ANNIVERSARY moo OFF ANY PURCHASE $320-5639.99 (some exclusions see below ) s40.00 OFF ANY PURCHASE $160 TO $319.99 (some exclusions see below’) s20.00 OFF ANY PURCHASE $80 TO $159.99 (some exclusions see below ) s10.00 OFF ANY PURCHASE $40 TO $79.99 (some exclusions see below ) s5.00 OFF ANY PURCHASE $20 TO $39.99 (some exclusions see below i s2.00 OFF ANY PURCHASE $10 TO $19.99 (some exclusions see below ) s1.00 OFF ANY PURCHASE $5 TO $9.99 (some exclusions- see below ) Excluding: Coursebooks. lilm & processing, tobacco products, movie rentals, class rings, academic regalia, some Electronics Dept merchandise, computers, educational software and items already priced as SALE merchandise • Limited to stock • Coupons required • No further discounts • Valid thru Feb. 24, 1990 UO-Bookstore 13th & Kincaid M F 7 30 tv00 SAT 10 00 6:00 346-4331 IFC ( ontinued Irom I group talis short ill funds It in welt iiiiii1 in conn* tn t hi' lit w ith .1 n•<|in*st In addition tin1 organization tills tin- option In appeal i hi .in \ till the 1000 *11 budget season I’resident Laurie t said that somehow or nlliet ' sin' was not inlotinrd nt the mooting ! ’ ol () Song and I)art( e did not appear at Thursdas s inert ing 11s si liednled . and Hig I i me t‘oeti'\ Thealei did not siiliitut a til id get In the \ SI ( ) ! \ni uti\ e I reihlv Vilc.hes Until urnups must mm sub mil .1 \\ ritli’ii i-x|>1.1 inn to tin II I u ithm live workihi; days ul tin- hr.itiny il.ilr in lull to 11.i\ r thru lunlitrls approved lot next \ rni Policy C onlmucd trom I’.ik*' I u idt * prut fillin' was adopted s» in it ■ flt'|iiirl infills liiti! .t griev .till i pi'ot <-(i lit ■' In lltllllU .lllll oltii'is didn't said Marlene Dnsi lift ill tin- ( 111ii r lit Slu drill Advni .11 l III I III- p.lsl griev .1111 l". null' Idl'd \\ illuiul .1 set ut ruins I trust hip said I In' ni'U lull's piiii nil' a strut lurr governing hull gl ii't am t'S all- ad dressed \ I ummilli'i' u as appmnti'd in piMH In tin i■ it-1 I imrtsily President Paul ()lurn In draft a gi ti'vant i' ridi’ rlii' i iiniiiiitti'i' s< i! ii ili'd input I rum v,minis ur gam/ unis and eventually Mill nutted a filial dm unii'iil tor for i i la I appioval \ pulilii hearing ivas then lu’ld In gatin'! input on I lit- Ii ii.i 1 11o< itnu*nt I )i i'm her said formal i ommrnts from the ( )t I ii I- ot Student Adi