University Student Senate committee meets to redo CIA recruiting statement By Malach Emerald Contributor A committee of four Student Senate members met Tuesdu\ night to revise a resolution pro posed in January to restrit t ( 1A ret noting on ( atnpus Senate members present in ( luded I loop. Tiffam Weed. _Student Senate_ Kim hooper and I.aura Dol e one The proposed resolution asks tlie administration to Ion e the LIA to sign .m affirmative ai lion statement saying that lhe\ do not disi i imiriate on the lia sis ot sexual orient.ition hetore being allowed to rei not on i iimpus I he ( 1. \ has Iefused to sign sui li statements when asked 1 >\ other si holds im hiding the \e« York univeisilv Si liool and Prim etoli I niversi t\ I'lie ageni v w as then banned tmm those i .imposes The i ommittee that met I uesdav dei ideil to amend the resolution In removing letei cm es to the ( |A and loi using I In- i esi dot ion on all ret miters I lie amended form ot the reso liituin demands that rei miters sign a statement dial sa\s thin not onlv (.(imply v\ 11il stale and tedeial laws, hut also with the Oregon \dniiiiislralive Rule spei ilv mg disi riminatiun against gav s and lesbians 1 he earlier form ot tin- reso lotion was not voted on lie t.ause several members ot the senate did not want to single out the ( l.\ spei itu alls i ding tears that the senate itself vvoitId he disi i iminating. r Hoop said thr resolution should not just ask the po tential recruiters comply with the OAK "We should ask that they have to sign .1 legally holding document that say s they do fol low the OAK rules Hoop said I he resolution goes on to ask that the ()ffi( e of (Career I’lan ■ring and (Mat enient he en joined from providing aid. as sistance. information or access to pin sir al spai e to any em ployment rei rioters that do not sign sin h a statement "Ur re asking (tin- .nlinims tration] In tollow their mvn lilies her a use basil alls the\ are not Weed I he amended lot in of the res olutiou util nuu lie presented to the entire Student Senate on I'huisdus Hie senate u ill then vole mi \\ liether to adopt tin resolution. \\ eed said It tile Student Senate adopts tile resolution it will be pro posed to the I niveisils Senate lor a vote Thai would most likels happen at the nest I m versits Semite meeting on I eh I t U eed said It adopte I I>\ the I 'niversiH Senate the resu liition would he presented to the administration \\ llile the resolution Would hare no hmdme povvei it would present a i eltain amount ot polilii al pressuie tin the ad ministration. U eed said In olhei senate business U eed said the deadline lor up pis mg lor \ ai aut seriate post I lolls w as Indus at p 111 ,\p UPSTAIRS-UO BOOKSTORE BRING IN YOU ft USED TEXTBOOKS anytime THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON That Joej'.t young nurt' &o to the basement^wi uni t >r\ tVv chan X'\\ be down shortly ' (&uess t'J time for one of l our oppontmebts. huh The parenting advantages of dentists |>In alums .irr .ivailahle m the AS( '() olht e m (All 1 Suite 1 The four Veil dill stmts m i hide. Seat t (graduates law si Iiool interdisi iplinarv stud tes edueatioi! journalism laugu ages english): Seat a (politiial si iem e religion historv interna tional studies Asian stud ies Amerii an stud les geography). Seat i> Ipsv i llolngv soi lologvl; Seal 1 t |ar i lutei lure and allied arts planning. p111>Iu pnlu v and management ei ononiii s| Weed said an appointtnent i oinmittee made up ol hersell and \SI '() President \ml\ ( dark w ill Irv to make then tie i isions hv tonight It that li.ip pens it is possible that new senate members rould be ion tinned at Ihttrsilas s meeting ( trcfion /Jam _ _ Emerald I* < I K*>\ ' I f ugi ■ >« On Kim **" 44M ?*'*»• 1 £>-*ov published M> • i**> through Friday e». opt dwm*•♦** and va* aborts by the Oregon C’aily Emerald Publishing Go it the University of Oregon f wgene Oregon !h«- £ " >■- i ! d'. 'atmJ independently of the University *dh ■'■■■ v. on the third floor of the £ rb Mem .»! 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