_Inside_ ■ Tapestry stolen, Page 4 ■ ASUO mediation, Page 5 ■ Update on fire alarms, Page 6 ■ Ducks season memorable. Page 8 EWEB board fires manager B\ Steph.inie Men< imer Emer.ild Reporter In ,m unexpei ted motion Monday night ,il .1 |Hil) Ik hearing on proposed utility rale ini leases, the I n gene Water and Kiel Irii Hnaid voter) three to two to tire general manager lean Keedei Hoard president Dennis Nolin opened the meeting In leading a prepared statement expressing the board’s regret ovei terminating Reeder’s live veai stint as general manager giv ing no speeifii s as to why Keedei was tired Reeder was instrtn led to v ai ate hei ollii e hv H a in luesdav morning Soiin wax interrupted hv hoard member Sarah llendrii hson who londlv objer led to the move and ai i used Soiin. v 11 e president Kandv I’hwing and Koti Willis ot sexism and of violating the Oregon I'uhln Ret i irds I .aw llendrii kson and hoard meintier Ku hard I leeman were not imisu!ted on the dei ision to terminate Reeder's employment and the pnhlii was not implied in advani e that the ai lion would take plane at the pub In hearing However. W m ( atkins the IWI.lt attoi nev . said lh.it the hoard s dei ision was not tei him atlv a violation ol the law I iendriekson later i mil eded that tile move mav not have been a duel I v iolation ot the law hut that it was i ertai ul\ a v ml at ion ol the spirit ol public law llendrii kson said Keedei has responded to every one ol liie hoard's requests loi improvement and dial under hei management I.WKH lias attaiue.l a 11.. highest t redit ratings and tie- set olid lowest rales ot any ntilitv in the country iWl lt is working at maximum . ap.n dv Hen dm kson said and i redited Keedei vv ilh improv ing el him to mm, 1J _ _Presort Daily_ _ Emerald I'lH'sii.u I I'hruaiA .'.7. 1990 iMigcnc. I hcgnn \ ulumc 9 I Numbi'i HIM Juggling fools s kill Senitu \Luk I'oisvlli llrll I ,iiul Ireshnuui Inrl l\.m bike time In brush up nn thru pi pc, I mu s \estenLi\ nut stile nl I Lull l hull I nliiple\ I’lioto li\ Slev c ( .lid Hamilton slated for face lift Eatery moves to Bean hall B\ Mu t' I hnr nlnn l mt'r.ild Reporter A temporal! i .itflfi in in lif.ui i omples is being set up to iced residents ut I l.imilluii .uni bean dormitories (luring tin* si I million Iar e litt In I In* 11,imiltun i .iletf riii I he i unslihi turn in I l.imilluii u ill begin Man li in and is si heduled tu lie ( nmplftfd h\ Sept 1-1 During spring term reside ills u ill eat in tile (lining area in neighboring Kean i inn pies I red Main ut k direi tor ut I niversilv I lousing loud set VII e said tile dining area ill Mean is now being used bv ( a taring serviics. which will he nuned In another location dur mg the remodeling I lie Mean dining area will he temporariU remodeled to ai ( ummodate stu dents Dorm residents will enter tile llean dining area through the glass doors ot (inline and Dellusk lesidence halls A i ard reader located inside the doors will ( hei k students in Temporary (lining areas will lie set up ill Henderson (inline Dellusk (inswell. and Will ox resuleiu.e halls Italicnck said this will provide a larger dm I'b.ilu hi Slrir I jnl (onslrut turn on the II.million tlinim; room will hot;in this s/inm; in ortlrr In modernize the t.n ilit\ mg area iii,1 m is i urreiillv 11! I ><• l p 111 rvriA Wrrkd.W until t hr rud <1| the trl 111 Ihr deal is th.it Ini irvpstnrd studrilts. thru* will he nn ( li.ili^r tn v’rt mr.islrs shnts, )ai kson s.ud Him .ilJsr nt i ' ll trm .ihmit mr.islrs in tin* < nmmumU wr rr i mn mini t'r ^.iidniK studnits immumt\ J.it kson said no mr.islrs i .im-s haw hrrn irportrd In thr lir.dth < riltri hut that dnrs lint liirail 1 llivrisitv studrilts air lint at I isk rhnsr studrilts vvhn lrtri\rd Camilla ^lohulm shnts thl'rr weeks a^o bn ausr ot a hepatitis si air at thr ( arsnn I la 11 dm lac 11 it\ do not nrrd to tfet a mr.islrs immuni/atton. |.u k son sanl i'ln' gamma ^l(>1 m111n provides p.issue protection lor .it li'iisl three months .mil prevents the measles mjet turn horn wotking I.ii kson said |ai kson s.uil the measles mjet lions which normalk lost Si .' will he tree hut other i omhmation immunizations will lost extra A measles ruhclla shot is S’i while a measles mumps rubella < omluualion is Sin I Ills is hasu alk ( Dining out ol Student Health I elite! funds hut we want to prevent a measles problem from spreading on i ampus |a< kson said Students should not he i onfused b\ media reports that lump measles and rubella iinuiiini/alions together |ai kson said Measles shots have no signitu ant side effec ts hut ru India illjer tions do lai kson said the health i enter I),is pamphlets oil ear h ill|ec lion and students can deride when this get their measles shot w hetliei the\ also want a rubella injei lion