Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 07, 1990, Page 3, Image 3

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Student Senate committee meets
to redo CIA recruiting statement
By P.it Malach
Emerald Contributor
A committee of four Student
Senate members met Tuesdu\
night to revise a resolution pro
posed in January to restrit t ( 1A
ret noting on ( atnpus
Senate members present in
( luded I loop. Tiffam Weed.
_Student Senate_
Kim hooper and I.aura Dol e
The proposed resolution asks
tlie administration to Ion e the
LIA to sign .m affirmative ai
lion statement saying that lhe\
do not disi i imiriate on the lia
sis ot sexual orient.ition hetore
being allowed to rei not on
i iimpus
I he ( 1. \ has Iefused to sign
sui li statements when asked 1 >\
other si holds im hiding the
\e« York univeisilv l.au
Si liool and Prim etoli I niversi
t\ I'lie ageni v w as then
banned tmm those i .imposes
The i ommittee that met
I uesdav dei ideil to amend the
resolution In removing letei
cm es to the ( |A and loi using
I In- i esi dot ion on all ret miters
I lie amended form ot the reso
liituin demands that rei miters
sign a statement dial sa\s thin
not onlv (.(imply v\ 11il stale and
tedeial laws, hut also with the
Oregon \dniiiiislralive Rule
spei ilv mg disi riminatiun
against gav s and lesbians
1 he earlier form ot tin- reso
lotion was not voted on lie
t.ause several members ot the
senate did not want to single
out the ( l.\ spei itu alls i ding
tears that the senate itself
vvoitId he disi i iminating.
Hoop said thr resolution
should not just ask th.it the po
tential recruiters comply with
the OAK
"We should ask that they
have to sign .1 legally holding
document that say s they do fol
low the OAK rules Hoop said
I he resolution goes on to ask
that the ()ffi( e of (Career I’lan
■ring and (Mat enient he en
joined from providing aid. as
sistance. information or access
to pin sir al spai e to any em
ployment rei rioters that do not
sign sin h a statement
"Ur re asking (tin- .nlinims
tration] In tollow their mvn
lilies her a use basil alls the\
are not Weed s.ml
I he amended lot in of the res
olutiou util nuu lie presented
to the entire Student Senate on
I'huisdus Hie senate u ill then
vole mi \\ liether to adopt tin
resolution. \\ eed said
It tile Student Senate adopts
tile resolution it will be pro
posed to the I niveisils Senate
lor a vote Thai would most
likels happen at the nest I m
versits Semite meeting on I eh
I t U eed said It adopte I I>\
the I 'niversiH Senate the resu
liition would he presented to
the administration
\\ llile the resolution Would
hare no hmdme povvei it
would present a i eltain amount
ot polilii al pressuie tin the ad
ministration. U eed said
In olhei senate business
U eed said the deadline lor up
pis mg lor \ ai aut seriate post
I lolls w as Indus at p 111 ,\p
That Joej'.t young nurt' &o
to the basement^wi uni t >r\ tVv
chan X'\\ be down shortly '
(&uess t'J time for one of
l our oppontmebts. huh
The parenting advantages of dentists
|>In alums .irr .ivailahle m the
AS( '() olht e m (All 1 Suite 1
The four Veil dill stmts m
i hide. Seat t (graduates law
si Iiool interdisi iplinarv stud
tes edueatioi! journalism laugu
ages english): Seat a (politiial
si iem e religion historv interna
tional studies Asian stud
ies Amerii an stud
les geography). Seat i> Ipsv
i llolngv soi lologvl; Seal 1 t |ar
i lutei lure and allied
arts planning. p111>Iu pnlu v
and management ei ononiii s|
Weed said an appointtnent
i oinmittee made up ol hersell
and \SI '() President \ml\
( dark w ill Irv to make then tie
i isions hv tonight It that li.ip
pens it is possible that new
senate members rould be ion
tinned at Ihttrsilas s meeting
( trcfion /Jam _ _
I* < I K*>\ ' I f ugi ■ >« On Kim **" 44M
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