Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 07, 1990, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily_ _
■ Senate's CIA statement. Page It
■ YWCA request rejected. Page 4
■ Walk/run event planned. Page 5
■ College bowl results, Page 7
UViliirstl.l\ . I i'Ih'U.ii \ 7 1 'I'll)
hngt'iie ( Irt'gmi
\ olumr ‘i!. Ntimhci li I
Winter hits
Student'- were l;ifeted In .1 true stun at winter ns snow tell in Ihi
i>ene tin the first time this season \lnre snow is es/iet ted thrmifiliout
the stnte tnd.n
Photo In Mark ^ len
BPA encouraging public
input for power line plan
B\ Mon Walker
1 merald \ss(M iate \ elitor
Ii<>tin«*v 111«' I’ihmm \dmmistration n *p
rrsrntativ i1'. nussuri'i) I.uu-*• 11• * I’laiuung
( ommission members 1 ursd.iv night
ih.it nit it r Inc .11 i 111 it 11 w ill hr i nnsidrird
before plans tof .1 volt |»t i\\ • • I
lim* in South I Mtk** 1 **‘ move .tnv further
Honnrvdle 11■» taken tour out to as
sess {hr situation and i unsult w ith lm al
leader. about where lo go now aid
loin \li Kiniirv Portland HI* A pmjo I
manager during the nifiiiu: at ( ilv
Hoimevdlr is willing to do what lo
i al go \i a in in-nth want to do hr said
adding that Ih*• HI’A s Imal adimnr.ha
t I \ r dr< ision will hr madr . i 111 * I thr jillh
In 1 out II till 11 input IS writ
I hr proi i'ss lm planning a new pown
lint* began in IMHJ and HI’A ha . Iirni
srl to nan it* onr ot turn possible mules
lot tin' 11nr lain this \rai llowrvn rrs
idrnts along rath proposed route have
joint'll loi id poln vmakers m speaking
out against thr [dan
Ihosr who live along the proposed
routes have long born i nuu'i iiril .ihoilt
tllr \ isll.il r I in Is ol 1.10 loot towns atttl
now tlit*v an cunt rrurd about thr
lira 11 h rtlre ts
Ke<nil studlrs havr ilrawn a possible
link hrtWrril strong r In 11 oin.lgUrt l<
holds (IAll s). griiriatrd from high volt
agr pown linos and a varirtv ot hralth
pn ihloms
llowrvn \h kmiir\ said hoc ausr tho
lindmgs are so nrw and sc lent if ic iipm
ion so mixed HI’ \ advuc at os a polic \ of
[Miidrut aVindailcr loi prisons who
nmv hr unnoc ossfirilv exposing them
srlV rs to I Mi s
11! fli»- meant line HI’A and ( )rrgt in
Stair I'mvnsitv an* conducting I n it lit *i
11 si mii h into thr r I in Is ni I All hr
I hoi r IS tine IT'taints III SC lentltu
i ommumties about hralth rltrc Is It Is
ditticult to determine tllr rxtrnl ot
health el tec Is bee ausr thro- are no slan
dai d * to help ns along MckumrV
In addition, heture anything is built
HP A will i < * m ti.it ht i publit re\lew ot
tin* tot'd jin the povvet iiiif .mil rx.iiin
n.limit Ml , 1111 -111< 111\«"■ !«) .t new powei
l (M l it It m lit* s.nti
111«* n 11 f vintf .i potential (On idol does
nol i umniit HPA to building .imtlnm1, at
this time \U Knmi'\ s.ml
< t u i u * * sMu.m Pelei I )e| .i/m I) i »i
’.yiif h.e- i iunmended lli.it the HI' \
iIt*intMistr.it»* with more < fit.imtv th.it .i
need tor .i hitfh -vo 11.m• ■ [Hiuri lint- m
dot'd exists \1< k iimi’v said
Wi ’vi' been m j>ro|i*( ts where we re
.dniost | e .id V to ( iMlstnn t .Hid Wove
dropped the piojtM I lifomse the need
‘There is uncertainty in
scientific communities
about health effects. It is
difficult to determine the
extent ol health effects
because there are no
standards to hell) us
— Tom McKinnnv
Ini ,i gic.itin <■ 11u>ti111 dI piiui i w.is nut .is
Iilgli .is li.iil !>«•»• 11 .Hitii ip.iti il liu s.iul
t m .iI i'iii’i gy i inisi;I V.11 inn i. mill |msl
pilin' in i• i i'ii I'limm.ilr thr nri'il lm i
l.irgri pmvri 11rm s in! l.im I )i u• •• -.i• 11
III1 \ i l\ il I'Hgmi'i'i
II. . it 1111 11 lh.it i it lli ■ i limit's, ,ni‘ pi is m
lili- In", nil", tin- ! i mi 1111111 -1 i i >i is ii iii .i
t II >n
II sniiii'iiiii' u.Hlts In i mill' up W lilt
,in 1'nlin h ililli ii'Ht 11niti- vvi* will limk
.It lll.lt I ll tt'SSl'll s.llil
I iigi'in- I’l.mmng ( im1111issnnii• i (.mu's
I I list in ..ini pub I ii input w .is v it. 11 tn t liu
plill I'SN III lid llllllg it .Hill will'll- .1 puw
in liiif is ii'i'ili'il Ui lid'll In ki'i'p 11 s
ti'l II llg til wil.lt 1111 k s s.l\
11-st i ll ii in \ will liu In.ml .it twu up
i iiiiimg publii hr,ii mgs 1 i'ii .■ | ,11111 ,’lt
Supreme Court hears cases at law school visit
Bv Peter ( ogswell
t mcrahl Reporter
I'lie (tregon Supreme ( milt
paid its annual \ isit to the I ui
\ ersiH I ..os I enter Iuesda\
hearing tom i ases
i hi- \ isit w .is pal t ot the law
si him Is legal writing amt re
sean li program
I he iii st i ase ot the morning
session involved the state ash
mg thi’ i ourt to overturn a I'lii,
ruling that limits the power ot
the polii e to < oihIik I i ertuin
hmils ot seal 1 lies
I he sei ouil morning i as<
ile.ill w ith equal lre.ilmenl mi
iter tin- law when prosec utors
eut a deal with one ilelemlant
anil not another said David
Sc human al'niversitv law pro
1’he lust i ase ol the afternoon
scsMiii) ihidlt with .t <|i11".111>n nl
v\ hcthi'i .i trial itiurl v\i• 111 ton
Idr in [i.idiling 111mi iIik jiir\ tin'
l.ii t lh.it .t lift•-1iil.mt l.nli'il .i hr
ill'll'! till tl'St
hill' SI'I mill l list' III till' dill I
muni si'ssiun was ,i umkris
■ miipi'iisiilInn iimih mu tin til
inl.s.sihi I il\ nl nii'iliidl n'pnrts
dllt'i I In' riiipli iv i'i s din n nm
lids hail idinl.n l with Ih«• rhiiin
.mis pin sii i,m
I In lii'.iiing vi.is ihr In i 1111
nrvviv .ippinnli'il Snpii'iiu
( mirt lustn r Kii hdi11 l'nis
will) u.is ii.iiin'ii In irpl.it r |ns
Ini- I l.ins Limir w hn n't nri!
I 'nis v\ ,is .ippuillli'il in tin
i mu I (an HI In (an \ril
( .nhlsi h in id I
I hire nl thr |tjslu i'S w hn at
trmlril law M.hunl at thi1 I ill
vrisilv writ' ( h 1*'I Insln r l-Iil
win | IVtrisnn | list ii i- Kil w an I
I adrlrv and |ust uni ms
Visiting flu* I ‘nivi*isit\ has
spri nil mrumng lor I adrlrv .
ului « onsidrrrd tin* oppurtum
tv In attend a public I v linanc rd
law sc houl onr of tin1 biggest
rv nnls m his lilt*
l rei Di’in/r luiv\ big an
i-U'iil it was In attt'iid law
s« houl and therrfnir it is at
wa\s good lo i.umr hack said
1 adelev w ho w as a law si hoot
honor student when ht* giadu
.itt*<I ill Is* •
IIh* visit b\ I hi ( nmt gives
law students so nu* ulna th.it
w hat thi-v am learning has thr
nppoi tunitv In hrlp ihrni in
thru law i aims. I adrlrv said.
rll»* t 'mil is taking th»- ai gu
ilirnts tol these ( asrs undri ad
\ iseinrnt and w ill rrndn a dr
nsion on thrm within thr nr\t
\ rai
I'holo b\ \m1ir Kami
Orritoii Suprcmi• ( unit lustin' Itlwin / Peterson presides oter
,i < ,is, ,il the I niiersiti l .m Si htttil I'uesthn.