Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 29, 1990, Page 12, Image 12

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    __Monday In-Depth
( ontinued Irom P.im* I 1
i .m complete hrr thesis muc h
Miniin ih.ui nnqm.ills pi.inni'il
In .1 l.irqer < • >1111• xI ( -ivi'iidi>r
S.IS s sill’ iH'IUnfS t IlCll .1*. llt'W
let Imnli iqs I'Np.imls tin' ri'.ilm
ill possibilities fcit pi-npli' with
111 s.il ii 111 it's si ii ii't \ ’ s mil.in .it
lltuilc“s will III' exposed
( ,isendor i'\pl.lim'd \riuTi
i .1 s pi>ri i'pt inns of people ss it Ii
ilis.iliililirs i ii-.ilr .i str.uiK1'
Mims si'i' tiis.ilih'il people
.is mi omplelr shf s.is s
Hut mi tin- i it In •[ It.mil ss lirii
ii is.ilili'ii pi-npli' .in' .ilili' tn
Inin linn norm.ills Ilii'\ .in
si'i'll .is siipi i pi*iipli'
l lii'ii' is iin ill hi'tss i t'll
sill' S.IS s
Milll'l '..IS S till ll'l Ills slipi'l
i up .mil clis.ilih'iI s.iint .ui
usi'il l.niqhmqls lis pi'ciplu with
ilisuhililii's whim i.dkmq .ilmul
(Ills p.lI.lllllS
Hut these .ittituih" .in- lii'mi:
exposed .is people with tiis.ihll
it ics ti<'limn' more .11 I is r in
schools m the ssurkpl.ii i .mil
III .ill .tie.is nt sin lets - ( ..is enclill
s.is s
It ii i.i k es us .is mills ill mils
.mil .is .i university .isk our
seises Wh.it .ill' mil hidden
pri'lllillies .ihcilil clis.ihleil pen
pli"’ she s.is s
i’luKiriuK the < me ks
I he new equipment .uul ser
s n es ,ui inlencleii priinurils Ini
those students ssliu ( .isemlni
s.iss t.ill Ih11111u11 the (.rucks'
nl the qnseiiimenl.il support
ss stem
Die Oregon I ommixsinn fur
tile liliml provides spel ltd set
vires fur students with severe
visual iinpinrineiits .uni the
stiite's Vocational Keh.iliiht.i
Iicmi l)r. isiuu siipp>u ls hearing
itnpnired students
Hut there nre students who
•ire visiiidh ur hearing i in
paired ur u tin <ue le.iruing dis
aided vv 1111 nil'll lint f|iialil\ tor
slat, funded mile takers, test
re.iders in lulu!s ( ,avendur
suv s
Het ause the (iregon ( aimmis
sion lui the lllind null supports
undergraduate students the
\M ( ) and administration
giants also target disaliled grad
ll.lle students
Students 111 emeigem \ situa
lions someone with a hmkeii
arm who i annul take notes let
example make up a nothin
group the funds were intended
In support, A tape reeorder fui
u i lading lei lures would lie a
pussihie solution now nv.ntahh
through the student si-rvu ex III
111 e
Statew ide response
\s the in.I! nt the adaptive
tei Illlotogv bourn has begun to
rumble from the heights of n
business onto the plateaus ■!
hlgllei eilin uhun t begun s i ..I
leges and universities have ri
al led
The stale s lout veal politic
institutions have moved to get
III on the ait. some hallmglv
and others in a headlong rush
A lai k i it aw areiiess and
890 E. 13th
Eugene OR 97401
binding .in' liii' must lominou
problems sever.i! represent.)
lives from disabled student
groups s.i\
I hi tiris s< him! vein the st.ite
.illoileil Son non In support dis
allied slUilents at Oregon's
eight i olleges .mil universities
( .ivenilm s.inl
S ill 110(1 ol tli.it was tiseii up
in l.ill lei in illone. she s.ini
I'SI l.igs hehmil
lolli) Kumler. < n direr tor ol
tile Itls.ihleil SlUilents I llion .it
I’ortland St.ile tniversitv sa\s
lie believes I’M l.igs behind in
| ii i id mg ti ii d ts.iblr student)
I don't think enough set
\ ii es are provided .it I’M he
s.ivs ' 'There hasn't been a
strong enough effort to upgrade
in this area
Sin Keggiani adinmistial i\e
assistant at I’M s I landii apped
Students (Mine sals Ijei ol
In es el 11 ill s are limited be
I Ilise the oil II e does lull ha\ • a
In order to pu k lip the slat k
I'orlland an a groups have i nm
In led In mis to install a kurz
well Keadet at I'SI Keggiani
sav s
I low e\ ei even after funding
■ .line through some students
i nmpl.lined ol simpK not
knowing the ei|ut|iment was
t Hinton l.iudgren a blind
student at I'SI sa\s that ai
though the hur/.weil Reader
has bci'ii available tor iivrt .1
vi .it In- just ret riitl\ Itimtil out
,liltmt it
Niul now tli.it I want to use
it there's no one to show me
Iniw It works In- s.i\ s
(INI irorn
Disabled students .it Oregon
Stale t'niversilv late then own
problems s,i\s l.an\ Smith
|iresident ot (IS! s Disabled
Students (Irgani/at ion
Despite tin1 problems dis
aided students fm e. .1 riffle ot
e\( itemenl 1 .111 lie delec led in
main students' vui< ex when
asked about new pnssiliilities
(laveiuior s.nx she hopes the
1 niversitv "s Student Servic es
( Mile e i ,111 1 ontinue to prov ide
reasons lor this excitement, de
spile an an of uni ertainlv that
surrounds the issue ot future
Miller says the terms "super-crip" and
"disabled saint" are used laughingly by
people with disabilities.
\ blind student's threat III
mic ()SI l.isl vi’.ir it .nIt•(j11,iI• ■
scr\ k es u crcn l provided
|irimi|ilc(l ,i Slid DUU grant this
st liiinl vc. n ft it adaptive (tun
point c(|iil|iilicnl Smith savs
I n itl it .t 11 \ mm th.it ncu
equipment is iivaibible some
ill it IS on the third I It II it III .1
building that has nn elevator
he savs
lata \ ciIs head iil the third
Moor Special Services Project,
savs i OU use lots will meet |ill\ s
it ally disabled students on the
building's first Hoot and other
i onipulers also are available
elsevv here on t arnpus
Nevertheless Smith savs he
believes it is not lair to lot ale a
program lor the disabled in an
itint i essible building
rhc past nr,ml-. (Ii.it pur
i hased the most ret enl <•<111i|>
muni .uni servii us v\urn mil1
limu allotments made eat h
vu.ii I hu simlrnl survit us iil
In u u ill m.iku ,1 proposal In thu
\St () .mil I hu .iilministnil inn
Ini iiu\! vu.ii s funds .liter .is
sussing i hanges in thu .student
piipnl.iluni .mil needs lli.it ma\
llul .it this point I '.tv unilm
s,i\s sfiu has no idea how mm h
mnnev vv il I hu given
( h end I though I m endor is
uptimistir I lav ing seen a
slough ol new equipment and
i omputurs arriv e on rumpus
she links the (last vv 11li the fu
lure m one simple statement
I hese are all just begin
nings. ' she sav s
Signature appeal
Hugene's most prominent novelist, kei i kesev I left I. and student co-authors sign
topics (it Caverns the hoof kese\ •mil I-I students wrote in .1 novel writing class Inst
vi sir. .it the I niversit\ Hoof store koine waited in line for two hours S, third, n to f^et ,i
Photo by Steve Card
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