"Ur will It\ to keep the Iix
ing areas and the lounges sepa
rate from the leinporarx dining
are.is Bruce said It's going
to he diffii ult though
lirui e said there max he some
confusion during the iirst texx
weeks nl spring irriM when the
transition is made In the tempo
r.tn I iltetel l.l III He.ill
There will he some mi on
veliieni e tor both the tooil ser
vice empli i\ees .mil the st u
dents as the\ tr\ to ad|ust to the
new set up Him e said
We re Irving to do as nun h
pre planning as possible to
keep the mi om enieni es to a
Although Main oi k origmulk
Ihought the teinporaiN dining
Turn to Hamilton, Page 12
Health center offers
free measles shots
liv ( hris Bunnell
I tiler aid \smk i.ite I (lilur
I hr Student Health ( rntrl will ollrl lire mr.islrs shots hr
^1111111114 Wrdnesd.iv in l ui\riMi\ students m .in • fiort In prr
vent .1 mr.islrs problem mi i umpus
I )l J.iiur . 111< ksoil hr.dlh < rlltr| dirrctol. . 11 d ihr lire
tints Wifi hr offered !Il>11! I ><• l p 111 rvriA Wrrkd.W until
t hr rud <1| the trl 111
Ihr deal is th.it Ini irvpstnrd studrilts. thru* will he nn
( li.ili^r tn v’rt mr.islrs shnts, )ai kson s.ud Him .ilJsr nt i ' ll
trm .ihmit mr.islrs in tin* < nmmumU wr rr i mn mini t'r
^.iidniK studnits immumt\
J.it kson said no mr.islrs i .im-s haw hrrn irportrd In thr
lir.dth < riltri hut that dnrs lint liirail 1 llivrisitv studrilts air
lint at I isk
rhnsr studrilts vvhn lrtri\rd Camilla ^lohulm shnts thl'rr
weeks a^o bn ausr ot a hepatitis si air at thr ( arsnn I la 11 dm
lac 11 it\ do not nrrd to tfet a mr.islrs immuni/atton. |.u k
son sanl
i'ln' gamma ^l(>1 m111n provides p.issue protection lor .it
li'iisl three months .mil prevents the measles mjet turn horn
wotking I.ii kson said
|ai kson s.uil the measles mjet lions which normalk lost
Si .' will he tree hut other i omhmation immunizations will
lost extra A measles ruhclla shot is S’i while a measles
mumps rubella < omluualion is Sin
I Ills is hasu alk ( Dining out ol Student Health I elite!
funds hut we want to prevent a measles problem from
spreading on i ampus |a< kson said
Students should not he i onfused b\ media reports that
lump measles and rubella iinuiiini/alions together |ai kson
said Measles shots have no signitu ant side effec ts hut ru
India illjer tions do
lai kson said the health i enter I),is pamphlets oil ear h ill|ec
lion and students can deride when this get their measles
shot w hetliei the\ also want a rubella injei lion