_University_ Ballroom group cuts rug tonight Ml i !I\l,s ballroom Dam e ( lull meet', ill H ill in Korun i 'll (a'rlillKer .Annex I heir will lie _Et als_ a short meelini; billowed In an I it n 11 nt open 'lain mt; SocioloKV Club and Honor Sim iety u ill meet tonight .it n in Room 7 1 4 !'!.(i All interest cd in joining either group are invited In attend University of Ore Kon/l'niversity of Kl Salvador Sister Universi!\ I’rojei I meets tonight .it fi m KMl (ledar Room I OSPIRG's Consumer Re search Kroup meets ttinixht at ti:,l() in KMl: (ionium Room (! OSPIRG’s Toxics/Clean Air Kroup meets 111 n l li t at 7 in KMl' Suite 1 Student Campaign for Disar mament meets toniKbl at a at llie Koinonia Center. 141-1 km i aid St . tu plan events, non violence workshops and the \m*'I II .ill i’l'iU r 1 rst SI’I.Ak I.RS \\l> III II Kl.s Kussi.m .mil \merii .in ad vertising is the lupii ul ,i pri srntal inn in !»• gi\ i'ii In I lovouger Westing Iml.n ,il I in p in m Kt><>111 2 I Alli'ii I hr li'( lurr is sponsored In I he Ail I lull Shelly Krei her and her dogs tr<>m I’rnjei.t S.tlrrun will hr in l)\ mriit Lounge ul U .illmi (iomplex tonight .il (• 10 In talk about Ihr S.ilrmn program I hr prrsenlat ion is part n! the (iounseling Outers l.rcturr Series MISt I.I.I.AMX)l S l ibrary Keseari h Workshop fur using the online i atalog. pe rinilir.il indexes and spot nil ized resources will hr held to day from 2 to I to p in in Room Ul 1 nf the knight l.i brarv Sign up is at the Refer rni r I )rsk Food and Fitness Issues tor the College Student is the title ul a workshop to he held lu night i! f! Ill I Ml ( nl.it Knoll) ( \lliliil 11 \ students dll' III t nur.igftl to attend lire Mill illlnsh nrirnl.itiiin will hr lii'til Ill Knom I ~ > nl thr i <>111p111111v: 1 I'tilri tuil.u from 1(1 til III I(0 I hr nririit.itioil IS .11 .lil.ihlr to .til till tills st.ill .mil students .mil is geared to w .11(1 beginners "Mow to Selei I Qualiti ( hil«t (lari'" is the title ot .i workshop to hr ht'ld tonight .it 7 .it l 'ill I. 1 Hill Avr Deadline lor siihmittini; It als In the ! mrr.thl trout ilesf I Ml Suite M)0 is noon the il.n before puhln .ition I t ats run the day ot the event unless the e\ent occurs before noon Please submit f t als the da i /*• fare they are to run only. Vo tires ot events with .1 iton.ition or admission ehnrfte n ill not he aiiepted t ain/ws events and those si hedtilth! nearest the publii atinn date will he t>iveii firinrit\ the Knirr.ihl resenes the nuht to edit notices loi Hr.uiunai ami style GREAT MOVIES LATE NIGHT * $3 / Su-Th $2.50 S ^ O 492 E 13th • Mi 686-2458 I THE ULTIMATE INDOOR TANNING MACHINE Fast Convanianl Ralaimg Affordabla SunShomer on campus mnn-i'H i »•** U»l —t >t «*»*< « GoIdworks_ 1502 \\ ill.multi Moii In in .1111 t\ pm S.iC 10 .im i pm 343-2298 . . .at the heart of it < All Work Done on Premises • Custom Design Jewelry • Professional Restoration < • High Quality Gem Materials School to honor graduates I lu* (oilegr ot Arts «in ot it'' ^raduatrs with tin* second Deans Alumni At liirvriiicut Awards during 11 it • indexes annual ivi (igiiiliim ilmiici .mil ihinte S*itunlay Russell Tomlin associate protessoi ot lim’uistii s .mil .ii tin# head ul tin1 cIt*})