Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 06, 1990, Page 5, Image 5

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Ballroom group cuts rug tonight
Ml i !I\l,s
ballroom Dam e ( lull meet',
ill H ill in Korun i 'll
(a'rlillKer .Annex I heir will lie
_Et als_
a short meelini; billowed In an
I it n 11 nt open 'lain mt;
SocioloKV Club and Honor
Sim iety u ill meet tonight .it n
in Room 7 1 4 !'!.(i All interest
cd in joining either group are
invited In attend
University of Ore
Kon/l'niversity of Kl Salvador
Sister Universi!\ I’rojei I meets
tonight .it fi m KMl (ledar
Room I
OSPIRG's Consumer Re
search Kroup meets ttinixht at
ti:,l() in KMl: (ionium Room (!
OSPIRG’s Toxics/Clean Air
Kroup meets 111 n l li t at 7 in
KMl' Suite 1
Student Campaign for Disar
mament meets toniKbl at a at
llie Koinonia Center. 141-1 km
i aid St . tu plan events, non
violence workshops and the
\m*'I II .ill i’l'iU r 1 rst
SI’I.Ak I.RS \\l> III II Kl.s
Kussi.m .mil \merii .in ad
vertising is the lupii ul ,i pri
srntal inn in !»• gi\ i'ii In
I lovouger Westing Iml.n ,il
I in p in m Kt><>111 2 I Alli'ii
I hr li'( lurr is sponsored In I he
Ail I lull
Shelly Krei her and her dogs
tr<>m I’rnjei.t S.tlrrun will hr in
l)\ mriit Lounge ul U .illmi
(iomplex tonight .il (• 10 In talk
about Ihr S.ilrmn program I hr
prrsenlat ion is part n! the
(iounseling Outers l.rcturr
l ibrary Keseari h Workshop
fur using the online i atalog. pe
rinilir.il indexes and spot nil
ized resources will hr held to
day from 2 to I to p in in
Room Ul 1 nf the knight l.i
brarv Sign up is at the Refer
rni r I )rsk
Food and Fitness Issues tor
the College Student is the title
ul a workshop to he held lu
night i! f! Ill I Ml ( nl.it Knoll)
( \lliliil 11 \ students dll' III
t nur.igftl to attend
lire Mill illlnsh nrirnl.itiiin
will hr lii'til Ill Knom I ~ > nl thr
i <>111p111111v: 1 I'tilri tuil.u from
1(1 til III I(0 I hr nririit.itioil
IS .11 .lil.ihlr to .til till tills st.ill
.mil students .mil is geared to
w .11(1 beginners
"Mow to Selei I Qualiti ( hil«t
(lari'" is the title ot .i workshop
to hr ht'ld tonight .it 7 .it l 'ill I.
1 Hill Avr
Deadline lor siihmittini; It
als In the ! mrr.thl trout ilesf
I Ml Suite M)0 is noon the il.n
before puhln .ition I t ats run
the day ot the event unless the
e\ent occurs before noon
Please submit f t als the da i /*•
fare they are to run only. Vo
tires ot events with .1 iton.ition
or admission ehnrfte n ill not he
aiiepted t ain/ws events and
those si hedtilth! nearest the
publii atinn date will he t>iveii
firinrit\ the Knirr.ihl resenes
the nuht to edit notices loi
Hr.uiunai ami style
* $3 / Su-Th $2.50
S ^ O 492 E 13th
• Mi 686-2458
on campus
mnn-i'H i »•**
U»l —t >t «*»*< «
1502 \\ ill.multi
Moii In in .1111 t\ pm
S.iC 10 .im i pm
. . .at the heart of it <
All Work Done on Premises
• Custom Design Jewelry
• Professional Restoration <
• High Quality Gem Materials
School to honor graduates
I lu* (oilegr ot Arts «in<i S( irnc t*s will hmioi 1 > ot it''
^raduatrs with tin* second Deans Alumni At liirvriiicut
Awards during 11 it • indexes annual ivi (igiiiliim ilmiici .mil
ihinte S*itunlay
Russell Tomlin associate protessoi ot lim’uistii s .mil
.ii tin# head ul tin1 cIt*})<iftrn<*nt of last Asian Languages and
i .iteraturcs. will rei eive the 1*1*10 I )ean s i Jevelopnumt \v\ aid
tor his efforts in improving language study at tin* I 'mversity
light ot thr 1 t alumni in ijmmts air expet trd to attend
tlir bv invitation onlv i civ monv on campus to rei eive thru
<j\\ ai ds m pri son I'llUY are Walter It.iht oi k ( biff UXecut I Ve
ottit ri of Bund Krsrari h Ini Kit hard Bra\ .i nativr
I ugeman executor uir prrsidrnt ot Standard () i I. ( hailr
I)•*l/i*lI i itrd as prrhaps thr leading American st hnlai ot
,:tlth < entury Italian history Ihelmn (dt*ruth* Id. to ngm/rd
as onr of thr most d 1st illguishrti KrualssalUr scholars of hrl
generation; John Hunt a Iradrr in high power laser researt h,
Larry 1 ,.iirr vie r i hum bIIoi for public attain tor thr ( )regoit
State System ot 111 t it * r lilni.ition ( olleen Mi ( loud srmoi
v a r pirsidimt and creative mrdia dirritoi tin thr I .os \n
geles oltn r ot tin* adv«*rtising agent \ ! ootr ( onr ami Brid
m*4 ( ommunii atmns tut and David Mnursund pmfrssoi
of thr lntrm.ition.d Sot irt\ tor tn hmdogv in lalmation
Tkc Facility Cluh
AuuoMceA a Campetitimi
Fat a Hew £ aga
Prizes: MOO, $75, $50
Deadline: 2PM, Feb. 28
Information: A. Campbell
Rm 174 Gil., CBA
Ph: x3297, x3353
Jury: A. Keding, M. Friestad,
M. Holcomb, W. Orr, |
J. MacDonald i
urn Your Valentine
Inside Out.
13th & Kincaid M F 7:30-6:00 SAT 10 00 6:00 686-4331
Having a garage sale? Get the word out^ with an OD