Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 23, 1990, Page 16, Image 15

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Excluding: Coursebooks. lilm & processing, tobacco
products, movie rentals, class rings, academic
regalia, some Electronics Dept merchandise,
computers, educational software and items already
priced as SALE merchandise
• Limited to stock
• Coupons required
• No further discounts
• Valid thru Feb. 24, 1990
13th & Kincaid M F 7 30 tv00 SAT 10 00 6:00 346-4331
( ontinued Irom I
group talis short ill funds It in
welt iiiiii1 in conn* tn t hi' lit
w ith .1 n•<|in*st
In addition tin1 organization
tills tin- option In appeal
i hi .in \<i I 1'ili'iiitIon
i haptei rot ei\ i'd S ( ft III in
hunting tm next year's budget
atici t litnfviiig its mernhership
til pillll \ ( ill I \ sllliil Ills \\ till
want tn liei nine national \\1
members must p.tv ilui's. I’resi
ilunt Shrllt v i)i*ini»iit s.iiil
t in' li t hint t.ililnit tin' i Imp
li t s liudgi't ri'ipii'si ,it itir I rh
In hearing I it-I .nisi1 of tin- mini
berslup fut' issui' liif li t vot
nt I to fund tin- i haptei
I litusd.n night v\ illi M.iplus
Two groups tli.it f.iih'd to nt
li'iid tin' last mci'ling rut ei\ml
at lot .it ii ill tin tlin 1000-01
liudgi't season
\\ hiti'liird Ridosharo re
i rn ed S , nog tm the tooo-o i
budget Diri'i tm Robert ttiil/
apologized lor missing the pre
viollslv st liednled meeting
saving lie \‘. as ill
I tie Pre-I.m Student Sot ietv
rei.eived S l T> till the 1000 *11
budget season I’resident Laurie
t all.man said that somehow
or nlliet ' sin' was not inlotinrd
nt the mooting
! ’ ol () Song and I)art( e did
not appear at Thursdas s inert
ing 11s si liednled . and Hig I i me
t‘oeti'\ Thealei did not siiliitut a
til id get In the \ SI ( ) ! \ni uti\ e
I reihlv Vilc.hes
Until urnups must mm sub
mil .1 \\ ritli’ii i-x|>1.1 n.it inn to tin
II I u ithm live workihi; days ul
tin- hr.itiny il.ilr in lull to 11.i\ r
thru lunlitrls approved lot next
\ rni
C onlmucd trom I’.ik*' I
u idt * prut fillin' was adopted
s» in it ■ flt'|iiirl infills liiti! .t griev
.till i pi'ot <-(i lit ■' In lltllllU .lllll
oltii'is didn't said Marlene
Dnsi lift ill tin- ( 111ii r lit Slu
drill Advni .11 l
III I III- p.lsl griev .1111 l". null'
Idl'd \\ illuiul .1 set ut ruins
I trust hip said I In' ni'U lull's
piiii nil' a strut lurr governing
hull gl ii't am t'S all- ad
\ I ummilli'i' u as appmnti'd
in piMH In tin i■ it-1 I imrtsily
President Paul ()lurn In draft a
gi ti'vant i' ridi’ rlii' i iiniiiiitti'i'
s< i! ii ili'd input I rum v,minis ur
gam/..it unis and eventually Mill
nutted a filial dm unii'iil tor for
i i la I appioval
\ pulilii hearing ivas then
lu’ld In gatin'! input on I lit- Ii
ii.i 1 11o< itnu*nt I )i i'm her said
formal i ommrnts from the ( )t
I ii I- ot Student Adi <h at \ 11 ere
iik urporatcd .is promulgated
(Ini' i oik cni I Ii cm tier has
.ilinilt tile lieu polii 1 IS that the
in-Vi rule mandates a i hoi( e ul
tiirin.il prot eedinirs. she said
Students i an selei I one and
null one formal pioi ess. she
said ll remains out < oik ern
that .i student ma\ selei t the
depart mental yriei am e proi e
dure u Ini h is not nei essarili
set up to deal with a tp iei am e
i ase
I Iresi her said ill general slu
rs happ\ w it it the lieu rules
and that theie is now a strui
lure students i an lotion that
u ill address their j*i lei am es
Copies • Binding • Laser Design
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44W. 10th
I_OWV cqq\AmooCocp ^