Sports Roberts ties meet mark in Eugene Indoor jump Bv Ashlt‘\ ( onklin fmer.tld Sports Reporter The (Irttgon tr«u k tr.ims t nntinuer! their lor the spring outiloor sea son .it I iitlav s luigene In door It was I lie set i nid indoor meet of the se.isnn loi the I lilt k te.nus .mil se\end ( In gun .itliletes outst.inding pertoi lit.Hit es Sophomore high juniper I .HI I el Kohel ts si .lied > 1 It to Hot tilth u in the ev fill hut tie the meet rei ord held h\ ( hiri 11.1 Westovei Kohel Is winning height also eipi.ded hei Im s| outdoor mark of last season Also turning in nupie-sit'e pel to! main es Hen Rosie \\ illianis hamala kohl meiei ( tirlis Wilson and I’e dm daSilva \\ ilfiam.s vv ho w on the > i meiei dash at the I S U esl kt )l\ llldool in Port laud last month, had an eus\ time ot It 111 the all meter dash this tone winning in i. ill 1 eammates I am ie \\ d hams and Koherts were set olid and thud respet liveh hoth i li m k i ng 11 . filings were reversed in Ilir ilHJnielei i j.i-!i ,i-. I ..mi ie \\ illiams \\n|] m II! .mil Komi' \ViIIi.ints whs m'i.oiuI ,il t. il hnldmeier seeking 1,1 I"' i oiiii' I.mull.ii w ilh tin' Imp t.ithlon this season wiin tin1 'ill mrli’i hurdles nvi'i tiii iii<-I ( iregon Stefame I limti’i i lot king 7 l l KoliliinMi'i also took mm mill m tin' high lump al i 1 \\ iIson v\ Ini won tin' 'lint said dash in I 'i irt l.i in I i mi tinned Ins w inning w ass on thr uuloor oval w inning tin ItlO-nieter dash in Ci I. I I.iSiIv.i w ho was sis oud in thr di i athlotl at last M il s \< \ \ outdoor i ham |unnships. won both thr al meter hurdles and thr long jump In iho hurdles. daSilva I j. h L i-d l.i,' and tin'll Hew i t m tin- long jump to lira! leaminatc Speni el U illiams I i iph jumpers |ohnn\ I as ioi and Kim t arlisle holli tin ni'd in s a tin ms I as h it wenl It! to w in the men's triple jump and (arlisle jumped ill H l uii veteran ()iegim thin i lads |ose deSou/u and 1.1/ U iIson ss on e\ ents i unipet mg imadai lied \ ^ Playing the weight game? Get off the diet roller coaster * and learn how to take care of ^ your body and eat for a lifetime ^ of weight management. This ^ isn't a diet - it’s a lifestyle. jj A 4 week workshop by the Student Health Center Lifestyle Planning Program. Meetings are from 3:30-5:00 Wednesdays Feb. 7, 14, 21 & 28 Health Center Medical Library. Call 686-4456 to preregister and for more information. California ( unlmurd from l*dj;r H remaining (fregnn w i>111• 191 I dii' though • md ,1 Mixon thru*' pointer tti'd I hi! SI I Iff til i t i t Moments later Hoh I ilr siiircd inside uni! .i Mixon three pointer gave Oregon .1 tiH till le.tiI with i Hi ieni.iin ing its In st sini e 2 0 ( .d responded w ith two straight thlee point homhs .md Liter led • 7 t on .i Hill I Ileh\ three pointei w it It 1 J ' to pint Hiiindon nailed two free throws w ith 1 1 t left to lie the game .it rr> rr» Instead of holding the hall and running some time off the i lot k the ( ,olden Heats went for the si ore earl\ as Smith looked inside to I tendril k Smith’s pass went off the bat k hoard hut liendrit k i orralled it -a ored was tooled and i om (deled the tlnee point plav gi\ mg ( ,d a H lead Mixon missed a tie\ on ( )ie gun's next trip, hot Rii hard far . as gratified the rehoond Lot as fell in the ke\ and got op on one kite! I tespite not i ollllllg ( omplelely op on hotli feet for what would ha\e been a travel mg violation I an as was railed toi the trav el am w av I lie I )m k s si 111 had a i haiH e as Ko\ I i.sher i ommilted a trav e! and gave ( fregon tin ha 11 w ith J 1 I n ks on I le- i loi k Again Mixon had an open three-point tiv hot the shot wouldn’t fall I irndrn k grabbed I In • rebound ,md was immi'iluli'lv louleil Hi' hit om nl Iwii free throws will) nine1 sei i.itjds remaining In 141 \f the (addon lie,11 s ,1 70 1 le,id Itrandon nit ml dow n court and Ini .1 three pointer w illi Inn set mills left In pull the I Jut ks within 70 7H .is Oregon immediateU 1 .died lime (In the mbnunds pit)\ i ishei threw the hull deep fin Klloln who grabbed il mobile insurance, most health insurance plans and Oregon worker s compensation offer chiropractic coverage. C all C raig Halter ICC today for consultation The Chiropractic Healing Center 187? Willamette . I ugene . OR THE ULTIMATE INDOOR TANNING MACHINE Fast Convenient Relaxing Affordable SunShower on campus lesmi'iui i)>* NOW ONLY $22.PPd I' -* Holptnk I’m pi* 11 bliM K..*jl lutij HU* k M n* 1 r •*' »‘l •’«*! I I ->il SMI Mi |>pil \M NX VI in Kt»«jl I.’h l hnl \ i\j Mi lii hjn(r Uhl II \jinl*. i ^iMunlrril Nli>«rilllHJ I m I Hill 1(144 (Klrrtillr. M \ 02hiS (jll I HIM) !tor> 477ri of ,'>IIKI 4-'H4l7ti Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU •^n YOU 60IN6 FUGHT TO UMP AGAIN / THAT'S RJ6HT, MICHAEL. THATS UHY\ 160TD BEV J.J., THERE ARE OTHER REASONS TO GOTOBEV OR HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN' bing Cherry Palace Fashion Name Brands at a fraction of the price 50% off many items lit ^ • SKI I • (ONSKA f>2 West 13th Ave. ilk'lurcn V\ illaiiirltc >S < )lne) 344-4X1I 1 lain-spm Mon-Sat