Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 07, 1990, Page 4, Image 4

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Friday to Saturday
72 Hours
110 W. 6th
(By the Hult Center)
Some restrictions • Must be 23
if you are looking for this image . .
1. Magnin Saks Fifth Avenue
Bloorningdales Neiman Marcus
I have what you want,
creative hairstyling by
f David R Fletcher
-a at Studio 340.
I imcrsitN ol ()retion
Student 1 Icaltli (Vntci
Did >011 know...
• \ ,K I. 1,1 I I II I l' .III Kill V. I ■ : ■ 'I |V 1 ' '! IS ' ' ,;l 1
I'O >pk‘ I. I HI III li'l MI', I >1 Ilk ask s V. - I '■ '
• I I, year ;»v l
• i ||ui tm i' the In; he si m I''
• I M \ ■ V
mdiuliil siuili-m k'.ulk'n from Southern ()iv;'"ii Stale Col
The measles “shot" you got
as a child isn't enough!
Wmdnn: l«' the OtYi.Mii Department «'l Health.
, olh vv students iti Oiivon should olitain a second
J.ise ot measles vaeiine isimim'- • ■"> Ik-Ihii u*'~
in ill lit In r will | it 11 nin III ii 111 ui mm ilil.il line
Measles \aeeine is aiailahle at the Student
Health ( enter tm approximate!) >22.00.
No appointment neeessat \
I if li .rillHi:..,! ■■■:. . ,
V.MH Slmli 111 It, .. 111 l . HI.
I niversit)
YWCA budget proposal refused
B\ Mu o I hornton
Emerald Reporter __
I in Ini ldrilt.ll 1 re ( (irinnitlrr rrilisrd In .11
( i-pt |lii* binliirl iimpus.il ul Ihr YWCA 111 .t J 1
Viilc ,t! Tlirsd.n s Min i Hitt
II I mnnbris Aiinando Morales, l’.m! Nhrm
and Sieve M.iplrs were ill attendant r
I'll** ^ \\ ( A ir(|iiested ail molrasr 111 Ihr
_IFC Review
hmkirl III! prakris I mil: VltH) I" SMIU alld all Ml
1 irasr 111 workshop liudr.i I lluili Slnll |u Si Ml
v\\( A Dun Ini Irssr I nrlici tuld III mriii
tins dial tin pruvMin has madr substantial im
provements in Ihr past lr» Years and nrrds the
additional moiiex In expand Ihr pintttain
In lanuarx tin* "l \\( A sponsored a rai lal |m
lh. workshop I < ill i«*I said slir w r plrasrd with
Ihr s111 1 rss III ihr workshop and shr huprs tlir
VUCA (an iniitiinir spuiisnnntt siinil.u work
I Ire! like the Iasi Mmr 1 1 .title lulu II I I
didn't look verv vpiud I ortiri - aid M ilia!
I line. I ix as Irvinu In pit k the prosJIani lip nil the
rht YVVt \ ret rill 1 \ sent two inrmhris In a
national < oiileroni r Imltei said the \ \M A
wants lo put together wti.it the\ learned and
bring it I" til*' I mi\ersih
•\Ve want I" deielop Mime programs and
Workshops on railipus Id make people .man dl
wli.it iarista is VWt A membei Man \ Middle
Inn said \Ye ale i ommitted to working with the
\\( A to 11af11 iai ism dll i ampiis
s, \\ ( ,\ assistant duel tor Hebei i a Ambrose
also suggested that inure mone\ lie allot ated Id
(lie budget (dl advertising purposes
1’lie A SI ( ) i ei din me ruled that the A \\ t \ mil
n-i eii e a budget mi lease and eliminate the posi
lion dt assistant direi tot
"So far this program does not have a veil
strong reriird ol sear Id year ( onsisteuci said
| mi % \ahei \SI'() linanee i dordinaldi
Maple-, ami \ heni turned down the proposal
\hem said additional monel should he re
moved hum stall positions and allot ated lot
Speakers and niirkshops
t he Y\Vf i \ i\ ill file a formal appeal in ordei
In hale tlii-ii budget rev ieived again at the end ol
the budget season
Out ol several student groups on the agenda
YW( A nas the null group to attend l'uesdai s
I am d isappomted to see onli A V\ t A attend
the meeting Nhem said In the future, student
groups should he suit lo t hei k tiieti mailboxes
tin tlicii hearing dates
Housing task force, Hill to meet
Ml I I l\< .S
\ m-tu-i.il mliit-sl mt-i-liiiu
Im ,ill sludrnls mti-irslrd ill
I>1.1 \ iitu Inniimliii II
i,.n III .il 1(1 in I Ml < fii.ll
Room I
Mmi. ir tin.ml
_1st aK
IMI' (.t-dar Kin mi \
I Ml Hoard
.11 ■, m tin- IMI Hii.ml Km.m
(ISIM K(. s Solid U aslr Kr
dm linn Kitiup
, IMI' Ci-dar Konin I
Slndi-iil I lull’d Vilnius
Kinu|> -in dll ' ■
I M! I ,mill.mi I mill
I K \Sll i.-u .
jinitip minis loniKl't ■" 11 >"
Room I I i I 1-11(011
I lllUMIlU I .isk I III 11- u
hold .1 -.ii-iu-r.il IiiIiti-sI iin-i-tiiij;
m nil gUi-sl SI.dr Si'll Uil r\
Hill. I)-Springfield 1 In- nn-i-t
m m I All ( ruluiN Room I)
Sludints \i*ainst \parthrnl
til mhtI Imuuht .it ) M) 111
Maw .111 ( luh ' '
in in th< iAll Bun Linder
Room 1 hi* muutmg is niaiuia
t<ji\ Ini «i 11 innnbri s. as Inr
{ lull v\ ill disi uss tin* iJub ishirl
(.rrm.m ( lub
hireling till .all ifltriusted slu
l lull Sports ( s t ling I ram
/ i n iilhi rt
Men \gamsl Rape
nigh! al in Room 1 in i union
\sklupiails ' l 1 t it
i) m I Ml ( rntm \ Room H
( ollrgr Kupuhlu aits
{imight al * in lAll i untni \
Room 1
()< ran la olog\ I'uucr lor tin*
I uture meets tonight at • » to in
I AH Suit*’ I
\IIS( I !.! \\I C )1 S
\ tilunteers Im U iiiiii’ii s
( min’d\ N iijht
1 cl) 1 ! I m mmc information
i .ill the U omen's lash I (in e at
mill iiiTi ,ind .i-ik Im |.i a is
St in)<■ ii 1 ( .impaiun Im Disar
mament will have in minima
lion I,d)!c .iv,iiI.ililf Im work
shop sc.’.n up muv ms Hi in
llii- h\H l.oliln Iml.u limn '<
,i m to I p m
S.n mtf Ihr I'l.ilirt
ol ,i til in In be shown lod.iv a I
noon in the I Ml Hen Linder
I he Him Huiliimti h’nm/is
.mil the slide shim "Nevada
1 est Site I \pei iem e " ui In
shown tonighl at 7 in Room
1 Mi ( iulumlna h\ Student ( .mi
|i.iiHu lor I lis.ii in.uncut.
Student Muss will he id.'
III.lied tonight .It 0 ,il the \ew
man (ientei. IHMI I .met a Id M
How would you like to work for a Record Company?
Applications are now being accepted for the position of
College Marketing Representative at CBS Records.
Get involved in promotion of Columbia, Epic and
Associated and WTG recording artists to college radio,
retail, press, clubs and concert committees.
This is an excellent opportunity to gain first-hand
experience in the record industry.
Background in advertising, marketing and/or sales is
helpful, but not necessary. Hard work and love for
music is a must. The position is part-time, and
sophomores and juniors are preferred. Candidates are
required to have a car.
Please send a resume to: CBS RECORDS
Alyson Shapero, Room 720
Dir. College Marketing
51 West 52 Street
New York, NY 10019
IttO CMS Records Irx