Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 05, 1990, Page 10, Image 10

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Roberts ties meet mark
in Eugene Indoor jump
Bv Ashlt‘\ ( onklin
fmer.tld Sports Reporter
The (Irttgon tr«u k tr.ims
t nntinuer! their prep.ir.ition
lor the spring outiloor sea
son .it I iitlav s luigene In
It was I lie set i nid indoor
meet of the se.isnn loi the
I lilt k te.nus .mil se\end ( In
gun .itliletes li.nl outst.inding
pertoi lit.Hit es
Sophomore high juniper
I .HI I el Kohel ts si .lied > 1 It to
Hot tilth u in the ev fill hut
tie the meet rei ord held h\
( hiri 11.1 Westovei Kohel Is
winning height also eipi.ded
hei Im s| outdoor mark of last
Also turning in nupie-sit'e
pel to! main es Hen Rosie
\\ illianis hamala kohl
meiei ( tirlis Wilson and I’e
dm daSilva
\\ ilfiam.s vv ho w on the
> i meiei dash at the I S
U esl kt )l\ llldool in Port
laud last month, had an eus\
time ot It 111 the all meter
dash this tone winning in
i. ill 1 eammates I am ie \\ d
hams and Koherts were set
olid and thud respet liveh
hoth i li m k i ng 11 .
filings were reversed in
Ilir ilHJnielei i j.i-!i ,i-. I ..mi ie
\\ illiams \\n|] m II! .mil
Komi' \ViIIi.ints whs m'i.oiuI
,il t. il
hnldmeier seeking 1,1 I"'
i oiiii' I.mull.ii w ilh tin' Imp
t.ithlon this season wiin tin1
'ill mrli’i hurdles nvi'i tiii
iii<-I ( iregon st.ir Stefame
I limti’i i lot king 7 l l
KoliliinMi'i also took mm mill
m tin' high lump al i 1
\\ iIson v\ Ini won tin' 'lint
said dash in I 'i irt l.i in I i mi
tinned Ins w inning w ass on
thr uuloor oval w inning tin
ItlO-nieter dash in Ci I.
I I.iSiIv.i w ho was sis oud
in thr di i athlotl at last
M il s \< \ \ outdoor i ham
|unnships. won both thr al
meter hurdles and thr long
In iho hurdles. daSilva
I j. h L i-d l.i,' and tin'll Hew
i t m tin- long jump to lira!
leaminatc Speni el U illiams
I i iph jumpers |ohnn\
I as ioi and Kim t arlisle holli
tin ni'd in s a tin ms I as h it
wenl It! to w in the men's
triple jump and (arlisle
jumped ill H
l uii veteran ()iegim thin
i lads |ose deSou/u and 1.1/
U iIson ss on e\ ents i unipet
mg imadai lied
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( unlmurd from l*dj;r H
(fregnn w i>111• 191 I dii' though
• md ,1 Mixon thru*' pointer tti'd
I hi! SI I Iff til i t i t
Moments later Hoh I ilr
siiircd inside uni! .i Mixon
three pointer gave Oregon .1
tiH till le.tiI with i Hi ieni.iin
ing its In st le.td sini e 2 0
( .d responded w ith two
straight thlee point homhs .md
Liter led • 7 t on .i Hill I Ileh\
three pointei w it It 1 J ' to pint
Hiiindon nailed two free
throws w ith 1 1 t left to lie the
game .it rr> rr»
Instead of holding the hall
and running some time off the
i lot k the ( ,olden Heats went
for the si ore earl\ as Smith
looked inside to I tendril k
Smith’s pass went off the bat k
hoard hut liendrit k i orralled
it -a ored was tooled and i om
(deled the tlnee point plav gi\
mg ( ,d a H lead
Mixon missed a tie\ on ( )ie
gun's next trip, hot Rii hard far
. as gratified the rehoond Lot as
fell in the ke\ and got op on
one kite! I tespite not i ollllllg
( omplelely op on hotli feet for
what would ha\e been a travel
mg violation I an as was railed
toi the trav el am w av
I lie I )m k s si 111 had a i haiH e
as Ko\ I i.sher i ommilted a trav
e! and gave ( fregon tin ha 11
w ith J 1 I n ks on I le- i loi k
Again Mixon had an open
three-point tiv hot the shot
wouldn’t fall I irndrn k
grabbed I In • rebound ,md was
immi'iluli'lv louleil Hi' hit om
nl Iwii free throws will) nine1
sei i.itjds remaining In 141 \f the
(addon lie,11 s ,1 70 1 le,id
Itrandon nit ml dow n court
and Ini .1 three pointer w illi
Inn set mills left In pull the
I Jut ks within 70 7H .is Oregon
immediateU 1 .died lime
(In the mbnunds pit)\ i ishei
threw the hull deep fin Klloln
who grabbed il <md ran nut the
clock for lire (la I win
Smith and the (addon Hears
had an answer Ini everything
the I )ui ks did in the ser und
hall and allei the game Ke\ n
olds had nothing but praise foi
( id
riles plus eil s\ ell Ulldei
pressure Kes Holds s.nd I s
erstime ss e got .1 two 01 .1 three
tires would get .1 three-pointer
or gel .1 three point plus
besides Smith’s gti points.
I lendr rr k udded _M) points rind
nine rebounds
Mixon hit ~ of 14 I hree point
attempts to finish ss itlr 2 1
points llis snsen three pointers
ssere .1 one g,one si I100I rer old
lie .rlso h.is 14 tress on the sen
son. lue,iking f4,ink lohnson s
school record of 11! set lust sen
Intramural Results
Men's basketball
Fantasy Warehouse 74, Posse 44
Alpha Tau Omega II A 46, Blazed 44
Ruthless 46, Sigma Alpha I psilon 4}
Arc h Rivals del. VViz kid & Co. (forfeit)
Sheri’s Kids 47f MO Mashers 44
Alpha Tan Omega II B 54, learn ( orn 46
The BIP 47, Happv Hoopers 45
Hawaiian Kane 49, Korean Students 45
Men's Racquetball
Phi Delta Theta II det. Sigma Alpha I psilon III (4-0)
Phi kappa Psi II A del. l ambda Chi Alpha I (4-0)
I he Crusaders del. I heta Chi II (4-0)
Phi Delta Theta I del Theta Chi I 0'orteit)
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