Oregon Daily_ _ Emerald _Inside_ ■ Senate's CIA statement. Page It ■ YWCA request rejected. Page 4 ■ Walk/run event planned. Page 5 ■ College bowl results, Page 7 UViliirstl.l\ . I i'Ih'U.ii \ 7 1 'I'll) hngt'iie ( Irt'gmi \ olumr ‘i!. Ntimhci li I Winter hits Student'- were l;ifeted In .1 true stun at winter ns snow tell in Ihi i>ene tin the first time this season \lnre snow is es/iet ted thrmifiliout the stnte tnd.n Photo In Mark ^ len BPA encouraging public input for power line plan B\ Mon Walker 1 merald \ss(M iate \ elitor Ii<>tin«*v 111«' I’ihmm \dmmistration n *p rrsrntativ i1'. nussuri'i) I.uu-*• 11• * I’laiuung ( ommission members 1 ursd.iv night ih.it nit it r Inc .11 i 111 it 11 w ill hr i nnsidrird before plans tof .1 volt |»t i\\ • • I lim* in South I Mtk** 1 **‘ move .tnv further Honnrvdle 11■» taken tour out to as sess {hr situation and i unsult w ith lm al leader. about where lo go now aid loin \li Kiniirv Portland HI* A pmjo I manager during the nifiiiu: at ( ilv Hall Hoimevdlr is willing to do what lo i al go \i a in in-nth want to do hr said adding that Ih*• HI’A s Imal adimnr.ha t I \ r dr< ision will hr madr . i 111 * I thr jillh In 1 out II till 11 input IS writ I hr proi i'ss lm planning a new pown lint* began in IMHJ and HI’A ha . Iirni srl to nan it* onr ot turn possible mules lot tin' 11nr lain this \rai llowrvn rrs idrnts along rath proposed route have joint'll loi id poln vmakers m speaking out against thr [dan Ihosr who live along the proposed routes have long born i nuu'i iiril .ihoilt tllr \ isll.il r I in Is ol 1.10 loot towns atttl now tlit*v an cunt rrurd about thr lira 11 h rtlre ts Kero|i*( ts where we re .dniost | e .id V to ( iMlstnn t .Hid Wove dropped the piojtM I lifomse the need ‘There is uncertainty in scientific communities about health effects. It is difficult to determine the extent ol health effects because there are no standards to hell) us along.' — Tom McKinnnv Ini ,i gic.itin <■ 11u>ti111 dI piiui i w.is nut .is Iilgli .is li.iil !>«•»• 11 .Hitii ip.iti il liu s.iul t m .iI i'iii’i gy i inisi;I V.11 inn i. mill |msl pilin' in i• i i'ii I'limm.ilr thr nri'il lm i l.irgri pmvri 11rm s in! l.im I )i u• •• -.i• 11 III1 \ i l\ il I'Hgmi'i'i II. . it 1111 11 lh.it i it lli ■ i limit's, ,ni‘ pi is m lili- In", nil", tin- ! i mi 1111111 -1 i i >i is ii iii .i t II >n II sniiii'iiiii' u.Hlts In i mill' up W lilt ,in 1'nlin h ililli ii'Ht 11niti- vvi* will limk .It lll.lt I ll tt'SSl'll s.llil I iigi'in- I’l.mmng ( im1111issnnii• i (.mu's I I list in ..ini pub I ii input w .is v it. 11 tn t liu plill I'SN III lid llllllg it .Hill will'll- .1 puw in liiif is ii'i'ili'il Ui lid'll In ki'i'p 11 s ti'l II llg til wil.lt 1111 k s s.l\ 11-st i ll ii in \ will liu In.ml .it twu up i iiiiimg publii hr,ii mgs 1 i'ii .■ | ,11111 ,’lt Supreme Court hears cases at law school visit Bv Peter ( ogswell t mcrahl Reporter I'lie (tregon Supreme ( milt paid its annual \ isit to the I ui \ ersiH I ..os I enter Iuesda\ hearing tom i ases i hi- \ isit w .is pal t ot the law si him Is legal writing amt re sean li program I he iii st i ase ot the morning session involved the state ash mg thi’ i ourt to overturn a I'lii, ruling that limits the power ot the polii e to < oihIik I i ertuin hmils ot seal 1 lies I he sei ouil morning i as< ile.ill w ith equal lre.ilmenl mi iter tin- law when prosec utors eut a deal with one ilelemlant anil not another said David Sc human al'niversitv law pro lessor 1’he lust i ase ol the afternoon scsMiii) ihidlt with .t <|i11".111>n nl v\ hcthi'i .i trial itiurl v\i• 111 ton Idr in [i.idiling 111mi iIik jiir\ tin' l.ii t lh.it .t lift•-1iil.mt l.nli'il .i hr ill'll'! till tl'St hill' SI'I mill l list' III till' dill I muni si'ssiun was ,i umkris ■ miipi'iisiilInn iimih mu tin til inl.s.sihi I il\ nl nii'iliidl n'pnrts dllt'i I In' riiipli iv i'i s din n nm lids hail idinl.n l with Ih«• rhiiin .mis pin sii i,m I In lii'.iiing vi.is ihr In i 1111 nrvviv .ippinnli'il Snpii'iiu ( mirt lustn r Kii hdi11 l'nis will) u.is ii.iiin'ii In irpl.it r |ns Ini- I l.ins Limir w hn n't nri! I 'nis v\ ,is .ippuillli'il in tin i mu I (an HI In (an \ril ( .nhlsi h in id I I hire nl thr |tjslu i'S w hn at trmlril law M.hunl at thi1 I ill vrisilv writ' ( h 1*'I Insln r l-Iil win | IVtrisnn | list ii i- Kil w an I I adrlrv and |ust uni ms Visiting flu* I ‘nivi*isit\ has spri nil mrumng lor I adrlrv . ului « onsidrrrd tin* oppurtum tv In attend a public I v linanc rd law sc houl onr of tin1 biggest rv nnls m his lilt* l rei Di’in/r luiv\ big an i-U'iil it was In attt'iid law s« houl and therrfnir it is at wa\s good lo i.umr hack said 1 adelev w ho w as a law si hoot honor student when ht* giadu .itt*