WEEKEND SPECIAL $42°° 250 FREE MILES Friday to Saturday 72 Hours 6830874 110 W. 6th (By the Hult Center) Some restrictions • Must be 23 RENT A CAR if you are looking for this image . . 1. Magnin Saks Fifth Avenue Bloorningdales Neiman Marcus I have what you want, creative hairstyling by f David R Fletcher -a at Studio 340. I imcrsitN ol ()retion Student 1 Icaltli (Vntci MEASLES VACCINE NOT JUST FOR KIDS Did >011 know... • \ ,K I. 1,1 I I II I l' .III Kill V. I ■ : ■ 'I |V 1 ' '! IS ' ' ,;l 1 I'O >pk‘ I. I HI III li'l MI', I >1 Ilk ask s V. - I '■ ' • I I, year ;»v l |‘)Sll • i ||ui tm i' the In; he si m I'' • I M \ ■ V mdiuliil siuili-m k'.ulk'n from Southern ()iv;'"ii Stale Col The measles “shot" you got as a child isn't enough! Wmdnn: l«' the OtYi.Mii Department «'l Health. , olh vv students iti Oiivon should olitain a second J.ise ot measles vaeiine isimim'- • ■"> Ik-Ihii u*'~ in ill lit In r will | it 11 nin III ii 111 ui mm ilil.il line Measles \aeeine is aiailahle at the Student Health ( enter tm approximate!) >22.00. No appointment neeessat \ I if li .rillHi:..,! ■■■:. . , V.MH Slmli 111 It, .. 111 l . HI. 686-4441 I niversit) YWCA budget proposal refused B\ Mu o I hornton Emerald Reporter __ I in Ini ldrilt.ll 1 re ( (irinnitlrr rrilisrd In .11 ( i-pt |lii* binliirl iimpus.il ul Ihr YWCA 111 .t J 1 Viilc ,t! Tlirsd.n s Min i Hitt II I mnnbris Aiinando Morales, l’.m! Nhrm and Sieve M.iplrs were ill attendant r I'll** ^ \\ ( A ir(|iiested ail molrasr 111 Ihr _IFC Review hmkirl III! prakris I mil: VltH) I" SMIU alld all Ml 1 irasr 111 workshop liudr.i I lluili Slnll |u Si Ml v\\( A Dun Ini Irssr I nrlici tuld III mriii tins dial tin pruvMin has madr substantial im provements in Ihr past lr» Years and nrrds the additional moiiex In expand Ihr pintttain In lanuarx tin* "l \\( A sponsored a rai lal |m lh. workshop I < ill i«*I said slir w r plrasrd with Ihr s111 1 rss III ihr workshop and shr huprs tlir VUCA (an iniitiinir spuiisnnntt siinil.u work shops I Ire! like the Iasi Mmr 1 1 .title lulu II I I didn't look verv vpiud I ortiri - aid M ilia! I line. I ix as Irvinu In pit k the prosJIani lip nil the rht YVVt \ ret rill 1 \ sent two inrmhris In a national < oiileroni r Imltei said the \ \M A wants lo put together wti.it the\ learned and bring it I" til*' I mi\ersih •\Ve want I" deielop Mime programs and Workshops on railipus Id make people .man dl wli.it iarista is VWt A membei Man \ Middle Inn said \Ye ale i ommitted to working with the \\( A to 11af11 iai ism dll i ampiis s, \\ ( ,\ assistant duel tor Hebei i a Ambrose also suggested that inure mone\ lie allot ated Id (lie budget (dl advertising purposes 1’lie A SI ( ) i ei din me ruled that the A \\ t \ mil n-i eii e a budget mi lease and eliminate the posi lion dt assistant direi tot "So far this program does not have a veil strong reriird ol sear Id year ( onsisteuci said | mi % \ahei \SI'() linanee i dordinaldi Maple-, ami \ heni turned down the proposal \hem said additional monel should he re moved hum stall positions and allot ated lot Speakers and niirkshops t he Y\Vf i \ i\ ill file a formal appeal in ordei In hale tlii-ii budget rev ieived again at the end ol the budget season Out ol several student groups on the agenda YW( A nas the null group to attend l'uesdai s meeting I am d isappomted to see onli A V\ t A attend the meeting Nhem said In the future, student groups should he suit lo t hei k tiieti mailboxes tin tlicii hearing dates Housing task force, Hill to meet Ml I I l\< .S \ m-tu-i.il mliit-sl mt-i-liiiu Im ,ill sludrnls mti-irslrd ill I>1.1 \ iitu Inniimliii II i,.n III .il 1(1 in I Ml < fii.ll Room I Mmi. ir tin.ml _1st aK IMI' (.t-dar Kin mi \ I Ml Hoard .11 ■, m tin- IMI Hii.ml Km.m (ISIM K(. s Solid U aslr Kr dm linn Kitiup , IMI' Ci-dar Konin I Slndi-iil I lull’d Vilnius Kinu|> -in dll ' ■ I M! I ,mill.mi I mill I K \Sll i.-u . jinitip minis loniKl't ■" 11 >" Room I I i I 1-11(011 I lllUMIlU I .isk I III 11- u hold .1 -.ii-iu-r.il IiiIiti-sI iin-i-tiiij; m nil gUi-sl SI.dr Si'll Uil r\ Hill. I)-Springfield 1 In- nn-i-t tnd.i i i m m I All ( ruluiN Room I) Sludints \i*ainst \parthrnl til mhtI Imuuht .it ) M) 111 Maw .111 ( luh ' ' in in th< iAll Bun Linder Room 1 hi* muutmg is niaiuia t